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tory's pov

i woke up in a dark room and quickly sat up.

i fucked up.

i heard shuffling foot steps and saw carly walk in.

"hey tory, how are you feeling?" she asked sympathetic as she sat down next to me.

"i-i'm fine. i want to go home." i stuttered as i began to pull my IV out.

"you can't. i'm placing you in an inpatient hold for the next couple days. can you tell me what happened?" carly asked softly.

"what the fuck? i'm not suicidal! let me talk to ashton please." i spoke slowly panicking.

"i can't allow that right now. i need you to answer some questions." carly spoke calmly.

i gave her a stiff glare before nodding.

"what happened?" she asked.

"i was cutting my skin. brandy, calum's girlfriend, knocked on the fucking door and it scared me causing me to cut too deep. i didn't do this on purpose." i spoke firmly.

"but you were cutting on purpose." carly pointed out.

"and? i wasn't trying to kill myself." i replied.

"i'll bring ashton in, but you're still going to be staying inpatient for the next couple days while we create an out of patient plan." carly replied swiftly as she left the room.

a couple minutes later, ashton came walking in.

"i-i'm sorry. i-i couldn't stop." i whispered.

"don't apologize baby. you're just sicker than i thought you were." ashton replied softly.

"don't leave me in here." i whispered.

"i don't have a choice. the hospital is deeming this as a suicide attempt." ashton spoke calmly.

"can i just go back australia?" i mumbled.

"no, i'm sorry. we can't visit you during in person, but once your out i promise, we will be better." ashton whispered as he gave me a tiny smile.

"pinky promise?" i spoke with tears in my eyes.

"pinky promise." ashton whispered as he locked pinkies with me.

i gave him one final hug before carly and a couple security guards directed me over to the psych unit.

i was given scrubs and socks to put on and was walked to a room by carly.

"briana, this is tory. she's going to be your roommate for the next couple days." carly smiled softly.

"hi." briana spoke with a tiny smile.

i gave a nod in response.

"i'll let you get situated." carly smiled before she left the room.

"what are you in for?" briana asked as i sat down on the bed.

"self harm. i told them it wasn't a suicide attempt, but who are they to listen or give a fuck?" i chuckled.

"they do care. at least my psychiatrist does." she mumbled.

"who is it?" i asked.

"his name is ashton. dr. irwin." briana smiled softly.

"that's my dad." i spoke with a tiny smile.

"wow, that's sort of crazy. a psychiatrist with a daughter in a hole." briana chuckled.

"total facts." i replied with a smile. "why are you in here?"

"i'm anorexic." briana spoke slowly.

she was really frail.

"oh wow, i'm sorry." i whispered.

"don't be, i honestly thought you were anorexic yourself because of how skinny you are." she chuckled.

"i'm not anorexic, most of my weight comes from cigarettes though." i shrugged.

briana was about to respond when a nurse came walking in.

"time for your appointment missy." she smiled softly at briana.

she nodded and stood up.

"i'll catch you later tory." briana smiled before she left the room.

i quickly walked over towards the restroom and slipped inside. there was no privacy what so ever.

i quickly slipped out of my scrubs and socks before turning on the shower and jumping in.

i showered for about 5 minutes before changing back into the scrubs and sitting on the bed.

about an hour later, briana came walking in with tears in her eyes.

"what's wrong?" i asked softly.

"dr. irwin said i'm not getting better. he said i need to eat more, but i don't want to be fat." she sobbed.

"i can eat with you if you want? i find it easier to eat with someone else." i offered.

briana nodded slowly before we both headed down to the hospital cafeteria.

the food looked like shit. i didn't blame her for not wanting to eat.

"so, tell me about you?" i offered as i took a bite.

"um, i'm briana. i'm 17. i love music and writing." she smiled softly as she took a bite.

i nodded and kept the conversation going until we both finished our plates.

briana looked down and saw her food was all gone.

"fuck." she mumbled.

"you did good. i'm proud of you." i smiled softly.

she gave me a tiny smile before we walked back to our room.

i must've fallen asleep, because i woke up to someone hopping off of the bed.

"briana? are you good." i muttered half asleep.

then i heard the sound of gagging.

i quickly shot up and ran over to the side of the bedroom.

she had her fingers down her throat.

"what the hell! stop." i spoke firmly as i grabbed her hands and held them down by her side.

that was enough to have the nurses run in to a hysterical briana and fired up me.

i didn't want to be in here and end up this sick.

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