Found a Mate

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I wanted to celebrate Mace's release so we went with another movie marathon day. I texted Bryce knowing he was on vacation for a while if he could get snacks for us. He agreed so I got the spare room set up for the movies. I was setting up when I felt arms around me and it startled me. I look back to see Lucian smirking down at me. I place my hand over my heart that he snuck up on me so quietly. I slap his hand for scaring me before going back to set everything up.

He chuckles as I try to escape his grip, "Oh no I am trapped, someone saves me from the big scary inmate." I pretended to be in distress but I couldn't hold my laughter anymore.

Lucian laughs and does let go but helps set up. After a few minutes, we start the movie most of the guys watch as they work on their gifts. Lucian sat next to me drawing the tattoo design, I would go from the movie to his drawing. Bryce soon came so I grabbed the snacks from him and set them on the table. But all I heard was.


I made a run for it as his kids chased me around the room. I had nothing on those 3 and they all caught and tackled me to the ground. I looked up and all the guys were just looking and laughing at me on the ground with 3 kids on my back.

"Be happy I'm not as strong as you three or I'd get my revenge. Maybe I'll make a deal with the tickle monster to get you three," I grin as I look over at Bryce.

"You wouldn't dare," His youngest said and bounced on me.

"Hey, Bryce, how's 30 to tickle the little monsters for me, 10 bucks for each one." Oh, that got a big smirk on his face and he got closer. The kids ran for it and I got to my feet, "HAHA FREEDOM."

"GET KAI!" One of his eldest said.

I go wide eyes and I jump onto Bryce's back clinging to him like a monkey. "Make it 40 and be the best bro in the world to get them to stop."

"How the hell did you do that? Also deal," He claps his hands, "Ok you three no more tormenting Kai and we'll get pizza for lunch with Kai's money." They all cheered and calmed down.

I let go, eyeing them down knowing this is not the end of this, "You guys are gonna get too old for this game sooner or later." They just give an evil smirk, "Be happy I already got Christmas shopping done for you three."

They cheer and chase me again so I make a break for it. Next thing I knew Lucian stood in front of me and he just threw me over his shoulder. I blush bright red as I just hang there and the kids stop. I can hear Bryce growling at Lucian as he demands him to put me down. I poke Lucian's side and he puts me down. I say I'm alright and I get them all back in the other room to watch the movie. Bryce and the kid's joined us and luckily it was a kid-friendly movie we were watching.

Over the next little while when the guys would finish the gift I would bring wrapping paper for them. For the guys making pottery, I brought bags and tissue paper for them. Alpha and I planned a big dinner for them all. Since they haven't gotten in a single fight in the past few months we've been doing these classes. I was able to finish the scarves the day before the event and I got them all wrapped and names are written on them. Rue, Falcon and I go early to get everything set up in the room.

I noticed Falcon tensed up as we walked and he froze. I place my hand on his back to see if he's ok then he makes a run for it. I order one of the guards to stay with Rue as the 3 other guards and I run after him. I scream his name to make him stop but he doesn't listen at all. He burst through the doors to the outside area where some inmates were. I freak out seeing him jump from the catwalk down into the courtyard. I was about to jump myself but I got grabbed by Bucky.

"FALCON," I scream and push Bucky off me and I jump down after him.

As I land I feel my ankle twist and pain shoot through me. I pushed past it and got to my feet. He sprints away from me and I see one of the inmates run to him. I stop in my tracks when I hear the next word coming out of Falcon's mouth.


And I spot the guards getting in place with their guns. They both meet halfway and they hug one another tight. I spot the guys helping out and surrounding me and Falcon. I limp over and slap Falcon upside the back of the head and grab his ear pulling him to my level.

"Pull a stunt like this again mister and you're grounded for a month. You almost gave me a heart attack," I glare at him.

"Sorry mom, I just got excited," He hugs me.

I grab Falcon and his mate, dragging the two of them out of the courtyard. We get out of the courtyard quickly and walk off and away from the cells. I get them into a more private room and Alpha runs in after hearing what happened I guess. I have the guy introduce himself as I have never seen this guy here before.

"Hello I'm Theo, I'm 19 years old and I just entered the prison yesterday after being found near the pack line. I'm a lone wolf after my pack was attacked by rouges and killed off." He said and I feel bad if their story is true.

"I looked into what he said last night and it's true Kai he's only staying here a few nights. I talked to Drago and he's gonna let him join the pack the same day when Mace joins. If that makes you feel better."

"It does make it better," I hug Falcon tight. "I'm happy you found your mate Falcon congrats. Sorry for getting mad just please don't scare me like that again." I give him another big squeeze. "I would like to introduce myself. I'm Kai. Nice to meet you, Theo. I'm also Falcon's foster parent." Falcon hugs me tight.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH, MOM!" He shouts kissing my cheek. He puts me down and hugs his mate and they start to make out.

"Haha alright how about Theo joining us for the Christmas party so you two can get to know one another." I pat Falcon on back and they break the kiss.

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