Chapter 19

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I bolted over to Mother and embraced her in a loving hug.

Then I looked at Kristen with a bright smile on my face, tears running from my eyes.

"Thank you for bringing me here, Kristen. I don't know how I could ever repay you for your kindness."

Kristen smiled at me, "It's the least I could do for an old friend."

Mother was petting my head gently.
The nostalgic feeling I thought I'd never get to experience again melted my heart even more.

"We have much to catch up on, my songbird." She hummed.

I smiled and nuzzled into her bosom. "That we do, Mother. A lot has happened since that day."

"Now, now, don't get all sappy on me now, my dear." She says, holding my face in her hands.

I giggle and clasp her wrists. "Yes, Mother."

"I'll leave you two to chat a while." Kristen said, "I'll be close by, alright Serena?"

Mother nodded, "Thank you, Kristen."

Kristen then used her obsidian wings to engulf herself before then turning into a flock of ravens, flying off into the distance.

"Show off" jokingly scoffed my mother.

I chuckled, sitting up from my mother's bosom.

She sighed, putting a hand to my face.
"My little angel, how you've grown these past few years."

"And yet, not a wrinkle adorns your face, mother." I replied.

Tears start to well up in her eyes, "Oh my dear, I'm sorry I wasn't there to watch you grow into the person you are now."

I lean into her palm, "It's not your fault, mother, it's as you've told me before -"

"'May not the past define us, but our present define our future.'" Said both of us in unison.

"I'm surprised you still remembered that phrase after all this time, my dear."

I smiled at her. "How could I ever forget my mother's words?"

"My! Who taught you such flattery?" Mother asked, making us both laugh.

Amidst the commotion, little Melody started to stir in her sleep.
Her eyes peeked through her lids before emitting a squeaky yawn from her mouth.

Mother chuckled and whispered,
"Well, hello, little chickadee."

Melody rubbed her eyes, then looked at mother.

I giggled, "Mother, this is Melody, my daughter."

Mother flinched, her eyes now wide open, "Pardon?"

I started to worry.

"M-my daughter?" I repeated with hesitance.

Mother looked at Melody, then back at me.

"~~~" She mumbled.
I grew more concerned, "Mother, are you alright?"

"I'm a grandmother?" She asked, her eyes held stars.

I slightly nodded, still confused.

"My heavens, I-I'm a grandmother!" She said, getting up and holding her arms up in the air. "I'M A GRANDMA!!!"

My worry was replaced with happiness, I started to laugh at my mother's reaction.

Melody started giggling and clapping her tiny hands.

Mother then kneeled down and picked up Melody, holding her up in the sky.

"Hi, little birdy. It's me, Grammie." Mother cooed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2023 ⏰

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