Family of cops and weed?

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(This is a warning to this chapter as it will have police brutality and inappropriate touching of a minor in it)

Bryce's POV:

"Kai?" I ask, seeing she wasn't looking too good.

Seeing that glass fall from her hand I rushed to her side as she was about to fall from the stool. I got her before she hit the floor. Making sure she was ok in my arms before sprinting off to my car. I knew something had to be wrong so I put her in the passenger seat and sped off to the hospital. My eyes were glued to the road as I forced my hearing on her heart making sure she was ok. Mom and dad follow behind me in their car with the others.

I made it in time to park the car and get her out rushing into the ER. They start checking what could be wrong as I wait for the family. They all arrived not long after as I was sitting down. They ask if I knew anything but I didn't so we all just sit there hoping for the best. Doc walked out of the room giving us a smile which I hope means good news.

"She'll be fine just from the crash. It will bring on bad headaches that will cause her to blackout. So keep a close eye on her over the next few months. I know in a family of cops this isn't gonna sound good but I think her taking medical marijuana or CBD oil will help. This will help with the pain and help with her healing process." He tells us.

"If you say it will help her, we'll do it under close supervision of course. With her mother's past, we don't want Kai going there too." Mom said.

"Medical-grade marijuana is nothing like what is passed around on the streets. It targets the pain the person using it feels, trust me she'll be fine. I also recommend her not drive for a while." Doc tells us.

They let us see her and she was up and eating some food. Mom tackled her like always making us laugh. Doc said we could take her home when he gives us the prescription for the drug. When we got it we all piled in the cars and took a drive to the store to pick it up. Kai didn't care what form of it she had to take just whatever was the easiest to take. The person recommended either oil or gummy form so mom got both just for her to try.

Kai's POV:

Being on that oil stuff helped so much with the headaches. The nurse at school had a container of the oil so if I start feeling the pain I go there for my dose. I have been able to tell when it is gonna flare up so I sit down wherever I am and blackout. Mom and dad let other cops know about the oil and gummies so if they spot me out cold in town just to stay close. Mom and dad gave me the clearance to drive again after 4 months. As long as I pull over and turn the car off before I blackout when I feel it coming I should be fine.

I always keep oil, gummies and joints in my car for when I'm out. I never take them while I drive as they do make me tired so that's a no-go. All the cops in town know my car so if they see it on the side of the road they will check on me. If I'm still asleep they leave me to wake up on my own. They always ask if I'm ok and stay by me for 10 minutes after waking up just to be sure. When I'm good to leave they tell me to get home safe and to take my legal drugs which makes us laugh.

Over months the time between the blackouts was longer and the blackout lasted less time. I was at the station eating with mom and dad one weekend and they got 3 newbies fresh out of school. Mom and dad explain to them my situation with the injury and blacking out. So if they see me not to give me a hard time. 2 out of the 3 were really cool to talk to and crack jokes with. One guy gave me a bit of the creep vibes whenever we were close. I would always get a chill down my spine when he was close by.

It was Halloween and I was excited to go out with friends just to get some candy. I was driving home from school when I saw a red and blue light flash behind me. I pulled over and so did they and I was so confused I wasn't speeding. Maybe just them checking up on me. I saw one of the new guys walk out and to my door. Of course, it had to be the guy I didn't like. I roll the window down and lean over getting my things out of the glove box.

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