Introducing Myself Part 2

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I nod yes as I breathe out slowly and we walk back to the room, I grab a plate and some slices of pizza. We all sat wherever we wanted as we ate in silence. I guess my face said it all as one of the inmates slowly walked over to Alpha and me. I caught onto it as Alpha growled at him for coming over to us, I placed a hand on Alpha's knee and smiled. I look at the inmate. It was the small guy with glasses that was called pipsqueak. I can see the collar around his neck and the same silver bracelets around his wrists.

"Hello I just wanted to see if you're ok, you looked scared." He said, kneeling down in front of me.

"I'm ok thank you, just talking about my father brings back a bad recurring nightmare I have. What's your name?" I ask and offer my hand.

"My name's Mace, nice to meet you, I will be joining your classes. They seem fun." He said taking my hand and shaking it with a big smile.

"Great to hear that, pick as many things as you'd like to do off that paper no need to hold yourself to only one. If something catches your eyes we can do it." I give a smile back.

"Thank you, is it ok with you warden can I join you two over here?" He looks to Alpha. "I'm new here, just transferred so I don't have many friends you seem cool to talk to." He looks back at me.

"I'm ok with it," I look at Alpha and he nods yes.

That brought a big smile to his face so he ran off grabbed his things and ran back to sit with us. I can hear one of the werewolves growling from across the room and I look. I spot one guy sitting alone in the corner of the room. When he spots me looking at him, he looks away. He had really long black hair and had his jumpsuit pulled to his waist and the sleeves tied around his waist.

'Guess he was shocked I could hear him growling?' I thought to myself.

"Ignore him I got from others he's a big loner who prefers to be left alone. I don't think he'll show up to your classes." Mace said looking from the guy back to me.

"Hmm alright, thanks for the information Mace." I smiled at him.

I look around the room seeing some of the inmates looking at the paper I handed out. I smile thinking I may have a few takers wanting to join. We eat and finish off the pizza before going back to the chairs and talking some more. Most of today is them getting to know me.

I see Mace raise his hand again so I point to him, "Do you have a family of your own?"

"Haha yes and no, I have a family. Both my kids are fosters but planning on adopting them soon." I chuckle seeing his excitement.

"Oh, can you and your partner not have kids?" He said, tilting his head to the side.

"Oh, I'm single as f*ck right now so in a way a single parent to a 16 and 14-year-old. I know it sounds strange to be a parent to teenagers and only be 22 but hey I love my kids like they are my own blood." I smile.

"That's so sweet to hear." He said with a smile back.

"Kiss up." I hear one of the other werewolves say under their breath.

"If you don't like this then get that ass up and leave sir. We do not need that attitude here." I glared at him looking dead into his eyes. He was shocked I heard him.

"Sorry Kai." He dropped his head, breaking eye contact and sank into his seat.

Hours passed as it was getting late in the day, "Ok I think that's enough for today. Kai will be coming Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for your classes. Tomorrow you will think about whether you want to join or not. Let a guard know so they will tell me." Alpha spoke up.

"And tomorrow look over that paper I handed you all and mark off which activities you want to do. Please also write down your names on your paper so I can remember who wants to do what. Friday will be me getting to know all of the people that want to show up for my classes. I am happy to meet you all and hope we have a fun time together, so goodnight everyone." I get up bowing and gather my things.

Alpha shows me out to my car and waves me bye as I pull out and drive home. I get home in no time and relax on the couch and pull my phone out telling Falcon and Rue how day one went. Most of Thursday I spent packing most of the things I can bring to the prison for them to use. I would send pictures of tools I was questionable to bring to Alpha to see what he thinks about it. He'd send an ok or no if it was alright or not to bring with me, I'd pack it in if it got the go-ahead.

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