Chapter 17: Nazar

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I smiled when I heard the front door being opened just as I was about to finish preparing dinner. "Hey Ante, hey Ethan." I turned away from the oven, my smile widening as I heard steps entering the kitchen.

"Hi." Ethan said softly.

"How was school?" I asked after giving a kiss to Ante.

"It was okay." 

"You know, I'm jealous of you. I would have loved to go to school but sadly I was home schooled instead and it sucked." I told him as I put the food on three plates.

"Nazar, language." Ante warned me, making me mentally roll my eyes.

"Come on, I'm sure he heard worse."

We ate and washed the dishes while having some music in the background and then went upstairs for Ethan to take a shower. I waited in the room while he was showering and joined Ante in the corridor once he was done. We wished him a good night and took turns to shower. As I waited for Ante to be done, I laid on the bed and wondered how today's session went. His mood seemed lighter than the past weeks and, while it was a good thing, I wondered what changed. I waited for him to be laying next to me before asking the question that obsessed me these past minutes.

"How was it at work today?"

"It was good. I said goodbye to one of my patients and I'm happy he's going to have a better life in another city." He answered before adding. "Then, in the afternoon I had another session and... She told me about a new chirurgical procedure that could remove burn marks and scars..."

My eyes widened at these words, not expecting it. "A-Are you sure it's legit and not a scam?"

"No, I've made my own researches once she left... They recently started experimenting on humans but so far the hopes are very high for it..." He explained and I could hear the excitement in his voice.

"What about the possible sides effects?" I ended up asking after a minute of silence. I didn't want to ruin his excitement but, from what he just told me, it was still in the early stages of experimentations.

"T-That's a risk to take... But the procedures they have done already went well..."

"I don't doubt that it went well but you don't know what the risks could be ten or twenty years down the road..." I told him in a worried tone.

"Obviously and I won't lie and tell you I haven't thought about it but... I think that's a risk I would be willing to take... I would be too old in twenty years to have such a heavy treatment." He explained in a small voice, making me close my eyes.

"What changed?" I asked, gently putting one of my hands on his cheek. I felt him flinch slightly at the contact of my skin against his burnt one, making my heart beat faster. I took a few seconds to pick the exact words I wanted to say before speaking again. "I think the sessions you're doing with that woman affects you a lot more than you want to let on. Firstly, it was the nightmares starting again, then flinching from time to time when I touch you and now you're willing to risk your life and future to try to change your appearance?"

I felt a liquid roll down my hand and quickly understood it was a tear. I gently wiped it away before continuing to speak. We should have had this conversation a lot sooner: as soon as he started having nightmares or when he started feeling self conscious again.

"You can refer her to another colleague, I'm sure she would understand but you can't help her, or help other kids, if you're starting to fall back in old habits. I'm worried about you, Ante." I whispered, feeling my eyes starting to burn. "Believe me, I would be your first supporter if there was a safe way to remove your scars and burn marks. I know it's something you always wanted but to be willing to take so many risks? T-No. What if it goes wrong? You would be willing to risk everything that we have? What about Ethan?"

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