Getting to know the Inmates

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Friday came around and I was on my way to the prison with some coffee for Alpha and me. I parked and went to his office to drop off his coffee as he's been working hard since there was a fight yesterday. He had to make an all-nighter and sleep in the prison just to get things done. His son then asked me to get him some coffee as he would be tired from pulling almost all-nighter. I knock on the door and I hear nothing so I creak open the door and peek inside seeing him asleep at his desk.

I set the coffee down on the desk and grab a blanket from the bed. I drape the blanket over his shoulders not wanting to wake him up. Before leaving I write a note for him saying I'm here and to enjoy the coffee. I walked to the room and they all were there already. I was happy I had a few people wanting to do the classes. There were 8 people in total. I saw Mace looking shocked so I followed his eyes to that one guy he said that most likely won't come.

Mace's headshot to me guessing he could smell my scent, shooting me a smile and waving my way. I smile back as I take a seat with them all, we are now sitting in a circle form. "Alright, well thank you for coming today. It makes me happy to have so many people here. So let's get started. Did you all sign the paper I handed out Wednesday?" I ask and they get the paper out. I get up from my seat and go around gathering the papers before sitting back down.

"Alright so as I said Wednesday today will be me getting to know all of you and what you like. So let's go from my right around the circle, so Mace that means you go first." I looked at him as he sat right next to me on my right.

"Well, what is there to say? Haha um, I'm the new guy here I try to make friends but most just pick on me for my small size. I ran away from home because of the constant bullying I would get for my size. I like being alone some days but on others, I love being around people. I want to learn to dance and maybe even sing as I always wanted to when growing up as a kid." He said while playing with his hands looking to the ground.

"Sorry, you had to go through all that as a kid Mace. If you would like to talk about it I'm all ears." I pat his shoulder with a smile. "Alright let's move on," I motion to the next person that is a human.

"I'm Dominic, my time is for stealing but I am trying to better myself as to why I want to take these classes. Most people fear me just cause of my ink and I have a resting murder face. I was hoping to try pottery as I was rather creative as a kid making a lot of things." I see a smile creep on his face.

"I do say that is a great way to help with that. It keeps your hands busy and your mind off of stealing." I ask him.

"Guess I'm next, hello I'm Trevor. I want to learn dance, mainly hip hop and breakdancing. I loved to dance ever since I was a kid, my mother would sign me up for so many dance classes growing up." The next guy said looking anywhere but me. He has shoulder-length ginger wavy hair and nice green eyes.

"Cool those two as my favourites to do as well as freestyle. Just letting the beat music carry your body and your feet do the work and not having to think about it." I smiled motioning to the next person which was a werewolf, that guy with a scar on his face.

"I'm Virion, in here for murder but trying to make a better life even in this hell hole. I want to try pottery and see what I can make with my hands instead of taking it away." He said, looking at his shaking hands.

"That is a very hard thing to get over but I will not judge you for that. Like I said to Mace I will listen if you want to talk about it with me. I know therapists treat people most like you're talking money and not caring about you. I want to make sure you know I will listen and give the best advice I can." I say making him look at me giving a weak smile and nodding.

We keep going around the circle learning about the others and what they like. Calvin is another werewolf wanting to learn to dance, Colton, is a human wanting to learn to sing. Isaac is another human wanting to learn pottery and dance. It was so nice seeing them open up about what makes them happy and seeing them smile bringing up good memories. We made it to the last and final guy so I motioned to let him speak.

"I'm Lucian. I am very much a loner, prefer to be left alone and not be around others." He glares at all the other inmates but when his eyes land on me they seem to soften. He looked away before talking again, "I'm only here just to get out of my cell for a while and these classes seem to be the only somewhat fun thing here. Guess I would like to do art, I was rather good at drawing in my past."

"Hehe good to know and thank you for sharing with us. I have a question: have you ever tried spray paint as a form of art?" I look into his hazel eyes.

"I've seen it around before getting locked up but never tried." He said, looking at me.

"Maybe I can see if the warden will allow us to paint a big mural on a wall of the prison for you to try it out. Can use plywood for a canvas to practice on first and when you get a hang of it see if you can try making this bland prison cooler." I grin and he seems to lighten up at the idea. "It has been a while so let's break for lunch and I can grab some supplies from my car." We all get up and the guards escort them to the cafeteria of the prison.

One guard escorts me to the guard's kitchen so I can eat something. I dig into my homemade lunch as I talk with a few of the guards. All the guards in the prison are pack members so they can handle the werewolf inmates. Any human working here doesn't deal with the inmates they work behind the scenes. They tell me what it's like to work here and tell me a little more about the inmates I'm working with. I make sure to listen to see what ticks these men off so I know not to do that.

We took an hour for lunch before I went to the car, getting the duffle bags out and bringing them to the room. I make little stations for the art supplies and one for the pottery. As I set up everyone comes back, I have the ones that want to do art grab a book and some pencils. Lucian goes over to the window and sits down. I grab a flower I brought with me as I walk over. I place the flower on the window ledge next to him. That made him look up at the flower and then at me.

"Just to see where your talents lay, may you draw this flower? Can move it and place it however you want." I give a smile and go back to the others. I showed Dominic, Isaac and Virion how to use the tables and how the clay works. "I know it will be tempting but PLEASE do not throw the clay around." I looked at Dominic who was ready to throw the wet clay. He spotted me staring at him and he put it down. "Good, now it will be hard getting the hang of it at first but when you do it's a lot of fun."

The Dance Instructor and the Ex-Alpha InmateWhere stories live. Discover now