Chapter 3: In Sickness

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Möbius woke up to the sound of him puking yet again. He walked in the bathroom and began rubbing his back to try to help aid the process. Loki groaned and stood up before wiping off his mouth. He ran himself a shower and changed clothes before getting back in bed. Möbius wrapped his arms around him and fell back asleep. By the time, Loki woke up he was gone. He found a note next to the bed, and walked to the cafeteria. He was greeted by Casey and he sat down across from him. They chatted and he stood up to go to Möbius' office. He arrived in his office and sat as Möbius worked. "What are you doing?" Mobius said as he watched him flip through his magazines. "Nothing important, why?" Loki said. "Renslayer wants to see you." Möbius said. "Alright." Loki said as they walked down the hallway together. "But you are coming in with me. You understand." Loki said sternly. "Oh I know." Mobius said. They walked into her office together and sat down in chairs across from each other. "I am sure you two know why I brought you here." Renslayer said. "Not really." Loki said. Möbius just nodded in confirmation. "We got confirmation on the Variant, and we need you two to go get it." She told them. "We need you two to leave by this afternoon." She added. "Got it." Loki said as he stood up to leave and Möbius followed behind. They walked out and he saw him run for the bathroom. Möbius walked in and began rubbing his back as he puked. He finished and wiped off his mouth before they went to their room and changed. "You ready?" Möbius asked him. "Ready as I'll ever be." He replied as he fixed Mobius' tie. They kissed and then they walked out. They met with the Hunters and had their briefing which Loki just stared forward through. He was trying to will the nausea to go away. He took a sip of his water and sat down in the chair next to all of them. They just kept talking and he put his head in his hands which caused Möbius to stop and come check on him. "You okay?" He whispered as he sat next to him. He just shook his head no in response. The Hunters walked off to go get their weapons as Mobius let him lean against him. "It's alright." He told him. Loki just sighed, "If I get sick. You won't tell them." He said softly. "Of course I won't." Möbius replied. "You just need to rest." He told him. "You promise." Loki told him. "I promise." He told him as he wrapped his arms around him. They stood up and went to the next location. They walked together and walked in the tent. The Hunters checked the location and didn't find anything. Loki walked around with him closely behind. "She's been here." He said aloud. "It's a trap. You guys need to get out before someone gets hurt." Loki said. Mobius just stood next to him, and said. "I can tell when you lie." He told him. Loki sighed and stood in the corner of the tent and tried to use his magic. "I can feel her." He told Mobius. "Who can you feel?" Möbius said. He saw tears streaming down his face. "Our baby. I can feel her." Loki said. "Oh." Mobius said as he stood next to him.  The Hunters started heading back to the TVA as Mobius stood with Loki as he cried. "It's alright, Loki." He told him. He began rubbing his shoulder as they walked out of the tent. Möbius took out his temped and they went back to the TVA. They sat in the library and tried to figure out the variants next location. Möbius studied the papers with him as he watched him fall asleep. He tapped his arm and challenged him until the they found it. "Nexus events." Loki said. "She's picking nexus events. With no survivors." He added. They stood up to go get food. They sat down together and Loki used Mobius' salad as a demonstration. After they finished, Loki ate the demonstration salad. "How can you eat that?" Möbius said. "I'm hungry, Mobius." Loki said as he finished the salad. "But you mixed juice in with it." Möbius said as he chuckled. "It tasted fine." Loki replied as he chuckled. They took the tempad and went to Pompeii. Möbius saw him turn ghastly pale and puke behind a pillar. "You have to see a doctor." Möbius told him. He let out heaving breaths as he puked. "It's alright." He told him as he kept puking. Loki finally wiped off his mouth. He changed things and released goats as the volcano erupted and they left. "It's Nexus Events." They both said at the same time.

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