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Chills ran down Biana's spine as a cold breeze passed through the area. Biana looked around. Snow covered the park she appeared to be stranded in. While snowflakes danced their way towards the ground, twirling and twinkling gracefully as they landed on Biana's head and nose. She smiled at the tingly feeling the snow left her with. 

"Where am I?" she asked herself, noticing the park was empty. Not a person was in sight. And only occasionally did a car drive past. In the middle of the park, was a large map. It had been labeled with strange symbols and little pictures. 

Crap. Biana thought. I can't read. Another cold wind passed through Biana, and Biana decided she'd figure things out after she was bundled up and prepared for the wintery weather. 

Only... she didn't have money, either. Biana cursed herself for leaving her friends behind. Especially Marella. She would kill to have one of her warm fires now. 

So, until she could figure out her next move, she waited inside a big building with a heater. A satisfied smile crossed Biana's face. So warm. She ignored the strange looks others were giving her- probably because of her elven attire- as she squatted beside a vent, expelling warmth. 

Now, how was she going to find Keefe? Ugh! Why didn't she think about any of this before she had come here? She could've used Sophie's spyball! Actually, why didn't Sophie use the spyball to find Keefe? 

Unless... had Keefe changed his name? Biana let out another groan, earning herself another round of confused glances. How could she find Keefe if he wasn't even Keefe, anymore? 

"Are you okay?" asked a voice. No way. Fate had to be messing with her. 

Because, as she looked up, a pair of ice blue eyes stared back at her with concern. Biana cursed her heart for fluttering the way it did. 

"Uh, yeah." she muttered, taking his extended hand and pulling herself to her feet. Was it really Keefe? He looked older, and, Biana hated herself for thinking it but... he also looked... cuter. But, other than his eyes, there was no way to be sure.

"Yeah," she  muttered, "I'm great. I was just... cold and I don't have the money to afford winter clothes so..." She hated herself for the way she consistently trailed off and stuttered. But, she couldn't help it. Her traitorous heart couldn't help it. 

"If you want, I can lend you my coat until you can get a new one?" The offer was sweet, and accompanied by one of his infamous smirks, if it was Keefe. And Biana felt her cheeks grow warm. Luckily, the cold was the perfect excuse for why she was red in the face. 

"T-thanks," she stuttered as the boy wrapped his green coat around her. And, as the two stepped back out into the cold, Biana felt relieved when a hint of a cold nipped at her face. 

The coat had worked. Though, her face was still vulnerable, it was still better.

"What's your name?" He asked. Biana tensed. If this was Keefe, he would know who she was. And, she didn't know him well enough anymore, that she wasn't sure if he'd bolt or hug her as they caught up on everything. 

So, she settled on the "answer a question with a question" tactic.

"Why did you help me?" she asked, settling on one of the most obvious questions. A sad smirk crossed the boy's face as she answered. 

"You reminded me of someone I knew awhile back." Guilt swelled in Biana's stomach. Should she do it? Could she do it? What would happen? Anxiety swelled inside Biana as she fought against her mind. 

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