Chapter 14: Lonely

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Wedding preparations were in full swing by the time he reached month six of his pregnancy. "You do realize this means you will have to find something to wear right?" Sif said. "Does it look like I care?" Loki said. "You can't just not find something." Sif replied. "I know, but will you help me look." Loki said. "You want me to come with you to try on dresses." Sif said. "I do. I want someone who has done this before who is not my mother to come with me." Loki said. "Alright, so when are we leaving." Sif said. "This afternoon, as soon as I take a shower and tell Möbius that I am going out." Loki said. "Alright." Sif said. Loki stood up and went to go talk to Möbius. "Hey." Loki said as he sat down next to him. "There he is." Möbius said. "I thought you were ignoring me." He added. "I would never." Loki said as he kissed him. "We have to be apart soon for our fourteen days, and I am dreading it." Loki said. "However will I make it without you?" He added. "I'm sure you will be able to." Möbius said. "You are beyond wrong, I can't even sleep if we are apart. I'm going to look terrible, what kind of rule is this." Loki said. "Your mothers rule." Möbius said. "Fine. Will you at least write me." Loki said. "I will even stand outside your door until you fall asleep." Möbius said. "Awww. That's so sweet." Loki said as he put his hands in his. They kissed again and he stood up. He went inside and took a shower before going off with Sif. "How are you feeling?" She asked him. "Depressed. The fourteen days start tomorrow. How will I ever do this without him?" Loki said. "I'm shocked you waited this long to find a dress." Sif said. "I waited off the opportune moment, Sif. That moment is now, and plus it wouldn't have fit anyways." He said as he pointed to his stomach. "True." Sif said. They walked into the bridal shop which atomically made him cringe. "Why am I doing this again?" Loki whispered to her. "Just okay along." Sif said. They tried on a bunch of dresses but none of them looked like him. Frigga walked in halfway through and sat with Sif, "How's it going?" She asked. "White isn't his color, your majesty." Sif told her. "I already knew that." Frigga said. She talked to the shop keepers about black dresses. "We have a few, would you like to try those?" Laura asked. "Yes." Frigga and Sif said. Frigga walked around the shop and picked the veil as he finished trying on the last few until she found it. A sleeved black dress, covered in lace. "My son." She said softly. "Try this." She said. "But mother, I thought you wanted me in white." Loki said. "Just try it." Frigga said. "It's perfect." Laura said. Frigga walked in and started sobbing. "Loki." Frigga said. "Don't start crying because then I will start crying." Loki said. "You look stunning." Frigga said. Loki just leaned up against her, and she helped him get undressed. Sif hugged him as he walked out. "He's not going to know what to do with himself, Loki. You're going to have him floored." Sif said. Loki just chuckled as Frigga finished everything. "You can come pick it up next week." Laura said. They were walking back to the castle when Sif brought up the topic of shoes. Loki just stopped and said, "I have no clue." Frigga and Sif looked at him. "You have like 10 different pairs of boots. Do you remember which ones you wore when you first met him?" Frigga said. "Those were white sneakers and they have no sentimental value." Loki said. "But do you still have them." Sif said. "I do." Loki said. "Then it shall be those." Frigga said. They walked in together and ate dinner together. Loki walked in to the bedroom he shared with Möbius and hugged him. "I'm going to miss you." He said. "I'm going to miss you more, my love." Möbius said. Loki kissed him and they held each other. "Only two more hours, baby." Möbius said. They cuddled in bed together until Frigga separated them into different rooms. "I love you." Möbius said as he hugged him and left. Loki just sat on the bed holding a shirt that he had left behind. Frigga sat by him. "Why did you have to do that?" Loki said. "It's customary. Sif and Thor had to do it too." Frigga said. "But Sif wasn't pregnant. I can't even see my partner for 14 days, how am I supposed to get food." Loki said. "We will get it for you." Frigga said. Loki just nodded as he stood up and went to find Möbius. "What are you doing?" Möbius said as Loki stood outside the door. "I had to talk to you." Loki said. "It's like 1 in the morning, I can hear you thinking, love." Möbius said. "I brought blankets and I am sleeping outside your door." Loki said. "This is why you are my favorite." Möbius said. "It's cold out there. What do you have on?" Möbius said. "My robe two shirts and sweatpants that Thor has lended me." Loki said. "It's so cold." He added. "Did you bring a pillow?" Möbius said. "Of course." Loki said as he laid down in the hallway and fell asleep. Möbius could hear his snores from the inside of the room. Honestly, he couldn't sleep without him either. His snores were a reminder that he was safe. Frigga ran into Loki's room to find it empty. She walked down the halls and found him fast asleep by Mobius' room. "Loki!" She said. "Mhmm." Loki said as he stood up. "What do you think you are doing?" Frigga said. "I was sleeping. Why did you disturb me?" Loki said. Frigga just chuckled. "I'll come back to get you later." She said. Loki fell back asleep and woke up before talking to Möbius through the door. "I miss you, and our little princess does too." Loki said. "Why did you have to bring Evelyn into this?" Möbius said. Loki chuckled. "She can sense my loneliness." He said. "My back is killing me." Loki said. "You slept on concrete." Möbius said. "It was to be nearer to you my love." Loki said. Möbius chuckled. "I already miss you." Möbius said. "I bet you are soaking up that sweet time with Evelyn right now." Möbius said. "I actually just miss you." Loki said as he began to cry. "Shit." Möbius thought to himself. "Loki, listen to me. Imagine me hugging right now. I would be wrapping my arms around you." Möbius said. Loki smiled and put his hand against the door. Möbius put his hand where he felt the heat. "Now go to your room and rest. I'll have Thor deliver my letter later. I don't want your back to hurt. It's not safe for you or our princess." Möbius said. Loki picked up the blankets and pillows and began the slow walk back to his room. Frigga locked the door as Mobius left his room. Möbius stood outside of Loki's door and slid the letter under it. "Möbius." Loki said in-between sobs. "I know, baby." Möbius said. "This is awful." Loki said. "We are both constantly locked up so we can't see each other, but we can sense each other." Loki said. "How's the baby?" Möbius said. "I wish I could touch your bump right now." He added. "Imagine flutters. She's been very active today." Loki said. Loki put his hand on the door by Mobius' hand. "This is a million times harder than I expected." They both said at the same time. They both started chuckling and said, "I love you." Loki said. "Love you more." Möbius said. "Go get yourself some food, you can sit outside and talk to me. I'm stalked up, I don't have to leave." Loki said. Möbius chuckled as he heard him move closer to the door. "What have you got in there?" Möbius asked. "Applesauce. Some pizza, some fries, some hotdogs, and a few burgers." Loki said. Möbius stood up and got his food before walking back. "I got my meal." Möbius said. "I've got mine. How is it out there?" Loki said. "Boring." Möbius said. "You aren't here so it is awful." He added. Loki chuckled as he bit into his piece of pizza. "You having fun in there." Möbius said. "All I have is this baby, and when you decide to visit me in my dreams." Loki said. "It's so hard without your physical touch. I expected her to know that. Fandral has been in here today, to keep me company. Just sitting with me." Loki said. "Has Thor?" Möbius asked. "He's currently in here." Loki said. "He's waiting on you to leave so he can leave." Loki said as he chuckled. "You two are too cute." Thor said. "Thank you." Möbius said. Loki just smiled. "She just kicked." Loki said. Möbius just sat in silence. "She misses you, and when you talk she is the most active." Loki said. "Talk to her." Loki said. "Hey, Evelyn. It's your dad. I miss you very much, and I can't wait to get to feel your kicks again." Möbius said. Loki began crying and Thor walked over and began rubbing his shoulder. "She can hear you, Möbius." Loki said. Möbius began crying as well. "She just calmed down. I love you." Loki said. "I love you and my sweet princess." Möbius said. "I'm going back and I will talk to you soon." Möbius said. "Talk to you soon." Thor walked out and locked Möbius back in. Loki walked out and tried to calm Evelyn down but nothing was working. He tried his magic and he had tried everything. She had to feel her father. Loki thought to himself. Loki walked to Frigga and tried to explain. "It's the baby. She won't stop moving, and the only time she does is when I am near Möbius." Loki said. Frigga just looked at him. "It's ancient custom, Loki. I'm sure you of all people can figure something out." Frigga said. Loki just groaned and walked to Mobius' room. He leaned against the door, and Möbius put his hand where he was sitting. "Does that help?" Möbius asked. "Yes." Loki said as he let out a sigh of relief. "Just rest there." Möbius said. Loki fell asleep against the door. He didn't wake up until the next morning. 12 Days were left. Loki woke up and went back to his room. Möbius headed up and sat by the door. "You feel alright?" He asked him. "Eh." Loki said. "What do you mean eh?" Möbius said. Loki just chuckled. "I've gotta go and do my water aerobics later. Without you for the first time." Loki said. Möbius held his breath. "You mean going under the water, without me." Möbius said. "Yes." Loki said as he chuckled. He heard him stand up and change before sitting back by the door. "I didn't want to go, but Frigga said it would be best for the baby." Loki said. "I wanted you to be able to go instead of me." He added. "The pregnant one thought it wouldn't be best to do something to get rid of the pain." Möbius said. "I did. I feel miserable today." Loki said. "I just want to stay in bed and not go to my stupid water aerobics class." He added. "Loki, it's what best for you and Evelyn." Möbius said. Loki groaned as Thor helped him get up. "I'll talk to you after." Möbius said as he walked back to his room and was locked in. Frigga walked in to Möbius' room with him. "I am going to teach you how to dance because you told me you felt like you have two left feet." "Your highness, you don't have to do that." Möbius said. "You don't have to call me that, you can just call me Frigga. I'm soon to be your mother in law anyways." Frigga said. They began practicing together after stepping on her toes a few times, he think he had it under control. Loki got out of the pool, and wrapped himself in a towel as Fandral walked up to him. "How's the crown prince of Asgard doing?" Fandral said. "Don't even start." Loki said. "Most of the time they don't even let the brides leave their room, but I guess you are an exception to everything." Fandral said. "Oh shut up." Loki said as he followed him as he changed. "I was wondering if you wanted to go out with us this evening. Maybe it would be better than being locked up in your room." Fandral said. "We could practice dancing, I remember how you danced." Fandral said. Loki just chuckled, "I might enjoy that." He said. "I'll be out in a bit." He said as he got in the pool shower. He finished and put on his clothes and headed out with them. Frigga let Möbius out of his room, since Loki had left. "Where did he go?" Möbius asked. "He went to another realm for the evening. They asked him to." Frigga said. "It gives you some freedom and some time to talk." Frigga said. Möbius spent most of the time practicing his speech and helping put stuff together for the wedding. Which as he could see, was all Loki had been doing at night. "Has he been sleeping?" He asked Frigga. "No, once he is done talking to you. I find him in here working on something else. He's already got the table setup down, and he's got everything figured out except the venue." Frigga said. "He wanted you to taste the cake he had picked out and said if you didn't like it, he had picked another option as well." Frigga said. Möbius just looked at the note that he had left. "For you, my love." "Where would I be without him?" Möbius said. "Lost." Frigga said. She began to chuckle as she sat with him. "He knows he can't drink so he asked me to help you with the wine tasting. That is on the table for today if you are up for it." Frigga said. "Absolutely." Möbius said as they went into town. Loki stood in the middle of the bar on Earth as the Warriors drank. Why did he even agree to come. It would have been a million times better to stay home with Möbius. He thought to himself as he sat on a bar stool. Fandral sighed and sat next to him. "What's got you all worked up?" He asked him. "I want to go home." Loki said as Fandral handed him something to drink. "Loosen up have a little fun." Fandral told him. "I can't alright. I just cant." Loki said as he walked to the back and sat in a chair where it was quiet. He leaned back on the bar chair and fell asleep. He heard voices around him and just drifted off before waking up in his bed the next day. "What the?" Loki said as he sat up. Frigga was standing by his bed. "Fandral sent you home late last night. One of the bartenders had been nice enough to carry you to his back room. They said they found you asleep." Frigga said. "Well that explains a lot." Loki said. "What did he give me?" Loki said. "He gave you melatonin. You passed out shortly after." Frigga said. "You needed the rest." She told him. "How many more days." Loki said. "11, but you are doing well." Frigga said. She wrapped her arms around him as he cried. "It's okay. Do you want to help me decorate today." She said. "Sure." Loki said as she brought in the flowers and they worked on them together. "Is he alright?" Loki asked. "He's just worried about you." Frigga said. Loki heard something under the door. "Möbius?" He said as he walked up to the door. "Yes, sweetheart. It's me." He said. "Sounds like you had an eventful day yesterday." Möbius said. Loki just chuckled as he sat and talked to him. "I was wondering when you were going to wake up." Möbius said. "That's sweet that you were worried about me." Loki said. "I love you." Möbius said. "I love you more." Loki said. Frigga just sat in silence. "You two are so cute." She said. "Oh hush. We need to get back to work." Loki said as he blushed. After finishing the flowers, Frigga brought in foods for him to try. "He wanted you to pick between these two dishes." Frigga said. "What are they?" Loki said as he opened the letter that Möbius gave him. He quickly closed it as he did his best to not start crying. "Are you alright?" Frigga said as she handed him a plate. "Perfectly fine." He choked out. They began trying the food. "The first one is a form of salad, something he said you two made together.. The second one is the-" Loki cut her off. "It's the sandwich we always made together, mother. He didn't miss." Loki said. "He said that you might want ravioli or something as the real meal, but as small side dishes, he wanted to do small sandwiches." Frigga said. Loki sighed and stood up. "It's perfect." Loki said. He finished the sandwich and started eating the salad when he noticed the note on the side. "Meet me outside at 9." He had written. Loki just stuffed the note into his pocket. Frigga took the food back out and brought in the cake choices for a last decision. "He liked the red velvet option, are we good with that option." Frigga said. "Yes." Loki said. "He's doing sparkling cider, instead of wine. Only for you too, nobody else will know. He got a specific grape wine for the guests, but since you can't drink. He wanted it to be something for the two of you." Frigga said. Loki sighed and finished working on one of the men's flowers. "Please, I plead with you. You are going to make me cry." Loki said. Frigga just chuckled as she wrapped her arms around his son. "Don't you have water aerobics later?" She said. "Maybe. Not sure I will attend today, because there is so much that needs done." Loki said. "Loki... You have to go. It's what is healthy for you and the baby." Frigga said. "Her name is Evelyn." Loki blurted out. "Wait..." Frigga said. "Your having a girl." She said as she started to cry. Loki and Frigga sat together. "I am." He said softly. She held his hand and helped him get up. "I've never been happier." Frigga said. Loki just chuckled as he went and changed. "You can let him out while I am in class. I may be a while today." Loki said. "Does it hurt?" Frigga said. "More than usual." He admitted. He headed downstairs and got in the pool, as Frigga walked to Mobius' room and let him loose. "Is he alright in his room?" Möbius asked. "He just went down to the pool, said he was in pain." Frigga said. "I wish I could comfort him." Möbius said. "You will be soon enough." Frigga said as she unlocked his door.Loki finished and walked back to his room and began reading until he fell asleep. She brought in a food tray and left it by the bed. After two days, he finally woke up. Frigga was standing in the doorway. "You slept for quite a while, my son." Frigga said. Loki just stood up. "How many days." Loki said. "Eight." Frigga said. Loki just nodded and took a shower. He walked to Mobius' door who didn't answer. "Möbius?" Loki said. "Hey." Möbius said. "You slept for a few days didn't you." He said. "Yeah. I did. Don't know what got into me." Loki admitted. "I think Evelyn had something to do with that." Möbius said. Loki chuckled. "I think she did." Loki put a hand on his stomach as she kicked. "I wish you could feel her." He said. "I can imagine." Möbius said. Loki just smiled as he slipped his letter under the door. "Frigga told me I have an ultrasound today. I'll slide you a picture." Loki said. "WAIT. Without me." Möbius said. "I don't get to see my little princess." Möbius said. Loki just started crying. "I'm sorry, Möbius." Loki said. "Don't cry. It's alright." Möbius said. "Just describe it to me." He said as he heard Frigga come get him. He read Loki's letter and put it up on the board. He began drafting his own letter. Loki walked in to the healing room and laid back on the bed. They put the cream on and Frigga just stood by him. They began using the machine and Frigga held his hand. "Look at her, Loki. She's beautiful." Frigga said. Loki looked at the picture and began crying again. "Thank you." He told the healer. She printed out the pictures and he practically ran to Mobius' room. "Möbius?" Loki said. "Did you bring it?" Möbius said. He slid one of the ultrasound photos under the door only to hear Möbius start to cry. "Loki. She's beautiful." Möbius said. "I wish I could hold you both right now." He added. Loki put his fingers under the door and Mobius' did the same. Loki used his magic to send pictures to Mobius' head. "What are you?" Möbius said. "Oh." Möbius replied. Loki squeezed his fingers and released them. "I can't wait to see you two again." Möbius said which made Loki smile. "I can't wait to see you. I'm going to sob, because it has been way to long." Loki said as he stood in front of the door. Möbius opened the door enough for a crack. Loki just chuckled. "We really are desperate aren't we." He said. "Don't even start with that mister." Möbius said. "Sorry." Loki said. "I'm going back to my room to eat dinner. Stop by and we can talk." Loki said. Loki got back on his bed and ate the food that Frigga had given him. He heard Möbius outside of the door. "What are you eating?" Möbius asked. "Not quite sure." Loki said. Möbius just chuckled. "Might be good if you knew." He said. "It's a taco." Loki admitted. Möbius just chuckled. "That's what I thought." He said. "How we feeling?" Möbius asked. "Like I need you." Loki said finally. "What do you mean?" Möbius said. "Just tired. That means nothing." Loki said. "Uh oh. I think someone is lonely." Möbius said. "Be quiet.." Loki said. "It's true isn't it. You haven't been doing much." Möbius said. "You've been working on wedding stuff and sleeping." Möbius said. "Mostly. Eating here and there." Loki said. "Your mother has been teaching me how to dance." Möbius said. Loki just chuckled. "I can't believe you." He said. "I can't believe you either." Möbius said. "We get to get hitched in eight days. That's good right." Möbius said. "I'm looking forward to that the most." Loki said. Möbius got up and said, "I have to get something. Just rest honey." He told him. Loki just nodded and grabbed a book on his nightstand as he waited. He didn't come back. It was around midnight when he heard a knock on the door. "Yes." Loki said. "You didn't go outside." Möbius said. "I can't. It's freezing out there." Loki said. "It's in the middle of summer, Loki." Möbius said. Loki threw on a jacket and stood out on his balcony. "There were lights strewn all over it. There was a newly wrapped book and a shirt there too. A plate of ravoli was sitting on the table. "Möbius." Loki said as he walked inside. "I told you I wanted to surprise you." He said. Loki sighed. "Whatever did I do to deserve you." Loki said. He sat outside as Mobius went back downstairs. He picked up the book and began reading as Frigga walked in. "What are you doing out?" She asked. "I needed some air. I was feeling lightheaded." Loki said. "You should of went to water aerobics today. The baby is putting stress on your body." Frigga said. "I didn't feel like I needed it." Loki said as he groaned. "You seem like you do now." Frigga said. "I'm going to take a bath. If you wouldn't mind to leave, that would be great." Loki said. Frigga walked out as Loki turned on the bath water. It was around midnight as he got in and laid there careful not to get the book wet when he heard footsteps inside. Fandral walked in the bathroom. "You are in pain." Fandral said. "Very much so." Loki said as Fandral took the book and set it aside. "Do you want me to rub you somewhere to try lighten it?" Fandral asked. "Do we not have people that do that?" Loki asked as he groaned. "We do, but you sound pretty miserable." Fandral said. He helped him get out of the tub and lay down before he began massaging his back. "I'm not judging you, Loki. I understand your pain, I have helped many maidens in your position before." Fandral said. "Frigga mentioned pain earlier and I thought I could help." Fandral said. He started rubbing his lower back trying to relieve some of the pressure. "Does it help at all?" Fandral asked. There was no response. "You can talk to me you know." Fandral said. Loki just sighed. "Thank you." He said. "So it is helping then." Fandral said. "I can rub certain parts of your feet. If you would like?" Fandral said. "You don't have to do that." Loki said. "I'm doing it." Fandral said. "Why are you being so nice to me?" Loki said as Fandral began putting lotion on his feet. "You know why. I loved you too." He admitted. "Seeing you happy has made my days better." Fandral said. "That's so sweet of you." Loki said as he finished and sat next to him. "Do you feel better?" Fandral asked. "Much better. Do you mind getting my robe?" Loki said. "Of course." Fandral said as he handed it to him. "You visiting him again." Fandral said as he saw Loki get dressed and put on his robe. "Yes, I plan to everyday until Frigga realizes that this is a dumb ancient custom." Loki said. He slid on his slippers and Fandral unlocked the door.

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