Chapter 15: Birth

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Loki walked to Mobius' door and pulled down the note. "Look behind you." It read. Loki flipped around and saw a teddy bear sitting there. "Oh, Möbius." Loki said. "It's for Evelyn, but I thought you might want it to be like I was hugging you." Möbius said. "I am honoured, now what is this sires name?" Loki said. "Sir Stuffy." Möbius said. Loki began chuckling. "Well then I will honor Sir Stuffy until his new friend is born." Loki said. "How far along are you?" Möbius said. "About seven months." Loki said. "It's almost time then..." Möbius said. "Have you started the nursery?" Möbius said. "I'm keeping a bassinet beside our bed, but I have been working with Frigga on it some. I just need to find some baby clothes." Loki said. "I can't believe how soon Evelyn will be here." Loki said as he put a hand on his stomach. "Is everything alright?" Möbius said as he could hear him sniffling. "Everything's fine." Loki said. Loki sat down on the concrete and sighed, "I'm being forced to go to my water aerobics class again. I've got to go." Loki said. "Do it for Asgard." Möbius said as Loki punched the door. "Never say that again." Loki said as he chuckled. After the class, Möbius was outside of Loki's door. "How was class sweetheart." Möbius said. "Tiring. Im already in bed, Möbius." Loki admitted. "Not by the door today." Möbius said. "Not today." Loki said. Möbius heard his footsteps to the door, and heard him sit down. "You have a blanket on you." Möbius could see it under the door. "Yeah. I am just really tired..." Loki said. "It's alright. If you fall asleep, I will stay right here." Möbius said. "I brought my stuff to sleep too." Möbius said. Loki stood up and got a pillow and laid down. "You down too." Loki asked. "Yep. It's like midnight so I think everyone else is asleep." Möbius said. Loki chuckled and pulled the blanket tighter over him. "Goodnight, Mobius." Loki said. "Goodnight, Loki." Möbius said. At like three, he heard him get back up on the bed. His snoring was almost comforting to him, because he knew it meant he felt safe enough to sleep around him. At around nine, Frigga woke Möbius up and he went back downstairs. She walked inside and found Loki fast asleep on the end. "Loki?" Frigga said as she shook his arm. "Mother?" Loki said as he sat up. "I wanted to talk to you about last minute venue changes." Frigga said. "You still want to do the stables." She asked. "Yes. I do. I want the stables, so I can have my dream under the stars wedding. That's what I want." Loki said. "Perfect." Frigga said. "Only seven more days." Loki said as she left. Möbius sat up with a purpose. Today he was going to pick up his tuxedo. He walked through the town with Thor who helped him pay and everything. "How are you feeling?" Thor asked him. "No cold feet or anything." He added. "Nope. Just excited to finally get to see him again." Möbius said. The same afternoon, Sif and Loki went and picked up the dress. "This feels wrong." Loki said as he hung it up in his room. "What do you mean?" Sif said. "This is a huge step in my life." Loki said. "You are finally settling down, and you are going to have a family." Sif said. Loki nodded as the baby kicked again. "Is she active today?" Sif asked. "Very.." Loki admitted as he sat down on the bed. Sif put a hand on his stomach and she kicked again. She just laughed as he sat there in silence. "I feel defeated. She does that to everyone but me." Loki said. "I feel her kicks and movements but when I put my hand down she stops immediately." He added. Sif just chuckled. "Put your hand down." Sif said. Loki sighed and leaned back on the bed before putting a hand on his stomach. Sif just waited in silence. "OH." Loki said. "Oh what." Sif said. "It's a tight sensation. Feeling a lot of pressure. Get Frigga." Loki cried out. Sif ran down the halls and found Frigga in her room. "Something is wrong with the baby." Sif said. Frigga practically sprinted through the halls. "Hey." She said as she found Loki heavy breathing on the bed. "It hurts." He moaned out. "Let's get you to the healers." Frigga said. Thor carried him to them. "He's in labor." The healers said. Loki moaned as the pressure worsened. "It's a bit early isn't it." Frigga asked. "Knowing his frost giant parentage. I think he's right on time." The main healer said. Loki just moaned as Frigga held his hand. "Get Möbius. Tell him he's in labor." Frigga said. Thor ran downstairs. "Möbius. Loki is in labor." Thor said as Mobius ran out of the room and ran upstairs. "Where is he?" Möbius said. The room had been emptied before Möbius got there. "Hey." Möbius said. Loki had been given an epidural to help him with the pain. "I'm sorry for ruining the wedding." Loki said. "Oh honey." Möbius said. Loki just moaned again as his stomach tightened again. "You didn't ruin anything. The baby just decided she was ready." Möbius said as he kissed his forehead. "The wedding may just have to wait." Möbius said as he looked at Frigga. He held Loki's hand as he breathed. "Has your water broke yet?" Möbius said. "No. But I really have to pee." Loki said. "Let's get you up." Möbius said. He walked him to the bathroom and allowed him to breathe through contractions. "Feel better." Möbius asked. "Much better." Loki admitted. The nurses walked in and checked him. "3 centimetres dilated." They told Möbius. "Look at us. Not even married and getting ready to bring our little miracle into the world." Möbius said. "Hilarious." Loki said as they began hooking him to machines. "I was afraid because last night I was having Braxton hicks and I assured myself they were nothing." Loki said. "Apparently you were wrong." Möbius said. "I think she just wanted to have an early entrance." Loki said as he smiled. "You look gorgeous right now." Möbius said. "I'm literally bringing your child into the world. I'm covered in sweat." Loki said. "Makes you even prettier." Möbius said. He kissed his partners forehead as he fell asleep. He woke Möbius up gripping his hand with everything he had. "Baby. What's wrong?" Möbius said. "She's coming." Loki said. "Like now.." Möbius said. Möbius stood up and ran for the nurses. They walked in and checked him. "He's complete." One of the nurses said. Loki moaned as the next contraction hit. Möbius let him squeeze his hand. "There went his water." One of the nurses said. Möbius just chuckled as Loki shook. "It's okay, baby. She's going to be here before you know it." Mobius said as he stood up. Loki's legs were shaking and he knew he was beyond nervous. "You ready?" One of the nurses said. Loki gave a weak nod as the urge to push overcame him. "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10." "Deep breath." "There you go." One of the nurses said. "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10." "Big push. Big push." One of the nurses said. "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10." "Good job." The nurses kept saying. Möbius knew Loki was in a world of his own at this point. He could feel the sheer amount of pain he was in. "Deep breath. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10." "Keep going. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10." "Good job." The nurses said again. Loki just groaned out something as the head crowned. "Deep breaths. You don't want to tear." One of the nurses said. Möbius looked at the time, it was almost 3 in the morning. "You got this." He whispered to him. He pushed the hair back off his face. They had made a bet at the beginning of his pregnancy that he would give birth by 3 o'clock. Or at the stroke of 2. Loki had said it would be 2, and Möbius had said 3. Whoever was right was the winner, and would be top at the end of the night. Loki moaned out and screamed as the head came out. He bore down again as he pushed. "Good job." One of the nurses said. "One more big push." The nurses said as Loki pushed her out. "You have a healthy baby girl." The nurses said as they placed her on his chest. Loki began to cry as Mobius moved closer to him. "Hello." Loki said softly. She began to cry and Loki only held her closer. "She's beautiful." Loki said. Möbius just smiled and looked in awe of them. "She was born at exactly 3." Möbius said. "You have to be joking." Loki said as they took her to clean her off. "Look at the birth certificate." Möbius said. "You pushed her out at 3." He added. "I have no words." Loki said as he kissed him. "You just gave birth babe. How did that feel?" Möbius said. "I'm tired. I want to take a nap, but I know that is a thing of the past now." Loki said as Mobius handed him some food. "You were in labor for 7 hours. I think you deserve a sandwich." Möbius said. Loki chuckled as Frigga walked in the room. "How is she?" "Doing well." Möbius said. Frigga just smiled. "How are you feeling, Loki?" She said. "Dead tired." Loki said as Frigga walked over and hugged him. "I'm so proud of you." She said. "Why?" Loki asked. "You actually told someone how you were feeling. If you would have been by yourself you probably would have hurt yourself." Frigga said. "It honestly wasn't that bad at first. I am just thankful Sif was there to help me." Loki said as Sif walked in. "I can't believe you." Sif said. "You literally went into labor while I was sitting with you." Sif said. "I was not in control, I had been in pain for days." Loki said. "My magic must have set her off." Loki said. "Did you try something?" Frigga asked. "I may have tried to cast a protection spell the day before but I didn't expect anything from it." Loki admitted. Frigga just sighed, "You sent yourself into labor, Loki... It's alright, you didn't know." Frigga said. "We are postponing the wedding until you feel better, but I am not making you two do the fourteen again." Frigga said.  "Why would we postpone? I feel fine." Loki said. "I assure you I can do this." He added. "Are you sure?" Frigga said. "Positive." Loki said as Mobius wrapped his arms around him. The baby was given back to him and he was able to breastfeed while they finished up the preparations. They released him from the hospital and there wasn't a second that he wasn't taking care of Evelyn. "I need to help you." Loki said. "You just gave birth." Möbius said. "I've got this." He told him. He set her in the bassinet as he helped them finish putting stuff up. Möbius saw him grimacing as he tried to pick something up. "Baby. Why don't you sit down. I said we had this." Möbius said. Loki just kissed him as they finished putting the boxes down. "You should be resting." Frigga told him. "I will." Loki said. They finished setting up and Loki and Möbius walked to their room together and Mobius and Loki sat with the baby together. "She's beautiful." Möbius said. Loki just smiled. She woke up and started crying so Loki changed her before feeding her again. "How are you going to feed her at the wedding?" Möbius asked. "I'll do it." Loki said. "I'm already missing your bump." Möbius said. Loki just chuckled. "I mean we can do it again." Loki said. "Only if you want to. I think Evelyn will need a sibling." Loki said. They put Evelyn in the bassinet as she fell asleep and Loki stripped his clothes off. Frigga ran in the room. "I will never understand you two." She said. "Don't you know the 3 weeks you have to be abstinent. You could cause yourself infection." Frigga said as she chuckled. "I didn't know that. Thanks for telling me." Loki said. Möbius just chuckled as she walked out. "Your mother just walked in on us having sex for the second time." Möbius said. "I'm sure it won't be the last." Loki said as he kissed him. "Even with your boxers on you look hot." Möbius said. "Möbius!" Loki said. "Not in front of the baby." He added. "You literally just stripped yourself." Möbius said. "That's different." Loki said. "Not really." Möbius said as he helped Loki get reclothed. "I'm hurting, Möbius." Loki said as Mobius laid on him. "You want me to get you some pain medicine." Möbius said. "Mhmm." Loki said as he wrapped his robe tighter around him. When Möbius walked back in he found him talking to Evelyn. "You are so cute. You know that right." Möbius said as Loki started to blush. "Did you get my medicine?" Loki asked. "Frigga also gave me a hot water bottle." Möbius said. Loki just sighed and handed Möbius the baby. "I hurt so bad babe." Loki said. " I know." Möbius said. "How can I help?" Möbius asked. "Just rub my back." Loki said. "Serious question." Möbius said. "How did it come out?" He added.

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