Running Scared

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"Get back! Leave him alone!" Jenny tried to shield JJ as much as she could as they made their way up the path. This was getting out of hand. The photographer was calling the little boy's name and trying to get a picture of the two of them. She pulled JJ's hood further over his head and cuddled him close. "Have you NO morals you - you - ohhhh!" she raged. They made it to the front door which magically opened from inside and they piled inside. The door slammed and the photographer swore loudly.

Jamie was sobbing and Diana, who'd been waiting ready to open the door, scooped him up and hugged him tightly. "Oh Jamie, it's ok, you're safe. It was just a VERY rude man with a camera, he wouldn't have hurt you, we just didn't want him to take your picture without your Dad being here. Now, go upstairs and get changed ok? Then we can all have a snack. I think we deserve one. What do you say?" she turned to Jenny, who was sitting on the stairs, white and shaking.

Instantly, she smiled, putting on her best "adult" face. "I think that's a great idea Granny. I think JJ would like some.... pancakes! We could all make pancakes together. " she looked at Diana, barely holding together. Jamie wiped his eyes - and his nose - on his sleeve, sniffing loudly.

"Are YOU ok mu-Miss-Jenny?" he came and wrapped his arms around her where she sat and she cuddled him close, one hand on his head, stroking his hair.

"I'm fine darling. I just got angry with the rude man. I'm sorry you had to see and hear all that." she moved him to stand in front of her. "I will NEVER let anyone do anything that makes you sad or scared ok? You're my special little bean. My JJ Jumping Bean" she laughed gently, "now jump upstairs and get changed. Play clothes please, I have a feeling this could get very messy!"

Her little jumping bean giggled and squeezed past her up the stairs. As they listened, Diana and Jenny could hear thumping from his room and a childlike "jump jump jump" sing-song as he changed. Jenny got up and went through to the kitchen.

She crumpled onto the chair at the table and burst into tears. Diana was instantly at her side, holding her close and soothing her.

"Oh Diana it was awful. This is the second week in a row. Will they NEVER let it alone? They're just getting worse and worse. We found another one in the playground this morning. Not even a journalist, just some random, looking for me and JJ. She was a harmless fan, but what if one's not.. what if...." Jenny dissolved into heaving sobs and Diana stroked her hair.

"Shhhhh lovey, it's ok. It's all going to be ok. They'll stop eventually. We'll get PC Dixon to keep an eye on the school a little more and nip all this in the bud. Tom will sort it out, he loves you both dearly and won't let either of you come to harm." she gently took her arms away and went to put the kettle on. "Now, you go and change and wash your face and I'll make a cuppa. Then we can get started on those pancakes ok?"

Jenny took a couple of deep breaths and stood up, wiping away the tears with her fingers. "Thank you, I don't know how I would cope without you Diana." she looked at the older woman with affection. She'd come to mean such a lot to her in a very short time. Even though they'd known each other for years, it was only now that they really KNEW each other.

"You're welcome lovey, any time. Just one thing you could do for me?" she came and took Jenny's hand. "Tell Jamie he can call you mum in front of me? Poor wee mite is twisting himself in knots for some reason. I tried to speak to him about it but he just clammed up. It will be so much easier all round, especially now. And to tell the truth, it makes it easier for me too. Calling you Jenny to his face seems, well, odd!" she smiled and squeezed Jenny's hand causing a fresh waterfall of tears to erupt.

"Away with you girl!" Diana chided with a laugh, "before you dehydrate completely!"

Later that evening as the two women sat listening to the sound of Jamie getting ready for bed - yet more "jumping" - they looked at each other and laughed. "They're more resilient than we give them credit for aren't they?" Diana said sipping her coffee.

"They certainly are." Jenny nodded. Reaching over, she popped the last piece of chocolate spread covered pancake in her mouth and closed her eyes. Bliss. "Was Tom like that as a little boy?" she knew a fair bit about his childhood, but Diana always seemed to have a little secret or two ready to share in moments just like this.

"Well, he was bright. And cheeky - in a nice way."

"Of course!"

"And he always seemed to know what made people tick. Guess that's what's made him such a good character actor. Seems to have a bit of a blind spot for understanding scheming gold-diggers call Tina though eh?" she winked and they both laughed.

"mmm. Oh I spoke to JJ about the 'mum' thing. You won't believe what he said!" she put down her cup and turned to face Diana full on. "he said. And I'm quoting here ... 'if I call you mum in front of her, how will Granny feel about her daughter?' "

"What??" Diana was completely confused. She moved to sit on the edge of her seat. "But what on earth do Emma and Sarah have to do with this?"

"Well," Jenny said with a look of disbelief "for some reason, he got it into his head that Claire was your daughter too. Tom had married his sister!" she shook her head. "Where he got THAT from I have no idea!" For a second the two women looked at each other then started to laugh. The laugh developed into full blown hysteria, a release from the tension of the day.

"His SISTER?" Diana gasped, wiping her eyes, "Can you IMAGINE?"

"NO!" Jenny clutched herself as she imagined the implications "So you'd be his mother AND his mother-in-law!" they slowly started to calm down, and eventually Diana looked thoughtful and nodded.

"I know what it is!" she said triumphant that she'd worked out the meandering mind of their resident puzzle on legs. "Claire's parents died when she was a teenager. Car crash, all very tragic." she frowned and Jenny nodded solemnly. Diana continued "I bet, because there are no photo's, no Granny or Grandad from their side, he thinks they never existed. That WE were the only family! Naturally, to him, that would make Tom and Claire brother and sister!"

"Oh dear, poor confused little soul." Jenny felt heart sorry for him, no wonder he was in knots. Trying to be brave for the Granny he thought had lost a daughter. "He never asked?"

"No, not once. I suppose in his world it made sense. He didn't want to make me sad. Silly pudding."

"Who's a silly pudding?" the little voice said at the living room door and the two woman looked round to see him standing in his PJ's, hands on hips with his head to the side. "Is it me? "

"Oh Jamie, you are the brightest, funniest, most wonderfully silly pudding I have EVER met. Come in and Granny - and Mum - will tell you why! You can even stay up a bit later just this once because, knowing you, the word 'why' is going to crop up rather a great deal." Diana held out her hands. His little eyes shining in delight, he jumped across the room and sat between them.

"Oh this is the best night EVER!" he said "My Granny and my Mum and chocolate pancakes and a story! Dad is missing SO much." he wriggled his hands into theirs and Diana looked at Jenny over his head as she began to speak. They exchanged a warm smile and then settled back.

"Well, you know how I'm your Granny because I'm your Dad's mum? So ..."

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