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Inhaling a shaky breath, Sophie mocked a smile, her lips curling into a grin Gisela would be proud of. Her fingers curled around the hilt of Fintan's dagger, as she tried to imagine how she'd do this. On one hand, she could dive straight for him before they even battle, and drive it straight through him as Fintan had instructed. Or, she could give him a chance to fight for his life, before she would so brutally take it away. He deserved that at least, didn't he? A chance? No, it wouldn't be a chance for him to fight, but a chance for Sophie to torture him. Give him the pain he deserved after betraying Fintan.  

"Keefe Sencen," Sophie hissed through her teeth, eyes boring into his. The Traitor straightened, his eyes darkening with a strange fire she felt she'd never seen before. But she had. Hadn't she? He'd battled her back at the storehouse, and he'd worn the same expression then. Right? 

"Who are you?" He growled, and Sophie's smile widened. This time, it wasn't forced. She didn't have to kill him. Well, she did. But not yet. First, they would fight. She wondered how good he would truly be. Because, despite having fought him before, this felt different somehow. More real? 

"Keeper," Sophie said, giving Keefe the nickname Gisela had dubbed her. The Traitor growled at that, edging closer to her with his own sword in hand. 

"You wanna fight me?" Sophie asked. The Traitor thought he could really fight her and live? She laughed. She'd lost to him before, but facing him now, she felt losing to him would be harder than winning. 

"I don't," he answered. "But I'll do whatever it takes to get what I want." Sophie laughed.

"The Black Swan... always going to the extreme for their own, selfish desires. Revolting." Sophie's grip on Fintan's dagger tightened, squeezing so tight her muscles cramped. It was the very reason her family was dead. The very reason Amy was dead. The Black Swan had wanted something-- and when Sophie had refused to be their weapon, they'd killed her family. 

The anger brought her power back to her fingers, buzzing with excitement as her anger bubbled up. 

"What kind of nonsense are you talking?" The Traitor asked. "The Neverseen are literally murderers." Sophie rolled her eyes.

"Only when it's necessary. Sadly, the same can't be said for you." 

"I've never killed," The Traitor said. Sophie cocked her head, quickly scanning his mind for his deepest, darkest secrets. Bingo

"It runs in the family, though. Right? So, it's only a matter of time." The Traitor flinched, his icy eyes glossing over for a brief moment as the words shoved themself into his head. To Sophie's amusement, he straightened, his eyes turning dark as he readjusted his grip on his sword. Mocking The Traitor's infamous smirk, she unsheathed her dagger. 

Holding it out to face him, The Traitor let out a small gasp. Of course, Sophie realized. Fintan had been his mentor at one point, so it made sense he'd recognize Fintan's special prize. She laughed at the irony. Keefe Sencen, killed by his own mentors dagger after a brutal betrayal.

"You recognize it, then?" Sophie asked, and The Traitor growled in response. Without warning, The Traitor lunged for Sophie, his sword aimed at her heart. Sophie smiled.

"Are you trying to kill me?" she taunted. "I admire your bravery. And insanity." Sophie dodged, ducking under him, jumping over him, moving out of his sword's way in the last second. All to tease him. Lies. Let him think he's so close. Then, prove he never had a chance by killing his life in a single attempt. She thought the words in Fintan's voice, knowing they'd have more of an impact on her if she did. She loved Fintan, but he just scared her.

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