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"Try and keep a low profile," Alvar instructed, and Sophie gave the slightest nod as the two squished through the tons of elves passing through Atlantis. 

"Don't need to tell me twice," Sophie agreed, cringing as her arms brushed passed past the other elves'. She wanted to gag. They all pretended everything was normal. Everything was okay. But it wasn't. Didn't they see how broken the councils' system was? Didn't they see how much it hurt others? 

"We just buy the elixirs, and get out," Alvar reminded. 

"I know," Sophie said as they neared Slurps and Burps. 

Just a couple appearance elixirs and they'd be out of there. Away from the large crowd. But as to what they were all gathering for, Sophie didn't know. Nor did she care. The elves could do whatever the crap they wanted and Sophie wouldn't care. 


"Good day," Alvar said, setting the vials down on the counter before the red-headed man. He smiled, and Sophie felt like vomiting. The only thing she enjoyed about this place, was how odd the place was. She wanted to giggle as she imagined how the council would squirm uncomfortably inside the shop. 

"Is this all?" Kesler asked, and Sophie nodded for Alvar.

After paying, the two hid behind the nearest corner they could find and downed each elixir. 

Until Alvar was a tall, lean man with little muscle, and a slight stubble. 

Sophie became a short, fiery-haired girl with freckles sprinkled across her nose. 

She smiled as she stared at her reflection.

"Cool," she breathed, and Alvar laughed.

"It is pretty neat, huh?" 

After they'd adjusted their appearances, they were free to walk around without any worry of getting caught. They were free to get all the information they needed to perfect their plan. Rid it of any weaknesses or inconveniences. 

As they walked, Sophie stayed silent. Keeping her focus on the road ahead of her. There was no time for distractions. And yet... Sophie found herself stopping to stare at a young boy her age with messy blonde hair and ice blue eyes.

A sense of familiarity tingled in the back of her mind, and when Alvar caught her staring, he leaned in to whisper, "That's the traitor." 

Sophie let out a small gasp, the Deja Vu quickly turning into blood-boiling rage. The traitor. The same boy who'd hurt Fintan and stolen the Neverseen's secrets. 

"Calm," Alvar told her, and she released the breath she'd been holding, "You save that rage for the battle, yeah?" 

Reluctantly, Sophie nodded. 

"Fine. But I'm giving him the most painful, slow death anyone's ever experienced. For you," she snarled, picking up the pace in her walk to escape the blonde boy. She felt her rage waving everywhere, but that irritating feeling of Deja Vu towards him refused to leave her alone. 


Biana POV

"Everything okay?" Biana asked as she, Keefe, and Fitz walked along the streets of Atlantis. 

"Fine," Keefe breathed, but she could see from the concerned look in his eyes that he wasn't. 

"I'm not an Empath," she told him, "But I know you're not 'fine'. What's up?" 

Beside her, Fitz grumbled. Probably jealous of the attention she was giving to Keefe. Keefe sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. 

"I could've sworn..."

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