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"Any updates?" Fitz asked when he'd hailed Oralie the following morning. A warm smile crossed her face as she nodded. 

"We've got three of our best Emissarys looking for Keefe, Biana, and Wraith. Though, it would help if we knew Wraith's identity."

Fitz frowned, "Sorry. No clue." 

It was true. Though it was the perfect moment to tell Oralie about the "fake Kenric", because he knew she'd find out eventually... But, it would hurt her too much. And Fitz didn't want to be the one to say it. However, if Oralie did ever face off against Puppeteer, Oralie might falter from the surprise. 

Still, Fitz remained silent. 

"What else?" Fitz asked. 

"We've had over thirty other Emissarys raid the Neverseen's destroyed bases. They've found nothing. No clues as to where they might be now, or anything." 

Fitz sighed, biting his lip. What else could they do?

"But," Oralie added, and Fitz straightened, "The other councillors have come up with a plan to storm their base, once we find it. Hopefully, the surroundings won't influence or change the plan too much."

"Hopefully," Fitz agreed. "Do I fit into this plan?" 

Oralie nodded, "Of course. I wouldn't dare exclude you. You're too stubborn," she chuckled. And Fitz's jaw locked, but kept quiet. If he protested, that would only be proof of Oralie's words. 

"Have you checked Shores of Solace?-- for Keefe?" Fitz asked.

"Actually, no. We've checked Candleshade, however. Nothing."

"Check there," Fitz instructed, "I know my best friend. And when he has nowhere to go, he'll head home. No matter how bad a place it is." Fitz nodded with confidence to prove his words, and Oralie scribbled his advice down on the nearest piece of paper before clicking; severing their connection. 

But Fitz knew it would be a while before the council actually did anything. So, he decided it was best to do it himself.


"Mr. Vacker?" Lord Cassius asked as he opened the door, "What are you-- never mind. I know. He's upstairs." 

Fitz nodded, glaring at Cassius before ducking under his arm before racing towards Keefe's bedroom. 

"Keefe, I'm--" Fitz started as he opened the door. Only to find a messy room. Looking as though a tornado had passed through. Books, art, trash, pencils, clothes, and more were scattered on the floor and the bed's covers were even on the other side of the room. In the middle of the mess, lay Keefe. Snoring loudly and shirtless.

"Dude," Fitz rolled his eyes and picked a shirt from the floor, throwing it at his friend's face, "Where's your shirt?" 

Keefe snorted in his sleep, loud enough to be heard throughout the large house. 

"Keefe!" Fitz yelled, but he remained asleep. 

"Keefe!" Still nothing. 

There's E.L. fudges waiting for you downstairs. Fitz transmitted, and Keefe bolted upright.

"Cookies?" he jumped to his feet and pulled on the shirt Fitz had thrown at him, which Fitz realized was the Batman shirt he'd worn all those years ago.

"Dude, you still have that?" 

Keefe turned to Fitz.

"Oh, I didn't realize you were here." 

Fitz raised an eyebrow, "Keefe, there's no cookies downstairs. I lied." Disappointment flickered across Keefe's face. 

"Anyway," Keefe sighed, glaring at Fitz with a How dare you? look, "yeah, I still have it. But can you blame me? I mean--It's Batman!" he pumped his fists in the air to express his enthusiasm, but Fitz didn't join in. He was still watching his friend. 

"Keefe," Fitz sighed, "I'm sorry. For lying to you just now. And for running off earlier."

Keefe shrugged, "It's cool. I know seeing Alvar alive is annoying. You needed to cool off."

"Annoying" wasn't a strong enough word, Fitz thought.  

"Seriously, does everyone think I have anger issues?" He groaned, crossing his arms. 

"I didn't mean it like that," Keefe argued, but Fitz shushed him.

"I don't! Sure, I get angry! But everyone does, you know? Why am I being singled out!? This is outrageou-- ohhhh," Fitz realized, before snapping his mouth shut. His face grew a deep shade of red. 

"Pretty much," Keefe shrugged, and Fitz shot his friend another glare. 

"Whatever. Let's go." 

"Go where?" Keefe asked, moving towards the mirror to fix his hair.

"Keefe, we don't have time. We need to talk with the council."

"The council?" Keefe asked, not moving from his spot before the mirror. 

"They've come up with a plan and we need to go find out what it is," Fitz explained with an exasperated sigh. 

"Keefe," This time, it was Lord Cassius. The friends turned to see the cold, glaring eyes that belonged to Keefe's father, "You've got more visitors." 

He moved from the door, and three people entered. 

Councillors Zarina, Bronte, and Oralie. 

"I thought we'd agree the council would find Keefe?" Councillor Zarina said, raising an eyebrow. Keefe turned to Fitz. 

"What are they talking about?" he asked, but Fitz brushed him off. 

"We never made any plans. We just talked.

"Fitz," Oralie tried, "if we're going to help, you need to trust us. See? We're here."

"And how long ago did you get here, Mr. Vacker?" Councillor Bronte tested, and Fitz huffed. 

"Ten minutes ago," he admitted, keeping his eyes fixed on Councillor Bronte. 

"See? You can trust us. Especially with a matter this urgent. It's a two way relationship of trust." 

Fitz sighed, kicking one of Keefe's shirts across the room, landing with a fwoop! on Bronte's foot. He growled, attempting--and failing-- to kick it off. Keefe snickered, but disguised it as a cough under Fitz's glares. 

"This is an urgent matter, Mr. Vacker. Sencen." Councillor Zarina said. 

Keefe's snickers silenced completely, "Keefe," he corrected.

"I apologize, Mr. Sencen." Was Bronte... smirking? Keefe let out a noise somewhat similar to an animal's growl. 

"Anyway," Oralie said, clearing her throat, "we should start thinking about how to find the Neverseen's current base."

Everyone nodded their agreement. Except Keefe and Bronte, who were doing a staring contest. Keefe blinked first, huffing as he turned away in defeat. 

Fitz glared at his friend. How could he be so easily distracted when Sophie--and everyone else's lives were in danger? How were they going to find the Neverseen's base?

A/N- I'm SOOO sorry I haven't been updating lately. My internet has been buggy lately and I haven't been able to get on!! I promise to write as fast as possible and make up for lost time!!

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