Chapter 33: Nazar

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I was laying shirtless on our bed and listened to Ethan telling me what he was drawing about while Ante was in the shower.

"Will you come with us tomorrow while we're going to play football?" 

"Why? Do you want me on your team?" I asked which made him laugh slightly.

"I could play against you and win!" He exclaimed with another laugh.

I chuckled at his answer and shook my head. "I bet Ante would help me catch a ball or two."

"Are you and Ante going to stay while we play football?" He asked suddenly as the tone of his voice changed slightly.

"If you want us to, we will. You don't need to worry about that."

"We could do something you want after!" He exclaimed and, a few seconds later, added. "Like, eat an ice cream! Or say funny things!"

"I see you summed Nazar perfectly." Ante said as he came back into the room. "Fun guy who loves food."

"And you."

"... Yeah but you can't eat me."

"Well... That's debat- Ouch!" I exclaimed as I felt him pinch my arm.

This little exchange made Ethan laugh and we all went to bed after wishing him a good night. I listened to Ante's soft breathing and tried to do the same without much success. I could feel a headache coming out of nowhere from the back of my head but did my best to ignore it. I pulled Ante closer, putting my head into the crook of his shoulder. Instinctively, he snuggled even closer, making me smile. I concentrated on the beating of his heart, letting it lub me into sleep...


When I woke up, my headache was still here but less present which was good. I quietly got out of the bed to go to the toilets and dress myself before returning into the room. I sat at the edge of the bed and gently caressed Ante's hair. I didn't know what time it was but I could feel some rays of sunshine coming out of the small window.

"... Morning..." Ante whispered after a few seconds.

"Good morning.... Did you sleep well?"

"Not bad and you?"

"Good. I'm going to check if Ethan is awake while you get ready, alright?"

He kissed my cheek as an agreement and I felt the bed shake slightly as he got up. I waited until I heard the noise of the bathroom before getting back up and opening slightly the curtain that separated us from Ethan. The last thing that I wanted was to scare him.

"Hey Ethan... Are you awake?" I whispered before adding. "Would you like some breakfast?"

"Why are you whispering?" He asked softly a minute later.

"I didn't know if you were sleeping and didn't want to scare you... I will let you get ready, alright?" I said as I closed the curtain and sat on the bed while waiting for them to get ready.

We left the room once they were ready and we joined Martha and Jonathan in the dining room for a nice breakfast. Not feeling really hungry this morning, I settled with only some cereals and yogurt. I mainly listened to the conversations around me and paid attention to today's plans. Once we were done eating, I followed Ante who led me to the playing area. We sat on a bench and I listened to Jonathan explaining the game to Ethan. 

"Are you going to try?" 

"I don't think so." Ante answered and I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Why not? I'm sure Ethan would appreciate it."

"I agree. You should go, I will stay with Nazar." Martha said, inserting herself into the conversation.

I nodded and gently pushed Ante's shoulder, hoping he would get the hint and have some fun. We could always spend time together later. I felt him got up a minute later, making me smile. 

"I'm joining you if you don't mind."

"Yeah!" Ethan cheered before adding. "You two are against me, okay?"

"If you want."

I smiled at this interaction, wishing I could see them play. I bet this was going to be fun. We listened to the beginning of the game in silence until Martha started to talk. "Thank you for everything you do for us. Being able to be in this beautiful place and spend time with Ethan is amazing."

"No need to thank me. Ante's biggest worry was not to be able to find a great family for him. He met a few families before you but without any success. He worried Mr. Collins would want Ethan back if the processus took too long but then you came along. Ethan seems comfortable with you." I told her truthfully.

"Can I ask you something?" She asked to which I simply nodded. "Why didn't you adopt him? It's easy to see he likes you."

I took a few seconds to answer, feeling my heart get a little heavier. "The contract was only to foster him so Ante could work more easily with him. We can't adopt him even if we wanted to. It's not easy; he's pretty cool but... I think it's even harder for Ante."

"I'm sorry. I really am."

"Don't be. At least we know he will be with a nice family." I said, giving her a faint smile.

"I know it won't make things easier but... You will always be welcomed if you want to visit us." 

I smiled, feeling grateful. They were good people. We stopped talking and I concentrated back on the game. I had no idea what was going on but I could hear some laughter which was great.

"I WON!!!" Ethan cheered a few minutes later. I clapped, soon followed by Martha. "Do you want to try?"

"Me? No, thank you. And you don't even need to be against me to win." I answered with a chuckle.

"Do you want to try another game?" Jonathan asked as his voice drew closer. "I could teach you basketball."

"Mmmh, okay! Do you want to play with us?"

"Would you mind if I took Nazar and showed him around? But no worries, we would be back before lunch?" Ante proposed instead, making me smile slightly. Some alone time together would be cool.

"And me?" Ethan asked in a little voice a few seconds after.

"You could stay with us. I will play with you and Jonathan if you want. And then we will meet Ante and Nazar for lunch?" Martha proposed in a gentle voice. I heard nothing for a minute and I wondered what was going on. "And if you change your mind, I will call Ante and they will come back."

"Promise?" He asked back after a minute of silence.

"Of course. And we will eat an ice cream after lunch. And you could get one with three scoops!" Ante answered, making Ethan gasps slightly.



"Okay!" He exclaimed before adding, in a slightly worried voice. "But you come back if I call, right?"

"Of course. I promise we will come back right away." Ante answered gently, making me smile. He was great.


After one last promise and goodbye, Ante took my arm and I let him lead me around the boat. I tried to stretch my ears just to see if I could hear Ethan cry but, when I didn't hear anything, I relaxed. I was sure things would turn out fine and that they would ease his worry by teaching him some games. My smile reappeared as I concentrated on Ante's hand and realized we would have some time to ourselves. I couldn't wait and I was going to do everything to enjoy it as much as possible...

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