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"You're not Alvar," Sophie said, glaring at the brunette before her, tied to a small wooden chair that had been lying around.

Biana. The Traitor. But despite how angry she was for being tricked, Sophie couldn't help but feel pity for the girl. Alvar's sister. She was so misguided. Brainwashed. Lost. And Sophie wished she could help Biana. For Alvar's sake.

"Nope," Biana grinned, spitting at Sophie's feet, "I'm his sister." 

Sophie felt her face twist in surprise, Biana knew about Alvar!- and Sophie knew she'd just given away information by her reaction. 

Despite how powerful Sophie was with her multiple abilities, she'd never master the art of acting as well as Alvar had.

"How did you know the password?" she quizzed. Biana smirked.

"It was easy. I know Sophie." 

Sophie straightened, growing more confident. Biana was lying. 

"Now, the real answer?" she urged, flaring her nostrils as Biana's grinned widened.

"You don't believe me? Search my thoughts." 

Sophie was tempted. She almost did. But, Alvar knew what he was doing. She trusted him with her life. And if he said Sophie was not yet ready, she would wait. However long he needed. 

But she also needed to appear confident. 

"I know you don't know Sophie. Because I know her. And she's in no way associated with you."

Biana gave Sophie a quizzical look, as if trying to figure Sophie out. 

"I do know Sophie," Biana insisted, looking genuinely confused now, "How else would I know the right password?" 

"You must have read my mind," Sophie huffed, defensively. Biana flashed in and out of sight, still restrained to the chair. 

"Vanisher, remember?" 

"Double abilities." 


"It's rare not impossible. Double abilities," Sophie insisted, but Biana just laughed.

"No. It is impossible. You're thinking of Sophie. But she's not--"

"Normal? I know. But what about that one boy? The traitor of the Neverseen? I heard he has multiple abilities." Another laugh from Biana.

"Keefe? His mom experimented on him! He's the same as Sophie!" 

"A lab rat?" Sophie guessed, hissing the word with a hint of sour. She was growing impatient. She really should go back for Alvar. But... she couldn't leave Biana. That would risk too much. Lady Gisela might learn of Sophie's mistake and punish her. 

Alvar was strong enough to fight his own way back. He could manage. And so could Sophie. 

"So, how did you know the password?" Sophie urged, steering them back onto topic.

"I told you," Biana spat, "I know Sophie. We're friends."

Sophie laughed so hard her sides hurt.

"Friends? That's the biggest lie I've ever heard!"

"Search my mind!" Biana said, again. And again, Sophie was tempted. But she restrained herself. 

Alvar knows what he's doing. Alvar knows what he's doing.

She repeated the reminder over and over until it was engraved into her brain. 

"If you won't talk, I guess I'll have to beat it out of you," Sophie snarled, but it was an empty threat. And she was sure Biana knew that from the way Sophie's voice wavered. 

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