Chapter 2: Realization

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Möbius sat with Renslayer in her office. "The Timekeepers want to put an end to all of this variant business. How is the hunt going for the new Loki?" She asked him. "It is going well. We will be going out to research in the library later." Möbius said. "Just keep me posted." Renslayer said. Möbius walked out of the office to find him standing there. "How long have you been waiting?" Möbius asked. "A few minutes." Loki replied. "I wanted to help you. That's what friends are for." He added. Möbius chuckled and walked with him to the library as they got the papers and began searching through them. It was still rather early and he still felt rather strange. Möbius just watched him closely to make sure he was alright. "You feeling okay?" He asked him. "I'm fine." Loki replied as he continued flipping through the pages. Suddenly, he went ghastly pale and ran for the bathroom. "I knew it." Möbius said as he was shushed by the librarian. Loki walked back in, and sat back down. "You feel better?" Möbius asked. Loki just nodded and kept reading. They sat together until they finally figured it out. "I cannot believe that you are actually good at this." Möbius said as they walked through the halls back to their room. "Möbius." Loki said softly. "Yes." He quickly replied. "Stop acting like I am an invalid. Please, I've been through this several times. Just treat me like normal. This doesn't make me any different, and for the love of everything. Just STOP." Loki said. "What's wrong?" He asked him as they stopped in the middle of the hallway. "I'm just tired." He said. He walked in their room and took a shower as he heard voices. Renslayer and Möbius were arguing over how they should have already started hunting the variant. "What is taking you two so long?" She said aloud as she looked around the room. "We are trying to figure everything out. Just give us some time." Möbius said. "If you don't figure it out, I am going to put someone else on the case." Renslayer told him. "You are only using him. We should have pruned him." Renslayer said as she walked out and slammed the door. Loki sighed and finished washing his hair. Möbius walked into the bathroom and began stripping off his clothes before getting in the shower with him. "What are you doin-" He was cut off by Möbius clashing his lips against his. Loki moaned as he began kissing him. Möbius moved closer and began moving on him. They helped each other bathe and got out together. Möbius wrapped a towel around him and helped him get dried off. "I love you." He told him. Loki pulled on his shirt and kissed him. "I love you more." He said. "Are we going to talk about the elephant in the room?" Möbius said. Loki just nodded and put on pants before getting in bed with him. "What are we going to tell everyone?" Loki said. "The truth, Lokes." Möbius said. He leaned his head onto Möbius' chest and let out a sigh. "I'm hungry." He said softly. "Oh really." Möbius said. "It's almost midnight, and you are hungry." Möbius said. "That's correct." Loki said. "I'll go get you something. What do you want?" He asked him. "I don't know. That's why I am coming with you." Loki said as he put on his slippers. They walked through the darkened hallways and laughed together until they got to the dining room. "Looks like they only have fruit and leftover sandwiches." Möbius said. "I'll take the sandwich, I guess." Loki said. He picked up two of the wrapped sandwiches and walked off with Möbius. They sat down at their table and he let him eat. "Why didn't you eat earlier?" Möbius asked. "I wasn't hungry then." He said. He finished the sandwiches and they walked down the hallway together only to be stopped by Renslayer. "What are you two doing?" She asked. "Nothing." Möbius said. "It was nothing." Loki repeated. "You both are terrible liars. Just tell me." Ravonna said. "He was hungry so we went and got some food. He hadn't eaten because he doesn't like eating alone." Möbius said. "I understand. Did they still have stuff out, they usually put everything away." Ravonna said. "They still had a few things." Loki said as he moved closer to Möbius. "I was just wondering, because you two are never out this late." Renslayer said. "Well thanks for checking." Möbius said as they walked away. He saw him reach in his pocket and unwrap another sandwich. "You mischievous scamp." Möbius said. Which only made him smile.

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