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Keefe// Sophie

< A/N- I wrote this chapter when I was tired, so,  im sorry if it's slow and boring >

Keefe was breathless as he made his way to his friends' side. Each were covered in blood and wounds, wearing similar horrified expressions on their face. They'd all experienced some sort of death before, but this, Keefe thought, must've been on a whole other level. He headed for Dex, who looked the most battered. A large gnash cut into his left arm, right under his shoulder. Dex squeezed it with his good hand. 

"What's going on?" Keefe asked, eyes watching the council. No longer, he noted, were they wearing their cloaks, but the clothes beneath. Singed and torn, and covered in blood. 

"I don't know," Dex answered. "We all saw the flash of light and I guess we all raced towards it. The dome's trapped us in." Keefe followed Dex's gaze to the large, golden dome that pulsed with energy high above them. He hadn't seen it appear, but as he thought about it, for such a large battle, it was awfully quiet. 

"And trapped everyone else out," Marella added, glaring at Gisela, who stood a great distance away, accompanied by about twenty more masked villains. That included Alvar, Fintan, and Keeper-- Alvar and Fintan wore their hoods down. "Obviously, they meant to draw us here on purpose." 

Keefe nodded, and turned back to face his mother. Normally, he'd make a snarky comment, maybe about how bad they must smell thanks to the lack of showers in their cave. However, he didn't. Because this wasn't the time to joke. Sophie's life was on the line, and the Neverseen were obviously up to something. They were largely outnumbered, and yet they hadn't backed down. 

"Keefe," Gisela cooed, mouth twisted into a grin."Come back home." Her arms extended towards him, welcoming a hug. Rage burned within him, but he remained silent, spatting in her direction to relay his hatred towards her. Gisela's arms lowered as she growled. "Alright, we'll do this the hard way. Come with me, and I won't kill your friends." 

"Kill my friends and any chance you have of winning me over disappears." That wasn't true. Any chance of winning him over had disappeared long ago, stronger than ever since Sophie's kidnapping. 

"Must everything be so difficult with you?" Silence. "Fine," Gisela grumbled, nodding in the direction of a hooded man. A snap sounded, echoing throughout the silent city ruins, and crackling golden shields split Keefe from his friends, separating them. That could've been Ruy, Keefe thought, but Tam had ruined Ruy's abilities. Had they found a new Psionipath?

"You've complicated things," his mother told the council. "So, we've decided to skip to the fun part." Her grin turned wide, eyes sparkling with excitement, and shivers ran down Keefe's spine. He'd seen her cold, prickly stare. He'd heard her yell. He'd even watched as she killed. But this... This was a new expression. Something a crazed madman would wear as he told the failed hero about his genius plan to take over the world. She was excited. Purely thrilled. Something big was about to unfold. 


"Keeper," Gisela beckoned, and without question, Keeper was by Gisela's side. Gisela nodded to another man, who, with a snap summoned five more hooded figures. Though, they were different. Instead of the Neverseen's usual black cloak labeled with the white eye, it was a simple grey hood to hide their identities.

Gisela bent to whisper something to Keeper, and Keefe wished he were closer. Not that it would help. Most sounds were muffled thanks to the force field that may or may not have been Ruy's doing. Keeper gave another nod, and Keefe's brows furrowed in confusion. He'd battled her, and before, she'd seemed so powerful. Determined. And cocky, with all her agitating comments and taunting. Now, she seemed to cower under Gisela, afraid to even speak. 

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