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<Just for fun ^   q;   >                                                

 Keefe followed after Fitz, who was jogging down the road to escape. Keefe tried to chase after his friend, but Fitz was running too far. And eventually, Keefe lost sight of him. 

Great. Keefe thought, sourly. Fitz was gone. Wraith was somewhere. Biana was missing. And the rest of his friends were being held captive. What were they going to do? The group was falling apart, and he had no one left. 

"Dang you, Fitz," Keefe grumbled, kicking a nearby pebble as hard as he could. He had nowhere to go. The Base had been compromised, and he couldn't stay at his friends' houses. He had nowhere. Nowhere except... "No," Keefe said. That was not an option. He'd already promised not to go back. Save Sophie and return to the Forbidden Cities. That was his goal, and he hadn't forgotten. 

It was where he belonged. Sure, he could talk freely now. But that didn't mean he wasn't tempted by his abilities at times. 

"Stupid Mom," he spat, kicking another rock. This time, it flew a good fifteen meters, and Keefe nodded his approval. At least he had his strength. His determination. His bravery. And his sanity-- something none of the Neverseen had. They didn't feel guilt after killing. Always a step ahead. Went to insane lengths just to win. 

"Now what?" Keefe asked himself, looking up to the sky, as if expecting some inspiration or magical idea to make itself known. But no ideas came. And Keefe was left with nothing. What could he do? 


Fitz POV

Fitz ran. He didn't know how far or how long, but eventually, Keefe stopped trying to follow. Fitz didn't turn around. He didn't try to go back to his friend. He just needed to run. Away from the Puppeteer and her creepy Kenric-Beast. Away from the past. Away from Alvar. 

He had kidnapped Sophie. Whatever had happened to her was his fault, too. And an image flashed across his mind. Her, beaten and bruised and trapped inside one of the Neverseen's dungeons. Begging for them to let her free. Crying out for help. Help Fitz couldn't deliver. 

He felt useless. Helpless. So. Completely. Helpless. He wasn't the "Golden Child" everyone saw. He'd had such high expectations for himself. He was doing well, too. Everyone had expected great things from him. But how could he lead a fulfilling life when he couldn't even save his friends? Save Sophie?-- the same girl he'd professed his love to and even dated. Fitz settled on the thought. He was determined to get her back. He'd make sure they all lived until they time she would date him again. The time she would say she wanted him back. The time she would say "I love you".

But first, he needed to escape. Clear his mind. Calm himself. 

He was Fitz Vacker-- the boy who was meant to be great. He'd grow to do amazing things. Become a legend. Become someone people looked up to. Someone to inspire children. 

He could do this. He was a Vacker. Vackers solved problems. And so would Fitz. He just needed to clear his mind and let his "Vacker mind" come up with a brilliant solution. 

The entire Black Swan and his friends were held captive in one of the Neverseen's bases. Keefe was somewhere-- why had Fitz run off? Sophie was also a prisoner of the Neverseen's. Wraith was somewhere, as well. And Biana was... Fitz searched his surroundings, spreading his consciousness as far as it would go in search of Biana's mind. But nothing came up, and Fitz's reach wasn't as good as Sophie's. 

Basically, the odds weren't good. It was just Fitz, the Vacker and Telepath. What could he do as a Telepath? Just transmitting, really. And though he tried, Biana was too far to reach. Wraith, too, was unavailable. And Keefe was ignoring him, probably thinking he was helping Fitz cool off. 

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