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i was packing up after deciding to go back to ashton's house.

i was a bit nervous.

brandy talked me through everything that happened and really helped me come to terms with the horrific things that happened.

that's not me saying i've gotten over it, but i've come to terms with it.

i walked downstairs and saw brandy waiting by an uber.

"you ready?" she asked with a smile.

"ready as i'll ever be." i shrugged as i entered into the uber.

"jesus it's cold in here." i mumbled.

"i could turn it up?" the uber driver spoke quickly as he turned the temperature up.

i gave him a quick thank you before leaning my head against the seat.

the ride over was pretty short.

"you sure you don't want me to stay with you until they get back?" brandy asked from the window.

"dead. go do you're stuff. thanks for everything." i replied with a tiny smile as i waved goodbye.

the uber drove off and soon was out of my sight.

i walked to the door and found the key under the rug and opened the door.

i walked immediately to my room and went into my drawers to make sure my cigarettes and razors were still there.

brandy didn't tell any of the boys i relapsed. i had to beg her not to tell them.

i grabbed a cigarette and lit it. i didn't give a flying fuck anymore. i feel like i lost everything.

school was starting here in a couple weeks so that sucked.

i walked downstairs and outside into the front yard and sat under a huge tree smoking.

maybe i could drown myself in the smoke?

i went through two cigarettes and was half way through my third when the boys came home.

"welcome back." i spoke with a tired expression as i leaned against the tree.

"give it." ashton sighed as he walked up to me.

"give me a break." i spoke as i shot him a glare.

they all stared at me.

like i was some kind of fucking animal.

"would you all quit staring and go inside! like leave me alone please." i spoke as my broke voice.

i immediately looked away to try and calm my emotions.

i did enough crying for the whole year.

the rest of the boys went inside, but ashton.

"what?" i whispered as i inhaled.

"nothing, i'm just going to wait for you." ashton spoke softly.

"i- you don't have too." i mumbled trying to hold back my emotions.

"come here." he whispered as he held his arms out.

that's all it took.

i put out my cigarette and walked into his arms.

i needed this.

"you're going to be okay. i promise. baby steps." ashton whispered as he held me close.

"baby steps." i confirmed trying to keep my composure.

"you're allowed to cry." ashton pointed out as he held me.

"i cried enough for a whole year. i don't want or need to cry anymore." i replied as i hid my face in his chest.

"i don't know if i'm going to make it ashton." i added.

"tory, even if i have to drag you, you will make it. i don't care if i have to bust you for smoking, or help you quit cutting, yes i know you relapsed, brandy told me. i will do all of those things until you can finally do it yourself." ashton spoke quickly.

"you knew?" i whispered as i pulled away.

"you were going through enough. you didn't need someone telling you to quit right then and there." ashton shrugged.

"i don't want to quit though." i pointed out.

"not yet you don't. this is a conversation for another day love." ashton smiled softly.

"can you guys hurry! we're hungry." luke groaned from the door step.

ashton gave me one look before we both started laughing and headed back inside.

you may be wondering what changed, i couldn't tell you, but i needed a parental figure more than ever right now.

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