Chapter 32: Ante

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After our meal, we went back in our respective room to change ourselves into swimsuits. Ethan was the first one to change himself in the bathroom, followed by Nazar. It was, now, my turn and I had a shirt in my hands, indecisive. I didn't know if I should wear it or not. A knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Is everything alright? Do you need help?" Nazar asked as I turned around.

I opened slightly the door, letting my head peak out a little. "I'm trying to decide if I should wear a shirt with my swimsuit or not."

"I vote for no." Nazar answered immediately, pushing the door open a little wider. "You would be too hot with the shirt on. Right, Ethan?"

I shook my head softly, not surprised at his answer. Ethan's little gasp was heard a few seconds later, making me turn my head in his direction. "You have these all over your body?!" He exclaimed, his eyes widening once he realized what he said and he put his hands over his mouth.

I smiled slightly at his reaction before nodding. "Yes, I do."

He walked closer, examining the burn marks and scars over the left side of my stomach and leg. "Does it hurt?"

"No, it's the same thing than my hand." I answered before putting the shirt on. 

"Why did you put a shirt on? I thought it was too hot?" Ethan asked, an innocent look on his face and his previous question already forgotten.

"Yeah, why did you put a shirt on?" Nazar repeated with a smirk as he crossed his arms.

I rolled my eyes before walking past them. Of course Nazar wasn't going to lose an opportunity to tease me. "Let's go, I bet Martha and Jonathan are waiting for us already." I simply said, opening the door of our room.

They joined me a few seconds after and I held Nazar's hands, following the various signs hanging on the walls. After a while, we arrived at the top of the boat where a big swimming pool was, surrounded by lounge chairs. Further away, a bar was proposing tons of different cocktails and non alcoholic beverages. The whole area screamed luxury and the teenager buried in me wanted to scream and jump up and down in excitement. I felt happy and proud to experience this with Nazar and Ethan. Without forgetting our new friends, of course. 

And, indeed, they were waiting for us and were admiring the view while doing so. We joined them and I took a minute to look at the magnificiant view in front of me: the sea as far as the eye could see which matched with the blue of the sky. The sun and warmth was a nice bonus.

"Who's ready to swim?" Martha asked, a smile on her lips. She was wearing a beautiful red one piece swimsuit.

Ethan looked at her, excitement in his eyes before turning toward me. "Come on, let's go!" I exclaimed, leading Nazar toward the water.

I helped Nazar sit on the edge of the swimming pool, his feet dangling in the water. I then checked if Ethan's armbands were put correctly before mentioning the water with a head movement. In a swift movement he jumped into the water splashing all around him, Nazar and I included. Martha was a little further away in the swimming pool and mentioned him to approach. "Do you still want me to teach you how to swim?"

"Yes, please!" He answered, trying to float in her direction.

I sat next to Nazar while Jonathan sat next to me. "Don't you want to go with them?" 

"I prefer letting Martha do it, she's better than I am. I'm not the biggest fan of water, to be honest. But you two can go around and do your own thing while I watch them. I will let you know if Ethan is looking for you." Jonathan proposed, making me smile slightly. It was a sweet gesture.

"Let's go?" Nazar asked with a smirk on his face before adding. "Is the water shallower somewhere?"

"From what I saw, it's shallower on the other side."

Before I could add something else, Nazar got up and he pulled my arm so that I would do the same. I got up, thanked Jonathan one last time and led him toward the other side of the pool. While doing so, I looked at Martha and Ethan and smiled as I saw she tried to teach him the moves.

Once on the other side, we slowly entered the water until it reached our belly button. This area was quieter which was appreciated. "Isn't it uncomfortable to have a wet shirt?" Nazar after a few minutes of silence.

"Eh, you get used to it. I did the same thing when we used to go to the beach as teenagers, remember?"

"How could I forget? And you were always wearing long sleeve shirts!" He exclaimed before pulling me closer. "I'm proud of how far you've come." This made my heart swell and a smile appeared on my face. I knew I could count on him to always make me feel good and appreciated. I kissed his cheek and looked at his face for a minute. He didn't put his sunglasses on so the sun made his eyes pop out more. He had the most beautiful eyes. He was unreal. "So, we didn't go all the way there just to stand in the water, right?" 

"What do you have in mind?" I asked, looking at him curiously. With him, you never knew what he was thinking about. 

"Would it be appropriate if I tried to make you fall into the water with me? Or are we too old for that now?"

"I don't know if it would be appropriate but we're almost fully into the water anyway."

"How is Ethan doing? He sounded happy going into the water with Martha." He asked suddenly changing the subject.

"Good. He likes her." I answered before adding. "He just needs to warm up a little more to Jonathan and he will be good to go..."

He took my hand into his as soon as these words left my lips and squeezed it softly. We both knew that it was only a matter of time now before he was ready to leave us. But I was determined to enjoy the moments we had left as must as possible and create tons of good memories...

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