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Fire. It devoured everything it came across. Finally. It was happening. Years, Sophie had waited, for this day to come. The day she'd take revenge for her human family. Her little sister, especially. A wicked laugh bubbled in Sophie's throat, her lips curling into a satisfied smile as her power crackled around her. Her wrists, no longer in pain, released as much power as Sophie asked, without consequence. 

Beside her, Alvar in his hood waited. And Fintan, to her left. Both had been tasked with protecting Sophie while she ensured the chaos didn't cease. Gisela. She'd ordered them to protect her. Gisela cared for Sophie's safety. Despite her prickly attitude, she really cared for Sophie's safety deep down. That, or she wanted to ensure Sophie's newfound powers weren't wasted. Sophie preferred option #1, personally. 

Death surrounded them, frantic civilians running for cover as the Neverseen's army continued to reign mayhem. Sophie watched, pleased to hear the screams of fear and panic. 

"Keep an eye out for the Traitor," Fintan reminded Alvar, and Sophie gulped as she reached for the dagger hidden beneath her cloak. She'd been hoping Fintan would've forgotten, but he hadn't. "Sophie's got a promise to uphold." He finished his sentence with a cruel laugh, and Sophie couldn't help but notice Alvar shift uncomfortably beside her. 

"Alvar?" Sophie asked. "Is something wrong?" Alvar's stance tensed, and he shook his head. 

"No. Don't worry about it." Sophie nodded, knowing she wouldn't be doing that. Worrying about it was something she had to do. They were like siblings, after all. 

The three then stood in silence, but no one dared approach the trio. As, they probably looked powerful if they weren't bothering to fight. 

Suddenly, Sophie's stomach churned as she looked back out to the battlefield, realization hitting her like a brick to the head. The civilians; they weren't running for cover, but charging at the Neverseen's army. Their cries of terror, the ones Sophie had been delighted to hear moments before, she now realized were no more than cries of war. The civilians weren't running away, but fighting back. And they were winning. Despite all the righteous goblins, ogres, and other intelligent species the Neverseen had gathered, they were no match for the armies of all intelligent species, and their citizens. 

Sophie spun around, examining the horror from every angle, now. Until finally, her eyes landed on something that made her queasy stomach worsen. There, standing in the midst of the chaos and war, was a boy about her age, blonde hair, blue eyes. Sophie pulled her hood tighter over her eyes, hoping Fintan didn't look back to where Sophie had tensed. Sadly, she had no such luck. 

"Looks like the Moonlark has a promise to keep," he said through a grin. Alvar spun around to face Sophie, his eyes wide in surprise, but masked by his hood so no one but Sophie could see. Sophie's hand squeezed the handle of Fintan's dagger, and with her stomach in her mouth, she took a step towards the boy. The Traitor. 

Uncertainty washed over her, and her powers flickered off without her will to control them. For years, she'd dreamed of this day. The day she'd get her revenge for her family, and the day she'd get revenge for Fintan. And for Alvar-- who's family now hated him. She'd set everything right. And this was the moment it all happened. The first true step to fixing it all. So, why did it feel so wrong? 

"Right through the heart," Fintan reminded, his voice sounding colder than usual. Sophie gave a slight nod, so the Traitor wouldn't see as she neared him. They locked eyes, though, thankfully the brown color was hidden under the shadow of her hood. She needed to kill him, while obeying Gisela's orders.

"Make sure not to reveal yourself. Not at all until I give the cue."

Sophie had nodded, and that was another promise she'd made. She really needed to stop promising things. But, these promises were important. Alvar was letting Sophie do this, she realized. And she trusted Alvar. With her life, she reminded herself. 

As Sophie closed the distance between them, the entire world around them faded into darkness. It was only Sophie and the Traitor now. And now, Sophie had a promise to keep. 

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