Chapter 14

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Y/n's POV:

Wilbur finished setting the food on the table, all while Techno held Tommy suspended by the neck of his shirt.

Tommy flailed his arms around, trying to break free of his grasp.
"Put me down, Blade!" He shouts.

Techno rolls his eyes and scoffs, "If you stop acting like an immature 3 year old, then maybe I'll consider it." He warns through his gritted teeth.

I came in and immediately saw the commotion.

"Techno, Tommy, what on earth did the two of you argue about this time?"
My hands placed on my waist.

Tommy's eyes met mine.
"HE STARTED IT!" He cried, his British accent kicking in.
"You little-" Techno began, but I cut him off by shouting "I don't care who started it! I'm ending it!!"

Phil was halfway down the stairs when he heard me yell, because he yelp and held on to the railing like his life depended on it.

My head turned to the direction of the stairs, seeing Phil struggling.
"Oh my goodness, Phil, I'm so sorry! Did I scare you?" I lightly chuckled.

Phil smiles nervously. "Remind me NEVER to make you mad." He states with a slight chuckle.

I laughed as I spoke, "I don't think I would have any reason to be mad at you, Phil. But I'll keep that in mind."

"Fair point." Phil says as he walks the last half of the stairs.

"C'mon, the food will get cold if we don't eat now." Wilbur stated, pulling out a chair and sitting down before turning his attention to Techno.
"And Techno, please put Tommy down."

With a loud thud, Tommy was dropped like a rock.
"Ow!" He cried, rubbing his bruised forearms.
Techno glared daggers at Tommy before taking a seat.

I sigh before taking a seat myself, Phil doing the same.
Taking one last glance at Tommy and Techno before we began to eat, making sure they behaved.

We were able to have a nice dinner, without any arguing from the boys.
I doubt that it will last long, though.

I went upstairs and down the hall towards my room to check up on my new little friend, Obby.

But as soon as I got to the door, I heard a noise.
Not that of a crow, but that of some sort of child.

I thought for a minute and opened the door slowly...

There, giggling and rolling around on the bed, was a little baby girl!

My eyes widened as I covered my mouth.
'What is a baby doing in my room!?'
I thought, eyes fixated on the child.
'Better yet, HOW did a baby get in my room?'

The door creaked slightly, startling me on accident and causing me to wince at the sound.

The baby stopped rolling around and turned it's head to face me, her face brightening upon my appearance.
Sweat started to form on my forehead as the girl and I exchanged glances.

Then, out of nowhere, a pair of black and white speckled wings sprouted from the child's back.
The exact same pair of wings that a familiar young girl owned in a dream of mine!

I scurried over to the railing beside the stairs and leaned over slightly.
"PHIL!? PHIL, WE HAVE A SITUATION!!" I shouted, panicking as I ran back to my room.

Not even a second later, Phil ran upstairs and saw my appearance.

He rushed over to me and hugged my figure. "Y/n, what happened, mate? You look as if you've seen a gho-"
He paused as soon as he looked in my room, seeing the winged baby on the bed.

I looked up at Phil, seeing him dumbfounded.
He slowly pointed at the baby,
"Wh-why is there a baby in your room?" He asked, hesitantly.

I shrugged and spoke.
"I don't know! I was coming up here to check on Obby and, *'Poof'*, she was on the bed when I opened the door!"


We both froze, turning our attention towards the baby girl.
She giggled and pointed to me and Phil, "Mama n' Papa!"

Phil and I turned bright red.
If it was possible, the house would have been on fire from the amount of heat that radiated off the two of us.

After we both were able to calm down, the baby started flapping her tiny little wings as hard as she can, trying her best to lift herself off of the bed.

Phil snickered and walked closer to the girl, holding his arms out so she doesn't fall down and hurt herself.
"Awww" he chuckled, "Don't tucker yourself out, mate. You'll lose yer stamina."

The baby looked at Phil, her face nothing but clear confusion "Stah....mima?"
Phil laughs, "No, 'Stamina'!

"Stab mina?" The girl says bluntly.
Phil wheezed and laughed, "NOOO! Oh god no!"

I laughed along with him, "I'll leave you two alone, I'm gonna check on the boys." I said, mumbling 'if they haven't killed each other, that is...' right after.

Phil wheezed out an 'okay' and continued playing with the little girl as I ascended down the stairs.
'Well that was eventful' I thought,
letting out a soft chuckle.

The picture of the girl from my dream appeared in the midst of my thought.

'Could that baby really be little Melody?'

A sigh managed to escape my lips as I reached the bottom floor.
As I began to distract myself on finding the boys, I thought a bit more about the dream.

'Did I somehow see the future? No, don't be silly, Y/n. You can't even figure out if an glass pane door is open or not!'

I chuckled to myself, ridding my thoughts of the dream and focussing on finding the boys.


Well dagum biscuits n' gravy, y'all!
*oopsies- pardon my southern*

I, again, apologize for another late chapter. I dearly hope this will make up for it...

But until I figure out a manageable time schedule that fits in with my daily one, the chapters will sometimes take much longer to write than usual.

And thank you all for 81 followers! I'm so happy and blessed to know that people love reading my stories.

And thank you all for 81 followers! I'm so happy and blessed to know that people love reading my stories

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And may thy pollen toad grace you will his blessed pollen croaks and sneezes♡

Thank you all again, and as always...
Don't forget to stop and smell the flowers!!!


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