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Biana groaned, her hand twitching before her, her vision blurred as she recovered from her sleep. And it took a few moments for her brain to start working again, and a few more before she could remember what had happened. 

"Dex?" she croaked, her voice scratchy from having not spoken for-- How long had she been out for? Hours? Days? With another groan, Biana pushed herself up onto her knees, and then her feet. Blinking away the grogginess, Biana took in her surroundings. Right. Still imprisoned, still weak. She clenched her fists in anger at the thought, but stopped with curiosity as she realized she was holding something. 

"Huh," Biana breathed as she stared at the sphere tucked firmly in her hand. She'd forgotten about the ball Dex had given her. Hadn't he said it would help her escape? Furrowing her brow, Biana began to toy with the object, tossing it, spinning it, banging it, and anything else she could think of. 

She needed to escape. She had to. Not for her sake, but for Dex's. She couldn't go save him. Not yet. And going back for him would only get her captured. No. Instead, she'd find her brother. And maybe it was time to involve the council, too. She'd warn them about Sophie, learn her friends whereabouts, and plan a new rescue.

The ball clicked, and as Biana lifted her thumb, she noticed the tiniest of switches on the invention. The ball began to hiss, emitting smoke from the little grooves carved into it. Biana shrieked, throwing the strange invention away from her before it could explode. Or... whatever it was meant to do. Smoke? That was Dex's plan? But Biana soon realized she'd judged Dex too quickly. 

When the smoke had cleared, Biana found that a perfectly carved hallway had been drilled through one of the rock walls, and leading down was a small, blue light to show the way. Lips twisting into a grin, Biana raced after the blue light. As she ran, her heart swelled. She'd done it. She'd escaped. After so many days of darkness and imprisonment, Biana was free. 

The blue light swerved to the left, and Biana just barely managed to avoid crashing into the wall as she followed, her boots throwing dirt and rocks from their place in the ground. Freedom. Narrowing her eyes, Biana spotted the exit she was being led towards. Another surge of strength buzzed through her and she urged her feet to move faster. Almost there. Escaping was possible. Almost out, Biana chanted in her mind. Almost out, almost out, almo-- uh oh. 

Biana skidded to a stop, the blue path seeming to darken as a new presence entered the room, looming over Biana. The ground trembled and the path out was blocked off by large boulders, cutting off the blue path. 

Behind her, Biana realized, was also barricaded with rocks. Her nose scrunched into a sneer as she tried to pull at an eyelash to distract from the fear that threatened to swallow her whole. 

"You're the Vacker girl, aren't you?" a cold voice said. Tears pooled in Biana's eyes. She'd been right there. So close. And now, it was prison all over again. 

"What do you want?" Biana asked, thankful when her voice didn't show the fear that was smothering all other senses. Something to her left zipped past, too blurry to identify, however. 

"Yes," the voice said, ignoring Biana. "You're Biana, is that right? I remember you." 

"Who. Are. You?" growled Biana, and the figure chuckled, stepping into view as a slender, dark figure made entirely of darkness. "You know me, so it's only fair." 

The chuckling silenced almost instantly, replaced with a low growl. 

"Villains-- as you've dubbed us-- don't play fair." The last word was hissed, as if something that hurt to even mention. Biana moved her eyes from the unnamed figure to the boulders behind her. There was no escape, so her invisibility wouldn't do much. Biana had to fight her way out. It was the only option that would allow her to live. 

Pulling her lips into a mock smile, Biana cocked an eyebrow towards the figure and planted her feet into the ground. The figure mimicked Biana, changing her stance to match, though instead of holding up threatening fists, dark shadows flowed from the figure's fingertips and plagued the ground. Biana was left in utter darkness. 

Still, with no escape, she'd fight.

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