Chapter 38: Ante

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As I was leading Nazar toward the front door, I could see he wasn't feeling good at all. And then, just when we reached the door, he simply fainted. Or so I thought. Just a few seconds after, he started having uncontrolled convulsions, making his whole body shake. I could hear Ethan burst into tears in the background but my eyes were glued to Nazar's body. Jonathan gently pushed me back, kneeling next to Nazar's body. He gently turned him until he was on his side before walking back next to me.

Jonathan put one of his hands on my shoulder. "Is it the first time he's having a seizure?" I simply nodded, too shocked to say anything. "He will be fine."

A minute or so later, the convulsions stopped as quickly as they arrived and he slowly started to gain back consciousness. 

"W-What's... going on?" He asked in a low voice a few minutes later.

"Are you okay?" I asked back in a small voice as I tried to swallow back my tears. 

I kneeled next to him and put a hand on his shoulder. I realized how badly my hand was shaking once it was on his body and I tried to take a few deep breath to calm down, without much success. I was so scared.

"My body hurts... What happened?"

"You had a seizure. Ante told me it was the first time it happened... Would you like us to drive you to the hospital, just to be sure you didn't hurt yourself while falling?" Jonathan asked in a gentle voice.

"I... W-What? I-... Okay..."

I helped him get up, passing one of my hands behind his back.

"Ethan and I are going to stay here, alright?" Martha said, stepping out of the kitchen. "I'm going to try to change his mind."

"Thank you." I said, feeling grateful. I didn't know how long we would have to wait at the hospital and I didn't want Ethan to worry even more.

"I want to come!!!" Ethan exclaimed, running toward me.

Jonathan took over helping Nazar, allowing me to kneel in front of Ethan. "Please, stay with Martha. We're just making a quick trip to the hospital to see if everything is alright and then we're coming back to get you." I explained gently. I wanted to wipe his tears away and pull him into a hug but I wasn't sure he would be comfortable or that he would let me do it.

"I would really appreciate your help in the kitchen. We could bake a cake for Nazar, what do you think?" Martha asked, intervening in the conversation to help me.

"Cake would be perfect, I'm sure Nazar would really appreciate it. Even more with your help, Ethan."

After a minute of silence, he answered while wiping his eyes. "Okay..."

"Thank you."

After one last smile, I got up and joined Jonathan and Nazar who were already waiting in the car. I sat in the back next to Nazar, just in case something else happened. The trip to the hospital was thankfully quick and uneventful. We explained what happened and sat in the waiting room, waiting for our turn. Nazar was back to his normal self by then even if his body - particularly his head - was hurting. 

We had to wait for a few hours and Nazar didn't even complain once which was unusual. I would have prefered to hear him complain; it would have reassured me a little. When it was our turn, Jonathan decided to wait outside while I led Nazar through the white corridors. Then, I explained what had happened a few hours earlier, insisting that it was the first time it happened before speaking about his headaches and nausea.

"It's a good thing you did a blood test or I would have requested one. The only thing I can do, for now, is make you have a MRI."

"A-A MRI?" I asked, worryingly.

"To see if something might have triggered the seizures. You will then receive the results in a few days."

"Will I have to stay at the hospital in the meantime?" Nazar asked, speaking for the first time since we arrived.

"Unless you hurt yourself while falling, no need to. Let's go, the sooner it will be done, the sooner you will be able to go back home." He said before turning toward me. "You can go back to the waiting room, he will join you once it's over."

"O-Alright. But someone will have to guide him as he's blind."

"Really? How long have you been blind?"

"My whole life?" Nazar answered in a confused voice.

"Oh. That's reassuring. A sudden blindness would have been worrying. Let's go, I will guide you."

Without saying anything else, I followed them through the corridors and then we separated as I went back in the waiting room. I sat next to Jonathan and explained what just happened.

"I feel like he had some ideas about what it could be but he didn't tell us anything more. It really worries me..." I ranted while playing with my hands.

"You will be fixed in a few days. I'm sure things will be fine." Jonathan said, trying to reassure me.

After what felt like an eternity, a nurse brought Nazar back to the waiting room. I got up as soon as I saw him and held his arm so she could let him go.

"We can go home." He told me once one of my arms was behind his back, just in case he had another seizure.

"Did they tell you anything?" I asked and watched him as he slowly said no in a small head movement.

Jonathan joined us and we left the hospital. During the trip back to the farm, he asked us if we wanted to stay here for the night as it was getting late or if we preferred booking a hotel in the area. I knew we had waited a few hours before Nazar could get seen and the MRI lasted a little over one hour but I didn't think it would be this dark outside.

"Are you sure you don't mind us staying over? You already did so much today."

"Martha and I would be really happy to have you there."

I smiled at these words and ended up agreeing. Plus, on the bright side, it would allow Ethan to spend a night there which was good. My heart swelled when I saw Ethan run toward us as soon as we stepped inside the house.

"NAZAR!! Are you okay??!"

"I'm better." He answered with a small smile.

"I was so scared when you fell!" He exclaimed, his hands clapped together. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, as if he wanted to add something. A few seconds later, he walked closer to Nazar, patting his arm a few times before stepping away slightly.

Seeing this made me so happy that, for a few seconds, I forgot the past few hours of stress. Nazar seemed surprised but touched by this gesture. Especially when you knew how Ethan felt about physical touches.

We went to the kitchen to eat the dinner they prepared and Ethan proudly showed us the cake he helped make: Lemon Pie. While we were sitting around the table, I couldn't help but steal glances toward Nazar from time to time. He seemed alright even if he looked a little tired but my mind kept replaying what happened earlier today. I couldn't wait for the results to come and I hoped they would be great...

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