We are under attack

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It was the dead of night, Lucian and I were asleep when he all of a sudden shot up. I sit up rubbing my eyes and saw him getting dressed.

"What's the matter?"

"We are under attack, just watch over Rue and I'll be back soon." He grabs my face and kisses me, "Stay inside and do not leave the house."

"Stay safe, please."

"I will my love, I'll do anything to protect you and our family."

He ran off and so I got up and rushed around the house making sure everything was locked.

"Dad, what's going on?" I hear Rue behind me.

"Rue, I know this is going to be scary but please listen and follow my orders. Do not step foot outside this house, we are under attack." I see the fear in her eyes, "I will do everything I can to protect you."

"Where's Papa?"

"He left to help the others in the fight so we stay here and protect the house. I want you to go to your room and hide, stay there till I say it's safe to come out." I kissed her forehead before she left for her room.

I grab my gun and make sure it's fully loaded and I have extra bullets on hand. I breathed to calm down and I stayed near the back glass door so I had a better lookout point. I can just barely see the fight in the woods. It's far too close for comfort and I hear the growls and howls from them.

I spot one wolf getting closer to the house so I grit my teeth. Slowly I open the door and aim my gun at it. It locked eyes with me and bared it's fangs so I knew it wasn't one of ours. I grin and fire my first round right between it's eyes. It right away dropped dead and shifted back to it's human body. My gunfire got the attention of the others and so some approached.

I exit the house and close the door. I knew this was stupid but I needed to draw them away. I can not risk them finding Rue and bringing harm to her. I sprint away from the house and they make chase. Once I could I turned and start to fire making sure away from the house. Round after round I just let it go before running and adding more bullets in.

I looked up seeing a massive black wolf running at me but I knew it was Lucian. I duck down and he attacks the rogues. I got the rest of the bullets in and so I aim and fire once again.

"Sorry, I had to leave or they might find her," I shouted so he knew why I had to leave the house.

We were able to kill most of the rogues on us. Lucian or Blaze came over and nuzzled his nose into my cheek. I place my hand on the side of his head to reassure them I am ok. I kiss his nose before hearing a blood-curdling scream. I look at the house and I see Rue being dragged out of the house by a rogue.


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