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Shoot! Biana thought. She needed to escape. But Fintan was watching her like a hawk. His eyes sparkling with amusement. Biana was caged. Trapped. His prisoner. Well, technically, the redhead's prisoner. But it was one in the same. They were both in the Neverseen. Both evil. And both insane. 

How could a girl so young join the Neverseen? What had made her so full of rage, she'd resort to evil and revenge?

She tried to wriggle her wrists from their binds, but it was no use. It only scratched her skin and Biana could feel a rash forming. 

"Can you let me out of here?" Biana asked Fintan, "It really smells. Like, bad." she scrunched her nose to prove it, the odors of the smelly cave-looking area stung her nose. 

Fintan laughed.

"You'll get used to it," he said, circling Biana. Inspecting her. Watching her. 

"I've been here for hours," Biana whined, "I got to go to the bathroom! Also, when will that girl come back?" 

He stared, glaring into Biana's eyes without speaking. 

"What's the purpose in keeping me captive if you aren't going to torture information out of me? Interrogate me?" 

She instantly regretted the words, hoping he didn't get any ideas. Luckily, he wasn't listening. 

"Helloooo? Are you ignoring me? Rude!" Biana grumbled, her voice hitting an unusually high pitch as she whined, but Fintan just stared into the distance, dazed. Communicating with Gethen?

She groaned. Redhead was much more fun. With her snarky remarks and at least then, Biana had a chance at getting information. Redhead loved to talk. Sadly, Fintan insisted on being boring. No villain monologue or anything. Not even empty threats of torture. 

But on the bright side, it gave Biana time to think of a plan. How would she escape? What could she use to her advantage? 

She couldn't escape with Fintan there, that was a fact. But should she wait? Or try a trick?

The wheels inside Biana's head turned, winding and whizzing as they thought up a plan for escape. 

Biana pursed her lips, trying not to show emotion as she twisted and rubbed her wrists. The pain burned. But she instead focused on other thoughts to distract from the pain. 

Once free, she'd look for Fitz. She needed to tell him about Alvar. They'd devise a plan to rescue their friends. And hopefully find out where Sophie was. Wait. Sophie! If Biana was with the Neverseen, and Sophie had been kidnapped, she was bound to be in a dungeon of some sort. She had to be somewhere nearby.

But what worried Biana, was the fact that Sophie hadn't tried to reach out. No attempted telepathic communication, no nothing. Was she hurt? Unconscious? ...Dead?

Biana shoved the thought from her mind. No. Sophie was strong. Stronger than the Neverseen's tricks. Stronger than their techniques. If Biana had to guess, Sophie was just biding her time until she could find a chance to escape. Knowing the Neverseen, they were watching Sophie like a hawk. 

Biana internally cheered as she pulled one hand free from her binds. Now, the second. But before she could even try, a voice spoke. 

"I'm back." And Biana turned to see the redhead. Her electric blue eyes glittering with excitement as she entered.

"Finally," grumbled Fintan, turning to leave the cave room. 

"Aw," the redhead pouted, though a grin was hinted at the corners of her mouth, "You don't want to play a little?" 

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