Chapter 26: Ante

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I watched Ethan enter the school ground before turning around and walking to work. Today was going to be busy: only one session this morning before going back home to get Nazar for his yearly meeting to check his prostate. Then I had two more sessions this afternoon and then I had a meeting with Mr. Collins, at the orphanage, to meet a potential family for Ethan. Just thinking about all this made my head hurt and it wasn't  even eight yet.

Once in the office, I greeted Imogen as I walked in the corridor before putting my coat on the back of my chair. I opened the file of my only session of the morning and smiled slightly when I realized it was Matt Carter. We had come a long way since our first session and, with time, he opened a lot more. I was proud to say that he didn't get into any new fights for the past four months and that he was slowly starting to accept what happened to him. I got up when I heard the front door being opened and smiled at Matt, inviting him in my office. The worker accompanying him greeted me with a sign of the head as he sat on a chair in the waiting room. I closed the door behind us and sat down in front of him.

"How have you been since the last time we saw each other?" I asked, opening my little notebook.

"Not bad. My grades got a little better." He answered, a side smile on his lips.

"That's good. Would you like to continue your studies once you get your A-level?"

"Maybe... I'm not sure yet." He admitted with a small shrug.

"You still have some time to think about it. And don't worry, you can go back to school at any age, if you wish. Speaking from personal experience."

He nodded and I could see the relief in his eyes. "Mmmh, a family came to see me a few days ago." He said in a low voice after some hesitation. 

He was staring at his lap while playing with his hands nervously. I waited a little for him to elaborate but, after a few minutes, I knew he wasn't going to say anything else. "How did it go? Do you want to tell me more about it?" I asked gently.

"It went well. They seem nice. They adopted a baby nine years ago and want to adopt another child..." He admited but I could see something was bothering him.

"Then, what is bothering you?"

"Why would they adopt me? I'm almost seventeen!" He exclaimed, confusion in his voice. 

"Did they tell you anything when you met them?"

"Stuffs like they didn't want to raise another baby and would rather adopt an older child." He frowned while shaking his head.

"You don't seem very convinced." I stated before adding. "Did they do anything that could make you believe they are lying?"

"No but I don't see the point. I was convinced I would stay at the orphanage until I was eighteen then I would be on my own."

His answer squeezed my heart a little. No one deserved to get thrown out into the world without anyone to count on. And the help they were allowed was far from being enough. "You deserve to have a loving family. Give yourself a chance to know them. It's not easy to adopt a child and I don't think they would do all this if they weren't genuinely interested. Plus, as you may already know, the interested families have to pass some interviews with Mr. Collins first to see if you may be compatible and if they are fit to adopt or foster a child."

"What if they decide to adopt me and I end up disappointing them?" He asked, looking at me with worried eyes full of unlashed tears.

"That won't happen." I answered in a reassuring tone. "I got to know you through these sessions and you're a great person. You're smart, nice and caring. You know how to defend yourself when needed." I added, sending a little wink in his direction refering to the black eye he had during our first session and wringing a smile from him. "I know it's not easy to open yourself to new people and to get to know them but, no matter what will happen, it will be worth it."

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