Chapter 2

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The guards led me to my small changing room that they provided for me. It wasn't much, but I made do of the room every time I was to get ready to sing.

The room contained mostly wooden furniture, The vanity sat against the wall in the corner across from the door to the hall.
Beside the vanity was a closet that would have a specific outfit that was selected for my song.
I sighed and walked over to see the outfit for today's performance.

I will say, I'm actually glad they provide me with formal attire for when I sing

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I will say, I'm actually glad they provide me with formal attire for when I sing.
But I also know that this is a way of not being suspicious to the crowd that I'm really a slave to these pillagers.

I tried on the dress and did my makeup. Once I finished, I knocked on the door to the hall.
"I-I'm ready....." I waited as the door opened.
The guards once again took me by the arms and led me down the hall, heading for the stage.


??? POV

I flew across the sky, watching as the land quickly flew past me.
The weather was quite nice, the breeze was perfect for flying, not a single cloud in the sky...just perfect.

Nothing could ruin this mome-


aaaaaaand I spoke too soon.

I sighed and looked over at who called my name so loudly.
Tommy, my youngest son, was standing on one of the hills, waving his arms around like a maniac.

I chuckled and came in for a landing, walking over to Tommy.
"Hey Tommy, what can I do for you?" I said with a smile.

He struggles to take a breath as he spoke, "We've spotted a few Pillagers close to L'Manburg...and weirdly enough, they're all friendly!" The childish Brit shouted.

I furrowed my brows.
"Really? Are you sure? Normally, pillagers are selfish brutes that will raid a village on sight without hesitation..." I spoke, putting a finger on my chin.

"And that's not all! Look at what me and Tubbo caught one of those pillagers putting up in the middle of the village!" He kneeled down and rummaged through his travel bag, pulling out what looked to be a large rolled up poster.

He handed it to me.
"Those pillagers said it's their way of, and I quote, 'Giving back to the people', sounds like a bunch of rubbish if you ask me." Tommy mumbled the last part while I unravelled the poster.

~☆¤Come Hear¤☆~
°○The Pearl Songbird○°
Come one and all, to hear the gorgeous melody of the rare Pearl Dove!
Premieres Tonight
at the Nightingale festival tent, L'Manburg town square!
Don't miss the lovely serenade of songs!

A pearl dove? I think I've read of this species once before, but they were said to be extinct.
They are very well known for their incredible singing voices.
So wonderful, even a raveger on a wild rampage would become passive when the song of the pearl dove was heard.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I rolled the poster up and handed it back to Tommy.
"These pillagers are up to something, they would never change their ways just out of the blue!" Tommy shouted, placing the poster in his bag.

"So I was hoping if you could help me keep an eye on them." He said, a determined look on his face.

I laughed, "what about Wilbur, did you ask him to help you? Or Tubbo, perhaps?" I said, smiling.

Tommy crossed his arms and huffed, "I asked Wilbur already, he said he was too busy with the duties in L'Manburg..." he spoke softly, "And Tubbo is keeping an eye on Michael, since Ranboo is running an errand."

I sighed and crossed my arms, "I'll go with you, but only if you promise me one thing, Tommy."

"Okay, what is it then?" He spoke, impatiently.

"Please don't act like a child with a tantrum while we're there, okay Tommy?" I stiffled a laugh.

I nearly busted out laughing when I saw Tommy's eye twitch.
He screamed "PHILZA, I'M NOT A CHILD!!!!!! I AM A GROWN MAN!!!!!!" He was fuming, and I was laughing up a storm.

I finally managed to calm down and walked with Tommy back to L'Manburg.
'I wonder if the rumors of the rare dove are true.' I thought, a slight smile crept upon my face.


This took longer than expected for me to put together.
My fingers are cramping severely 😣 but we're getting there!
Stay tuned for more chapters to come, my Pollen Children! 💐😄🐝

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