Chapter 5: Variant

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The variant grabbed his shirt. "So you are a woman." Loki said. "What do you think you are doing? Being brave." The variant told him. Loki just turned away from her and puked again. The variant just stood and waited. He finally finished and stood next to her. "Where are we?" Loki asked. "Lamentis." She told him. She used her magic to clean up the puke on the ground. "What's wrong with you?" She asked. "I'll give you a second." He said. "OH." She said. Loki just stood as she laughed. "They pruned you for that." She said. "They took you away from your timeline for that." She added. "Actually, it happened while I was away from the timeline, smart aleck." Loki said. "Hey." She said. "I don't even know your name." Loki said. "My name is Sylvie." She told him. "Well it's nice to be formally introduced." Loki said. "If your knocked up. Then who's the father." She asked. "You'll figure it out." Loki said. "It's not that guy is it?" Sylvie said. "It is." Loki replied.  She just chuckled as they stood up. "We've got to get on that train." She said. Loki just nodded and used their magic to change things. He changed their outfits and got them into the train. "Is there a certain way you have to sit?" Sylvie asked him. "Facing towards. It helps with the nausea." Loki replied. They sat down on the bus when they were offered drinks he declined. Sylvie drank hers as he sipped water. "I get motion sick very easily." Loki told her. "I understand. You are in a state that you have never been in." Sylvie said. "Actually that isn't true." Loki said. "I'm not asking." Sylvie said. They sat on the train and watched people sing and dance. "How long have you been pregnant for?" She asked him. "6 weeks." Loki replied as he took another sip of his water. A guard walked over and asked them about tickets they took them out before jumping out the window. The impact made him start puking. Sylvie just rubbed his back as he emptied his stomach contents and helped him to sit down. "We are never getting out of here." He said. "Don't talk like that." Sylvie told him. "Why. The tempad is broken, and everything has gone to shit." Loki said before Sylvie shushed him. "It's going to be okay." She said as she held his hands. "Your child will be okay." She told him as she hugged him. "Thank you." Loki said as they sat and talked. "We don't have long." Sylvie said as the moon started breaking towards them. They suddenly saw a flash of light and were pulled back in by the TVA agents. Möbius pulled Loki aside and slapped him across the face. "What the heck was that?" Möbius said. "You hit me." Loki replied as he began to cry. "Shit." Möbius said as he hugged him. Loki started sobbing as he held him. "Come here." Möbius said as he took him to the  room, and sat down with him. Loki just wiped away the tears. "I know that I shouldn't of left." Loki said. "I was worried sick." Möbius said. Loki just smiled and reached for his hand. "She's fine. I just wanted to make sure the variant didn't do anything dangerous." Loki said as Mobius handed him something to eat. "I know you didn't ask but I figured you were hungry." Möbius replied. Loki just nodded and ate what the he was given. "You probably hadn't eaten for two days." Möbius said. "Not lying." Loki replied as he was interrogated. "Are you working with her?" He asked him as he finished the salad. "I am not." Loki replied. "I hardly know her." He added. "Then what was the Nexus event you two caused. That's messed up." Möbius said. "There is nothing going on." Loki said as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Do you like her?" Möbius said. Loki stood up and walked over before shoving him to the ground. "What the HEL?" Loki snapped. "I'm just asking." Möbius said. Loki slapped him across the face and took his tempad from him. "Shit." Möbius said aloud. He began racing through the hallway until he finally found him in the outside room. "What?" Möbius said as he put his arm on him. "Is this the greatest power in the universe?" Loki said softly. Möbius wrapped his arms around him and took him back to the bedroom.

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