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i quickly ran upstairs and locked the door to my room.

i slid down the back of the door and brought my knees to my chest.

my mom didn't love me.

"tory, baby, let me in please. i'm worried." ashton spoke softly from the outside.

"i need space." i replied through my sobs.

"can i just ho- "no! i need to be alone please." i sobbed as i put my face into my hands.

i didn't hear another word after that.

i grabbed my phone and sat there blasting music.

maybe that would take my pain away.

a couple hours passed and it was now 7 am when i heard another soft knock on the door.

"tory, could you come out now?" i heard ashton ask.

"no." i replied dryly.

"we're going to work a- "and what? i won't do anything. i just need to be alone, p-please." i whispered as my voice cracked at the end.

"i'm one call away love." ashton spoke softly as i heard his footsteps walk away.

i sat there not moving for a couple more hours before i realized that this feeling wasn't ever going to go away.


i walked into the bathroom and grabbed one of my blades and slid it across my wrist multiple times.

it was sad that making myself bleed is what helps me when i feel terrible.

suddenly there was a knock on my bedroom door which caused me to dig way too deep out of fear.

"tory? it's brandy. i just thought i'd come over and check on you." she spoke softly.

i felt my stomach drop and face pale before i quickly grabbed for the bathroom rag and pressed it into my wrist.

"u-um i'm fine! come back later." i stuttered as i tried to stop the bleeding.

"are you okay? you sound panicked? let me in please." brandy spoke swiftly as she began to jiggle the door knob.

"don't be mad." i whispered.

"don't be mad? i have nothing to be mad about tory? open the door please." brandy spoke with a bit more panic in her tone.

i quickly opened the door and heard her gasp at the sight of me.

"t-tory. oh my god." she mumbled as she stared down at my arm.

"i-i'm fine. just please don't say anything." i whispered.

"let me see." brandy instructed as she grabbed my arm.

i slowly took the rag off, causing blood to start spilling out of my arm.

"jesus. let's go. i'm taking you to the hospital." she spoke firmly.

"no. i'm not going. just leave. i'm fine." i stressed as i pressed the rag back into my arm.

"i'm not asking tory. this is bad. now move your ass to the car." she spoke with a tiny bit of anger as she pointed towards the stairs.

i sighed and started to walk downstairs as she followed behind me.

she helped me buckle and quickly drove off to the hospital.

as soon as we arrived she rushed me in holding pressure on my arm.

the head nurse paled at the sight of us and quickly ran over.

"get me calum hood please." brandy spoke firmly as she continued holding pressure on my arm.

i felt my eyes slowly starting to droop before i staggered and started to fall down.

brandy quickly caught me and sank down with me.

"keep your eyes open love. come on. you're going to be okay." brandy spoke with tears in her eyes.

how could she be so sure?

i heard running footsteps and suddenly calum was hovering over me.

"tory? can you hear me? what the hell happened?" he spoke as he turned to brandy.

"she cut too deep." brandy whispered as tears flowed down her cheeks.

"okay. thank you baby. someone grab me a stretcher!" calum shouted as he took over for brandy holding pressure.

that was the last thing i remember before i blacked out.

ashton's pov

i got a page 911 down to the ER.

i ran down and saw calum holding tory's arm.

"mate, she cut too deep. she's loosing to much blood." calum mumbled as he began to try and stop the bleeding.

"she said she wouldn't do anything stupid."

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