Chapter 7

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Phil and I cleaned up our mess left from breakfast and enjoyed each other's company.

I watched Phil's wings puff up sometimes, I liked how lovely they looked whenever they were in the sunlight.

I then looked at my own wings and frowned, still cursed with an Evoker's spell.
I felt like a bird with it's wings clipped, helpless and vulnerable.

I think Phil noticed my depressed state, as he walked over and crouched in front of me.

"Something the matter, mate?" He spoke, his accent was so soothing.

I looked down at my hands, "I just wish I could fly like you can. The wind in my hair, defying gravity.......I want to feel as free as a bird, Phil!" I feel a tear roll down my cheek as I choked on my words.

"B-But I know now that my dream is unachievable with my cursed wings." My tears blurred my vision as I looked at Phil.

Phil had a sympathetic look on his face, "Y/n....I'm so, so sorry you have to feel this way." He gently caresses my face in his hands.

My face was a slight pink, "Ph-Phil?" I stuttered.
He leaned closer, leaning his forehead against mine.
"Y/n....I will do everything in my power to make sure you can spread your wings and fly high above the clouds, and I promise that you will be safe through it all." He spoke softly.

I blushed bright pink and smiled softly, suddenly hugging him.
"Thank you, Phil!" I cried into his shoulder, tears of happiness falling down my face.
Phil returned the hug, rubbing circles along my back.

We stayed like that for a minute or so, until a knock was heard at the front door.

We both jump at the sound.
I looked up at Phil, who was glaring at the door intensively.
I spoke softly, "Phil?..." I hugged his arm gently.

Phil turned around and held my face gently, once more.
"Y/n, I want you to stay right here. I'll let you know if the coast is clear, alright?" I nodded.

He smiles and kisses my forehead, then ascended towards the front door.
I just stood there, my face fully red.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I crouched down on the floor and hid behind the table.
I heard the front door open, then I heard some......playful shouting?

I then heard a familiar British accent, other than Phil's, of course.

Phil came in and was laughing, "Y/n, it's okay to come out now."
I hesitantly stood up and saw Tommy tackle Phil.

"TOMMY!! BLOODY HELL! WE HAVE A GUEST!!" Phil shouted, Tommy just laughed.
I then saw a different figure with pink hair run in and yank Tommy off of Phil.

"That's enough, Tommy." The figure said in a stern, monotoned voice.
Tommy struggled, "OH C'MON, TECHNO! PUT ME DOWN!!!"

I looked somewhat frightened, 'Techno' then looked my direction.

I looked somewhat frightened, 'Techno' then looked my direction

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