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Screams of terror and citizens running for their lives, are heard as the small village was being raided and set ablaze.

A middle-aged woman, with the wings of that of a dove, keeps her young daughter close to her as she tries to find a place to shelter her child from the chaos that was currently going on.

The small girl spoke,
"Mommy, I'm scared..." the child was shaking with fear in the woman's arms.

"I know, I know, my little songbird. But it will be alright, just stay strong for me, my pearl dove." The woman stated, trying to comfort the little chick in her arms.

The woman spotted a small alley, where a box lied untouch by the flames and out of sight to the raiders.

Without hesitation, the woman goes over to the box and gently puts her child inside.

"Remain here, my little one. If anything is to happen to me, don't look for me, stay out of sight." The woman states.

The child's eyes begin to well up with tears."But Mommy-"

"THERE!" a raider shouts, alerting the woman.

"I promise I will find you one day,
Y/n. My little Pearl Dove, my darling melody."

With that, the woman kissed the top of Y/n's head, and ran. The raiders in hot pursuit of the winged mother.


After the raid was at it's end, the village was in ruins.

Y/n slowly crept out of her hiding place to try and see if her mother was okay,
Only to find such a horrid sight.

There.....on the crimson stained stoned streets of the village.....lied the lifeless corpse of Y/n's beloved mother, an arrow through the skull.
Her mother's wings were missing, and had been cut from her back.

"MOMMY!! MOMMY, PLEASE! WAKE UP!! PLEASE!!!!" shrieked Y/n, her voice cracking as the tears from her eyes blurred her vision.

As the child continued her grieving, she sang her mother's favorite little melody.
~*play song here*~

Y/n's voice was soft and sweet, even with the stream of tears that were present on her face.

The moment she finished singing, She felt some sort of presence. Almost as if she was being watched.

She quickly turned around and was met with the face of a raveger. Y/n backed away from the large beast, bumping into the body of her dead mother in the process.
When she looked back at the raveger, she saw a pillager walk out from beside the beast.

"Well now, what have we here? Looks like this big guy found us a little treasure~" the pillager stated, rounding up a few more of his pillager comrades.

Y/n was shaking severely. "p-p-please.....d-don't hurt me..." she managed to say, afraid of what they might do to her.

The pillager walks closer to the child, kneeling down in front of her. He then inspected her wings, to which he then grins.

"Those are some pretty delicate wings you've got there, little missy..." he says, "...would be a shame if they were to, hmm, I don't know....." he takes out a hunting knife, covered in blood, "...disappear!" He laughs, along with his fellow pillagers.

Y/n looked shocked and terrified beyond words. She couldn't stop shaking.

The pillager looked at the child and put the knife away.
"Now, now...I'm not gonna hurt you. not yet, anyways..." he chuckles, "How about we make a small deal." He was planning something in his head.

Y/n tilts her head, "A-a d-de-deal?" The child stutters.

He grins and speaks."Yeah, we heard you singing some pretty songs. So how about this: You can stay alive and keep your pretty wings...."

y/n smiles slightly, hope in her eyes.

"...But in return..." he gets up and dusts himself off. "...You have to sing for a crowd, for the rest of your days. And if you try and escape, or you refuse our commands..." he looks at his piers. They all have their weapons in hand. " ...lets just say, you'll end up like your little mama."

Y/n's hopeful eyes turned to one's of hopelessness. But she doesn't want to die, not like this...

"Well?" The pillager was growing impatient. "C'mon kid it's an answer, plain and simple!" He shouted.

"I-I'll do it.....i-i-its a d-deal." Y/n says, trying her best not to cry.

"Good." He signals his associates to grab y/n.

The girl struggles, "w-wait! What about mommy!? Can't we b-bury her!?" She cries.

The pillagers laugh, "Nah, we'll let the crows eat the carcass!" One of them shouted as the young girl was being dragged away from her mother.

The child cries and cries until she finally cries herself to sleep.

"I'm sorry mommy......."

The Crow's Melody (Philza x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now