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Dex's mouth ran dry, and everything Dex had been thinking had been put on hold-- instead replaced with fear and confusion as the all-to-familiar pair of warm, brown eyes stared into his. Though, he kept his hood on. 

Her expression was one of annoyance and agitation. 

Sophie had been with the Neverseen? For how long? What was this? 

Swallowing the sour bile that coated his tongue, Dex forced himself to speak-- if only a one-worded whisper.  "Sophie?" 

Sophie's eyes narrowed, and her gaze intensified on Dex as if trying to figure him out. That's right, Dex remembered. He knew who she was, but his identity was kept hidden by the stupid hood. 

"How do you know my name?" she growled, and Dex almost wanted to laugh. He wanted to pull down his hood right then and reveal himself. Though, he kept it on, fearing the consequences he'd face from the Neverseen. He looked away. So badly, he wanted to tell her the truth. Promise her she wasn't alone. Not anymore. But someone cleared their throat and Dex realized he was still holding the vial. 

Giving Sophie one last look, trying to show her his reluctance and apologies with his eyes. She returned it with one of confusion, and again, he remembered his face was still hidden. The green vial trembled in his hand as he held it above Sophie's waiting mouth. A soft squishing sound broke Dex from his thoughts, and he turned to see a needle being driven into Sophie's wrist, right beside the star-shaped scar she'd earned from Mr. Forkle. Sophie's teeth clenched shut, and he could see her trying to breath through it. 

"The vial!" someone behind him snapped.

Sophie's skin was beginning to turn a purplish hue, and Dex decided it was better to hope the Neverseen knew what they were doing as he poured it. Bits of the green liquid missed, and instead landed around her mouth. But within seconds, the purple faded into its original color and Sophie's eyes began to droop, lazily.  

"Sophie?" Dex asked, panic growing. "Sophie!?" Around him, no one moved. Though, he did catch Alvar flinch as Sophie fell limp. "What's going on?" He demanded, glaring at everyone in the room until his eyes finally landed on Alvar-- who's expression remained neutral, with only slight twitching from his lips. As if he wanted to say something. 

"She'll be alright," Alvar spoke up, though his tone carried a hint of its own worry. 

"Don't be silly," Fintan corrected. "She'll be better than alright." The unnatural giddy twinkle in Fintan's eyes carved a new fear into Dex's heart. Whatever this was-- whatever was going on with Sophie-- it wasn't good. And this was just after Dex had gotten Sophie back. 

Sophie was shaking now, violently. Her fingers were curled, nails digging into the chair she was strapped to, and her expression being one of pain. 

"Sophie!" Dex cried, rushing to steady her when the rest of the Neverseen remained in place. Not even what Dex assumed to be the doctors of the Neverseen, seemed to worry. 

He'd just found her. After so many sleepless nights, everyone worrying for her. And now, Dex had probably killed her. Or, taking into account what Fintan had said, maybe killed everyone. "Sophie! Sophie, wake up!" 

Dex was sobbing now-- a pitiful thing of him in front of the enemy. But he couldn't help it. One tear had slipped past, and now he couldn't stop it. Just like he couldn't stop whatever was happening to Sophie. 

"Shut up!" someone snapped. Dex turned to find a slender woman with shining black hair and cold, silver-blue eyes. "Does this kid ever do anything besides complain?" 

A chorus of grumbled agreements hissed throughout the room, and Dex couldn't help but notice Alvar's dazed eyes as they watched Sophie. Dex looked back to Sophie, biting back another cry when he saw how her eyes had twitched open and rolled to the back of her head. He turned back to face Alvar. 

"Is she going to be okay?" 

Alvar's mouth opened to respond, but no sound came out. And before anything could, he was cut off by another voice. This time, Dex recognized it. Illusion

"Look, kid, you've done your job. So I recommend shutting up, because you've served your purpose and we aren't required to let you stay." Dex shot her a glare, but pursed his lips shut and turned his eyes back to Sophie. 

Sophie. What had they done to her during all those months they'd had her? What had she seen? Learned? What was going to happen to her? 

The questions piled up, but Dex kept them to himself for pondering. Otherwise, he feared Illusion would make good on her threat and he'd be separated from Sophie again. Dex couldn't risk that. Not after just getting her back. 

"Sophie," he breathed as he stared at her trembling self. Luckily, no one heard him, nor did anyone drag him away. 

The shaking was quieting now, and Dex told himself she'd be fine. She'd wake up soon.

Dex sighed, needing a distraction from this. He knew there was no chance of escape, but, being desperate for a distraction, he focused instead on Biana.

It had been three days ago that he'd last seen her. After giving her the escape sphere Oralie had lent to him, he'd been locked up and imprisoned in another cell. This time, however, instead of lazing around all day, Dex had been forced to make the mysterious substance he'd just given to Sophie. Hopefully, in that time, Biana had managed to escape. 

He knew Biana was more likely to kill herself while trying to save him, or one of their other friends. This got him thinking... Had Biana seen Sophie? Was this how she'd gotten captured? She'd seen and tried to save Sophie? If this was the case, and Biana knew where Sophie was, could she escape and tell someone? Could she really know about Sophie? He prayed she'd escaped and had been able to tell someone about her. About the rest of their friends, too.

Dex prayed this was the case. He prayed.

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