Possible Freedom for the Ex-Alpha?

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Alpha looks up from the photos to me then to Lucian, "I am sorry I never believed you Lucian, 9 years I blamed you for her passing. I should have listened to you when you tried telling me the truth." Lucian doesn't say anything. "I am gonna have to punish you for running away though. I'll look over the files again and see if I can get you freed."

That seemed to get Lucian to ease up on his anger. I breathe a sigh of relief that there was no bloodshed today. He grabs me around the waist and picks me up, spinning me around.

I screamed as I didn't see that coming, "HAHA thank you Kai and that amazing brain of yours. You might have just got me my freedom back."

"You're welcome Lucian but can you put me down please, I'm getting dizzy," I say as the room was spinning.

He finally did and put me down but I fell on my butt as the room just spun. "Bro, are you ok down there?" I hear Bryce ask.

I just give a thumbs up and lay down on the ground trying to get my head from spinning. Bryce picked me up, helping me stand as everything was spinning. He sits me back down in the seat so everything can stop spinning. Alpha starts to talk about the punishment for Lucian saying he's not allowed to go to my classes or the studio for 2 weeks. He can start going back on December 3rd. He was allowed to keep his sketchbook and pencils but just can't leave.

When that was all done I had to leave Lucian and go to my class. I took all the werewolves into the back room and explained that Lucian is back and safe. They all breathed a sigh of relief, I guess they all thought Alpha was gonna kill him. Over those two weeks, it was strange not having Lucian in his normal corner drawing. I kept classes going and waited for the following Monday when he'd be returning. I arrived early and was writing their names on paper and put them in a bowl.

Everyone walks in and I have them take a seat. Lucian was the last to join and I see that smile on his face as he walks in. "Alright so as we know the holidays are coming up and I want us to do something. A little gift exchange I think you guys have been around one another long enough to kinda know what each other likes. I have all your names in this bowl so you will pick at random and we go from there." I get up shaking the bowl.

"Is your name in there, Kai?" Issac asked.

"No, it's not if we had an odd number of you guys I might have but we have an even 8 so I didn't put mine in." I start to walk around letting them grab a name. "I can help out if you are stumped on what to make. If you want to make something we can talk to the warden about letting it happen." I wasn't gonna tell them I'm already working on their gifts. "The gifts can be anything you can make. Alright, we all have names so get to thinking and brainstorming."

They all go off to be alone looking at the papers. I go and sit down pulling out some knitting I have been working on. I was knitting the guys some scarves with their names on them. I went with colours that match their hair and eye colours. I see Trevor, Colton, Calvin and Mace walk over to me watching me knit. I give them a smile and ask what's up and if they need anything. They ask if they can all learn to knit. I smile and I get my phone ringing up Alpha. I ask if knitting would be ok for them to learn.

"Ok, he said it is ok for you guys to learn this but the knitting needles do not go with you guys to your cell understand?" They all nod yes. "If you wish to work on your knitting you ask a guard and they will bring you to the room to work on it as long as you want."

I talk to them one on one to see what they wanna make and for who. They tell me who and ask what colour they would like. I'd give them an idea of colour and they tell me what they wanna make. Trevor wants to make a blanket, Colton went with a hat, Calvin chose to make a plushie and Mace went with gloves. We all leave the room and I hand out colours that will match the scarves I'm making to Colton and Mace. They told me who they got so I went with those so they'd match the scarf I was making.

I let Trevor pick a random colour and I give Calvin a colour to work with the plush he wants to make. I go with teaching the hardest ones first, we all just sit on the floor so I can help them. Lucian had moved from his normal spot and sat down next to me. I chuckle guessing he was interested in joining or just wanted to watch. I was making a blanket for Alpha so I was able to teach Trevor a lot faster. I was doing a very easy style so he watched me work as he worked. The guys that picked pottery wanted to make something with that as a gift.

I let them know even for days that I am not here so they can work on their gifts. I try to make sure I get them all used to doing this. Alpha did let Lucian go back to the studio to work on his art. I told him what happened with the paint and he laughed so hard. One of the guards got a picture of it before I got all cleaned up. That made him laugh even more he started to cry. I was sitting down on a couch that I was able to get, it was used but it was still good.

I noticed Lucian came over as I was in the middle of knitting. "Hey, I can not think of anything to give Dominic as a gift." He sits down on the couch next to me.

"Hmm how about giving him a new tattoo idea? He has plenty of them on his body so getting ideas from the ones he already has. Oh, I have it, maybe a cool snake tattoo he was making that snake out of clay. Be cool if it looked like it was wrapping around his arm or leg, great I'm giving myself ideas now haha." I chuckle at myself.

"Hmm, cool idea! He did say his sentence was coming to an end soon so he could get it when he's out. Thanks for the help, Kai." He smiles and goes back to work.

"Not a problem at all, happy to help." I give him a big smile.

Over the next few weeks, the guys worked on their gifts and I did my best to help them. I did have to help some of the guys with the knitting that wasn't going too well. It was all coming along rather well. The guys were having a blast making their gifts. I was so happy seeing them having fun with this. The guys got a hand at knitting after a while of practice.

One day I was watching Lucian work as I was chilling and knitting. I was zoned out knitting working on Mace's scarf as music filled the studio. It was very peaceful but that peace was ruined when I heard the guards shouting. They weren't shouting at Lucian but someone else. I put everything down and walked overseeing Blake, my ex pushing the guards.

"There you are, Luna, get these guys off me." He demanded of me.

"Um, why? You're not allowed to be in here at all so leave." I cross my arms glaring at him, still hating his guts.

"Come on baby I'm sorry for what I said, take me back." He dropped to his knees crying. I knew they were fake as f*ck tears.

"Um no, sorry but I'm not gonna date a jerk like you after what you said about my kids. I don't care if they are not mine by blood, they are my kids and I love them. Come near my studio again and I'll call my family to have you escorted away. Guys can you throw him out please and thank you." I smile at the guards and turn to walk away.

I felt hands on my shoulders and he turned me around and kissed me. He tasted like old beer and cigarette I wanted to throw up when I heard a deep guttural growl behind me. I tried to push him off but damn he was too strong even for me. I felt another hand on me and they ripped us apart, it was Lucian and his eyes were pitch black.

'Why is he that pissed?' I think as he pushed Blake to the ground. Lucian jumped on him but before he had a chance to hit him I grabbed his arms.

"LUCIAN STOP," I shouted. "You want to go back into solitary confinement?"

When I felt him slowly calm down I pulled him off, Blake. Blake had a face of pure fear, "Get lost or I won't hold him back next time."

I glared and the guards finally got him out the door. I squat down in front of Lucian and hold his face in my hands.

"Breathe in and out, think of something or someone that makes you happy ok."

He looks at me with those black eyes and nods yes. Slowly his eyes went back to the beautiful hazel colour. I breathed a sigh of relief and I motioned for the guards to stand down. I get to my feet and I offer to help him up and he takes it as he gets to his feet again.

"Sorry, you had to see that." He said holding my hand tighter.

"It's ok thanks for getting him off me. He was so gross he smelled and tasted like old beer and cigarettes. I need a fucking drink after that and something strong." I rub the bridge of my nose.

The Dance Instructor and the Ex-Alpha InmateWhere stories live. Discover now