Chapter 4

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The show was over, I was grabbed by the pillager guards and dragged back to my prison cage.
But, for once, I didn't really mind it.

My mind was fixated upon the image of that man with the blue eyes, his face being the only thing I thought of.

His perfect features, his fluffy hair, is gem-like eyes...his presences made me feel safe and loved.

It didn't last long, as I was thrown into my prison cage.
I hit the cold floor with much force, rubbing my arm from the sudden impact.
"Alright now, stay quiet until we come back..." said one of the Pillagers.

I stayed quiet as they left me locked in my prison, trying to hold back the waterfall of tears I had.
Instead, I let out a small whimper, but loud enough to be heard, unintentionally.

I immediately covered my mouth and listened for any indication of one of the Pillagers.

Footsteps were heard down the hall and I panicked!
I scampered back into the small corner of my cage and held my knees close to my chest.

The footsteps stopped in front of my cage. I was shaking like a leaf, afraid for my life! I didn't want to die, not like this...

"Hello?...Miss, Are you alright?"
I froze, 'that's not a pillager!' I thought.

I looked up and saw a young teenage boy with blonde hair.
He wore some sort of dark red armor, with a red and white t-shirt underneath.

I rush of euphoria and relief washed over me, I began to speak.
"W-wh-who are you?" I asked, still shaken up.
"The name's TommyInnit, but you can call me Tommy." His accent made him seem sweet enough.
He kneels down to my level, "What's your name, if you don't mind me asking?"
I was hesitant, but willingly spoke, "M-my name?......i-it's (Y-Y/n), (Y/n) the dove."

Tommy looked shocked and shouted, "Your the Pearl dove!? THE pearl dove-MPH!!"
I panicked and covered his mouth with one hand. "SSSSHHHHHH!!!!!....please, keep your voice down! They'll kill us both if they find out you're here at my cage!" I hushed, trying to keep him calm.

He nodded. I then slowly lowered my hand from his face, "please forgive me, Tommy. I'm just afraid of these pillagers catching you here." I apologized.
He smiled softly as he whispered, "No worries, mate, It's not your fault."

I gently leaned up against the concrete wall of my cage, still holding eye contact with Tommy.
"May I ask as to what you're doing here, Tommy? People other than Pillagers rarely know that I am treated with this line of hospitality."
Many questions swam through my brain.

His smile transformed into a scowl,
"When I heard that these pillagers were becoming passive, I didn't believe it. Pillagers don't act nice unless they have something to hide."
He looks at me with a softer look, "and I was right! They kept you locked up here for god knows how long!"

I looked down at my feet.
I could feel Tommy's eyes on me, like to lasers burning holes in my skin.

He suddenly cleared his throat, which made me look up to meet his gaze.
What I saw him holding in his hands made me shocked...
He was twirling the key to my cage door on his finger!

I beamed with happiness, "H-how did you-" I questioned.
He laughed softly and spoke,
"It's a good thing I know how to pickpocket, otherwise I wouldn't have had a way of getting you out of there."

He put the key into the lock on the cage door and opened it.
He leaned into the cell and held out his hand, "c'mon, let's go find Philza." He said.

I tilted my head slightly to the side,
"P-Philza?.......who is 'Philza' ?" I asked him.
Tommy gave me a closed eye smile, "Yeah, he's a pretty pog guy, you'll like him very much! I'm sure he'll feel the same about you."

I looked at his hand, then back up at Tommy's face.
I gently take his hand and walk out of the cage with him.
Tommy then guides me to a small entrance, out of sight from the Pillagers.

"Ladies first" he says, politely with his eyes closed.
I obliged, then carefully and quietly duck through the small entrance, looking around for any pillagers.

He follows through the entrance and stands beside me.
He takes my hand and looks at me, "stay low, and try and hide your wings." He whispers.

"I'll try my best." I told him, then lowered my wings to my back.
"Is this alright?" I asked him, pointing at my back.
He nods, "yep, now follow me. Try to keep up and your head down."

He leads me through the crowd of people.
I kept my head down and my wings low, just like Tommy told me.
I was filled with joy and relief, I was getting away from these awful pillagers.
We were running out of breath, running maneuvering around any and all obstacles in our way.

Tommy and I finally got far enough away from the center of town, where we hid in an alleyway near two small buildings.

"We should be safe from them, now."
He manages to say as he regains his respiration.
I hugged him, catching him off guard.
"Thank you, Tommy" I said softly., squeezing him tighter.
"Ack! Y-you're...welcome..." he wheezes, "can't.......breath!.."

I immediately let go of him and apologized, continuing with 'I'm so sorry' or 'please, forgive me'.
He continued to tell me that it was okay, and that he was fine.

"I'm going to go look for Philza. will you be alright here while I'm gone?" Tommy asked.
I nodded, "thank you again, Tommy."

He smiled and pats my shoulder, "Anything for a friend, y/n."
He gets up and peaks out of the alley to check if the coast was clear, then runs of to find this 'Philza' person.


Took a while to make this chapter, and I'm so proud of how it turned out!!!
More chapters on the way, lovely flowers!


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