Chapter 11: Nazar

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I spent a few hours reading while enjoying the sun on my skin and stopped when I felt a presence next to me.

"Do you feel like eating leftovers tonight?" Ante asked as I closed my book.

"Sure, I don't mind. I can also cook something, if you prefer."

"No, it's fine. Thank you." He answered as I got up.

"How is it going with the kid?" I asked curiously.

I heard him sigh and he stayed quiet for a few seconds. "Nothing much changed. He moved only once to go to the toilets and then sat back on the sofa. He didn't speak or answer any questions. I spent the last few hours next to him alternating between watching him and watching the random cartoons on TV."

I pulled him in a quick hug at these words. I knew how much he wanted to help him. "It will probably take some time but you will do great. I believe in you." I whispered before kissing him gently.

"I really appreciate it." He whispered back before breaking the hug and stepping away.

We went back to the kitchen and I listened to him taking stuffs out of the fridge and reheating leftovers while I set the table. "Do you want me to tell him to come here?" I asked once I was done.

"Not sure he will listen to you but you can try, he is still on the sofa. Food is almost ready." He told me and I nodded.

I went to the living room and stopped a few centimeters away from the sofa. "Dinner is almost ready, you should come. It's right behind me, just in case you forgot." I told him, not really knowing what else to add.

I waited a few seconds before turning away and walking back to the kitchen. "Is he following me?" I asked Ante once I was back.

"He... He's right behind you, actually." He stated and I could hear that he was a little surprised.

"Oh." I turned around, facing Ethan. "I'm glad you came. You can take a seat and Ante will serve the food soon."

Soon, we were all eating dinner in a peaceful silence and we put the dishes in the sink once we were done.

"Now Ethan, let's go to the bathroom so you can shower and then you can go to bed." Ante told him as I was about to leave the kitchen. I stopped in my tracks when I heard a small gasp.

"No!" A small voice answered, full of panic.

"You have nothing to worry about but you need to shower..." Ante explained in a calm and gentle voice and I winced when I heard Ethan start to cry.

"Maybe it can wait until tomorrow? He just got here and he didn't move a lot..." I chimmed in, hoping he would stop crying. The noise was hurting my ears.

"I..Okay." Ante sighed after a few seconds. "Let's get you to bed, alright? You will feel better after a good night of sleep." 

I heard steps going upstairs a few minutes later and I decided to start washing the dishes. When that was done, I dried my hands and jumped a little when I felt a presence next to me.

"You were fast." 

"He wasn't comfortable with me in the room so I showed him where all the clothes were and told him to pick what he wanted. I also told him to turn off the light when he was done and turn on the night lamp instead. I closed the door and waited outside and came down when I couldn't see the light through the door." He explained, making me nod.

"It's not easy, huh?"

"Not at all... I'm trying to think of a way to make him have a bath tomorrow without him having a meltdown... I don't want him to be scared or uncomfortable but he needs to shower."

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