Snip Snip

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Some time had passed and everything is great. Lucian and I did have a conversation about having kids of our own and I did bring up my parent's history again. He did understand my fear and was ok just having Falcon and Rue as our kids. He was even ok if I wanted to adopt again when the kids moved out.

To prevent any risk we left to get my tubes tied, we of course got the talk of what if later. I grilled them about who my parents were and what they did in life, which got them to shut right up.

"So explain to me why I would want to risk bringing kids into the world with my family history?" I shouted at the doctor.

They just sat there stunned that I raised my voice at them, "W-we just have to be sure."

"Be sure my ass, I have a right to say what does and doesn't happen to my own body. Kindly shut the fuck up and make my damn appointment," I glare at them and so they made the date.

I got the surgery and Lucian even went under the knife to get snipped just as an added precaution. When we were both fully healed we completed the matting ceremony when the kids weren't home so they didn't hear us. But I think they know exactly what happened when they were all out of the house. The first time was very obvious as I had bandages over my shoulder, I have faster healing but nowhere near their healing.

"Sooooooo, what happened to your shoulder, Kai?" I hear Falcon ask with such a cocky tone of voice.

I smirk and turn around leaning on the kitchen counter, "Well You know exactly what this means. But would you like a play-by-play of what happened?"

He went pale as a ghost and Theo went bright red before rushing to the basement.

"NO THANK YOU," I heard Falcon shout as he ran for it.

"H-have a nice day Kai," Theo dropped his head and followed Falcon to the basement.

I just burst out laughing as I wouldn't do it but it's fun to tease them once in a while. Rue felt a little sick when she saw the bandages on my shoulder. I had to comfort her that it was ok and normal. She did get scared thinking if she has a werewolf partner she'll have to go through it.

"We'll talk about that if it ever happens alright, you never have to fear someone you love."

"Thank you mom, does it hurt?"

"Only when it first happened now it's like just a numb feeling. Got to remember I’m different from you, it will be a different experience. We can have a talk with a human that is mated to a wolf and ask them how it was. How does that sound?"

"Sounds good to me," She smiled and gave me a hug.

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