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"Why?" she squeaked, that one word being the only thing she could utter as her eyes lingered on his bloodied hands and hateful gaze. Fitz moved towards her, arms extended-- in comfort, perhaps-- but Sophie moved away. Hug her "brother's" murderer? Murder boy didn't get the hint, it seemed, as he moved closer.

"Sophie, are you--"

"Get. Away. From. Me." She coated her words with anger, a warning loud and clear. Not even Mr. Oblivious could ignore the fact that she did not want him near her. Alvar was dead because of him. His younger brother had killed him, proof that the Black Swans were the ones corrupting their people. Not even Sophie could kill, and she'd been with the Neverseen for years. 

Fitz staggered back, confusion replacing his smile. How clueless was he? Where was the Vacker girl when she needed her. Biana seemed much more bright than this kid, and certainly much more sane. All the anger towards Alvar that Sophie had felt before, had melted into confusion and horror. Instead, that same anger and more was redirected towards Fitz. How could the two possibly be related, one being an insane killer, while the other was kind and.... Everything blurred as her eyes pooled with tears. 

"You killed him." It was all she could say, all she could think. Her thoughts felt as though they were a thousand-piece-puzzle, being put together by an idiot... put together by someone like Fitz. "You killed him." She repeated, her words coated with venom. 

Alvar was dead.

Alvar was dead. 

Alvar was dead. 

She couldn't get the words in her head, no matter how hard she forced them. She knew he was dead, but at the same time, the knowledge wouldn't click into place. Confusion clouded her thoughts, sending her mind scrambling for order and clarity. 

"Sophie, you were... I thought..."

"You. Killed. Him." Her eyes focused on Fitz, recording every detail, from the way his teal eyes were so eerily like his brother's, to the way he had smiled even after murdering his brother. The anger bubbled, pulsing through her veins. That wasn't it. No. It was her powers. Her powers were surging through her, not even bothering to ask permission to trigger, not that Sophie cared. 

This time, she wasn't going to fight the urge, the need, to fulfill to use this power. Her inflicting sparked too, an eager source ready to be unleashed upon all those unlucky enough to be in the way. The anger, the hatred, it was too powerful. The hurt, confusion, fear... Strong. It was too strong to hold back even if she wanted. So, she let the abilities course through her, letting them mix and mingle together until the power was seeping through, sparks flying in various directions before she even commanded. 

"Sophie," Fitz tried. "I-- You were-- Alvar's dangerous. You know that." 

"Alvar's dangerous," she scoffed, letting her anger take control of her actions. She cocked her head, eyes staring into his for far longer than necessary. "Says the one who killed him." With that, she gave the command. 


Energy flowed out of Sophie like electric shock, buzzing through her and extending in any direction. Both Inflicting and whatever new power she was fueled with poured from her fingers, affecting anything and anyone in the way. Purple sparks flew in the direction of the prisoners, still protected beneath the shields. Her lips curled into a crazy smile. Because unlike his sane friends, Fitz wasn't so lucky. Seeing the purple and gold sparks, Fitz turned to run, but she dragged him back with her telekinesis-- enhanced thanks to the injection Gisela had given her. 

"She was good for one thing, at least," she said to herself, holding Fitz hovering just above the ground, teasing, taunting him. 

"Sophie, this isn't you," Fitz said, panicked. "You're not with the Neverseen. You're with us-- the Black Swan! They're tricking you, brainwashing you!" Sophie laughed. 

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