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"How about we take a break and go to the pub down the street for a beer?" One of the guards recommended it to us.

"Sure sounds good and we tell none of this to Alpha, got it you three." I look at the three of them.

They all agree and I lock up the studio before we head out. I didn't want them holding their guns or cuffing Lucian so I just held his arm for the walk. It even started to snow outside. I was hoping for a white Christmas this year since we didn't get a lot last year. I open my mouth to catch a snowflake, I caught a few on my tongue and I laugh. We made it to the bar and we got a booth. Lucian and I are on one side with two guards on the other with one in a chair.

We ordered some food as it was also close to dinner time as we all ordered a round. I made Lucian promise to keep this to himself as a treat for being good these past few weeks. I took a sip of my beer, loving it as I was only gonna have one since I'm driving. The kids were off school already for winter break. I text Falcon that I'll bring dinner home later so he doesn't have to cook. I laugh seeing his reply to that, guess my laugh got the guy's attention and they ask what was up.

"I told Falcon I'll bring something home for dinner and he just said back. 'Thank the Goddess I could not for the life of me think of what to make for dinner. Rue was craving 15 things and couldn't make her mind up but agreed to take out.' haha," I just had to laugh and the guys chuckle too.

A text from Rue came in saying 'Wings please dad.'

"Your kids are really something else Kai," Lucian said with a smile.

"They are, I couldn't even picture my life without them now. They are my everything since I took them in. I hope my future partner accepts them." I sigh thinking about how Blake reacted to it.

I felt Lucian's hand on mine that was resting on the seat. He gently rubbed his thumb over the back of it, "I bet they will if not they aren't worth your time and love." He gave a soft smile.

I give a big smile back, "Thank you I try my best to make sure I pick the right one and clearly Blake wasn't the one." I held his hand back giving it a squeeze. "I hope you find your mate soon so you can feel love too." I know how hard it is for wolves to find their mate.

"I think they're closer than we think." He looks into my eyes.

I blush and look away, noticing the guys were in their own conversation not paying us any mind. I was gonna remove my hand from his but he held mine tighter. I just left it as I kinda enjoyed it but that's when I realized I was falling for him. My heart hurts thinking of when he gets released and finds his mate. I tried to push those thoughts and those feelings away as I didn't want to get hurt. Our food soon arrived so I asked if I could take two orders to go. They nod yes and leave to the kitchen so we begin to dig in.

The guys had a few more drinks as I stuck with water and soda. We were there for about an hour and a half before we were all finished. We pay our bills before leaving. One of the guards paid for Lucian's meal and so we started to walk back to the car. We pile in and I start the drive to the prison. I smile and wave bye as they get out and I leave for home. My brain kept going back to Lucian thinking of him with his mate. I try my best to get it out of my head knowing we could never be together.

I make it home and Rue hugs me making me giggle as I pass her the bag of food. She runs off to the kitchen so I call Falcon that dinner has arrived. He came down and sat at the table so they both dug into their food. I went to the kitchen and got a beer needing another drink to forget that damn kiss. I plop down on the couch and turn the tv on spotting a movie I loved watching growing up. I put it on and relax, taking a sip of beer as I rest my head back looking to the ceiling.

I close my eyes for a moment but I feel hands holding my face. "W-what are you doing here? Alpha will kill you if he finds out you ran away again." I had opened my eyes looking up to a smirking Lucian over me.

He said nothing, all he did was lean forward and kissed my lips. I couldn't pull away so I just kissed him back, his lips on mine felt so good. His hands rub my face as he holds me in place. I felt someone shaking me and my eyes opened for real this time seeing Lucian was not there.

"MOM," Rue shouts at me, "Finally you're awake you've been asleep for 2 hours."

Of course, it was a dream, "Thanks Rue, did you need something?"

"On Christmas eve can I go with you to the prison?" She said a little nervously.

I was shocked she'd be the one to ask me that, "There a reason you wanna go? I don't mind it, I'll have to ask Alpha again to see if it's ok again."

"I have a present for that guy with the glasses. He seemed really nice when we were there. Is he a bad guy? I saw that he's a wolf so why is he there?" She smiles.

"Oh Mace hehe, he's a good guy not a bad bone in his body. He's a lone wolf so he's in the prison till Alpha and Drago think he's ok to join the pack. What did you get him?" I pat her head.

"I made him a friendship bracelet, we were making them in school so I wanted to make one for him. I heard him say he was hoping to make friends so I wanna be his friend. Falcon seemed to like him too so if he likes him I know he's a good guy." She hugs me.

"Oh that will be perfect, I bet he'll love it." I kissed her forehead and saw the time. "Ok bedtime, I'll talk to Alpha tomorrow if you can come." She ran off to her room laughing.

I turn the tv off and head off to bed myself. The next morning I ask Falcon if he wants to come with us to the prison. He was fine on going as it was cool and fun for him seeing it all. I hug them both before I head out to go to the prison to talk to Alpha. I started to ask if it was ok if the kids could come and he was fine with it. But soon the doors open, making me turn around to see Mace and Bucky walking in together. I look at Alpha confused as to what's going on.

"Welcome Mace, I have some words for you." Alpha offers for him to sit.

"Why am I here Sir, am I in trouble?" Mace asked, clearly scared.

The doors open and we all look seeing Drago and his Beta walk in. I can feel Mace is scared right now so I reach over and place a hand on his shoulder.

"Mace with the kind words of Kai here we have come to the conclusion you are not a threat. After the holidays I would like to welcome you to my pack, what do you say?" Drago said with a big smile.

Mace's fear left him fast as he looked at Drago so happy then he looked at me. Mace jumped me knocking us to the floor as he hugged me tightly. "THANK YOU KAI, this is the best gift anyone has given me." He nuzzled me.

I hug him back as I laugh, "Hey I was just telling the truth that's it. Congratulations Mace and welcome to the pack. If you need a job I could use some help with the studio."

"Really Kai you'd do that for me?" His eyes shine bright as I offer.

"Yeah, you can work there until you find a job you like. I normally run it on my own so it would be nice having an extra set of hands. You would be a good dance and singing instructor while I deal with the other things I teach." I smiled as we finally got back to our feet.

"Deal, I'll do my best to make you proud." He hugs me back.

Mace just broke down to tears again, happy to be welcomed into the pack. I was alright having him work for me and I know he's gonna need a job. I know the kids would like him and he is great with kids seeing how well he was with Falcon and Rue. I hugged him so he could calm down. When he calmed down enough, we went to the room. All the guys were there seeing Mace was clearly crying. I patted his back letting him calm down the rest of the way.

"I'm gonna be a free man after the holidays and it's all thanks to Kai." He got out between sniffles.

Everyone went wide-eyed before the two of us got tackled by the 6 of them. Lucian didn't want anything to do with this but I heard him growl. I had to keep saying "I'm fine" to keep the guards from hurting the guys. We were finally let go and able to breathe again but we burst out laughing. Lucian did walk over, placed a hand on Mace's shoulder and gave a smile.

"Congrats man you deserve it, have fun back in the real world." Lucian pats his back.

The Dance Instructor and the Ex-Alpha InmateWhere stories live. Discover now