Uno Reverse Card ☁ Diavolo

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You'd spent so long trying to get your best friend together with Barbatos. The way she looked at him, the way she talked. She was clearly enamored by him.

"Eva-Chan, you clearly like Barbatos."


"So, why do you always just.. Stare at him?"

"Because if I try speaking, I'll invent a new version of English!"
She huffs in response
"You know I can't talk to him! I'm not gonna try! Plus, his job is probably more important to him!"

Yeah, you weren't gonna give this up. Immediately, you and Diavolo began scheming. Get them to a restaurant together, shouldn't be too hard!

You'd texted him a ton about the plan before you finally reached how you'd go through with it. It's time!


"Evaa-chan! I'm gonna be going to a restaurant tonight, you're coming, okay?"

"What's the restaurant have?"

"Uh.. I don't.."

"No sushi, no show."

"I'm pretty sure it does! I think I saw it on their sign! I'm paying anyways!"
You lie. Diavolo planned to pay for the both of them, and you had NO idea if they had sushi.

"Fine, I'll show up. What time?"






"Yes, my lord?"
Barbatos elegantly picked up the dishes from cooking, setting them down in a neat pile to be washed.

"Tonight we're going to a restaurant, ok?"

"As you wish, my Lord."

"I want you to show up early, though! Okay?"

"Ah, if you wish. Why, may I ask?"

"I just want a little time alone to get ready myself."

"Sure, if you wish, my Lord. What time would you prefer?"

"Uh.. Just show up at eight, that's good."
He shrugs, trying not to grin. Another success!

The two of you texted about how it was perfect. You'd both show up and watch how it went. You two felt immature, but it was going so perfectly! How could you not giggle like little kids?

Then came 8:10
You walked to the restaurant, hoping to see the two sitting there. The table, however, was empty. You waited, but nothing.

Diavolo walked up behind you, blinking in confusion.
"Are they not here?"

"No, neither of them are. Is my DDD time wrong?"
You check. 8:17. Nope, Diavolo had the same time. After waiting longer, a waiter walked up to the table.
"Table reserved for Diavolo and (Y/N)! Come to the table before we have to cancel your reservation."

You two do so. Hadn't you reserved it under their names?

Well, why waste money? You two ended up ordering from the restaurant, and having a pretty good time. You chatted a lot, and then Diavolo offered to walk you back. You agreed.

While walking back, you pondered to yourself why neither of them showed.
"Maybe they're just shy?"
You shrug.

Diavolo shook his head.
"Maybe they thought we meant a different restaurant?"

"Well, why don't you ask Barbatos?"
You shrug, and he nods.

"I guess I'll have to. At least we got to spend time together, no? Enjoy our own sort of.. Surprise date?"

You blink, blushing. Did he see this as a date? Well, it was supposed to be a romantic dinner. You just nodded your head.
"Yeah, it was.. Nice."

"Well, why don't I take you out some other time? A proper date!"
He grins, and you blush even more.

Well, it didn't turn out too bad, honestly. A good outcome.


"Uno reverse carded those idiots!"
Eva declares as Barbatos struggles to understand the game she'd offered to play.

"Sure, uhm.. How do.. You turn in this game?"

"Turn the remote. Like you're driving."
She demonstrates

"Ah. Well, I wouldn't call them idiots, but Diavolo surely should've realized I can easily read his messages."

"Well, he's a big dummy. Do you think they realized we swapped the reservation?"

The door flung open to the room, Diavolo blinking.
"I'm not a dummy! You did what?!"

"Ah, my Lord. Did you enjoy your date?"
Barbatos smiles respectfully, as you peak your head in.

"You planned this?"
You ask

"Nah, but, we turned it into YOUR date. I already planned on playing Mario Kart tonight."
Eva shrugs, before gasping as if she'd been stabbed
"You threw a shell at me!"

"I have actually no idea what I did, but I apologize."
Barbatos blinks

Diavolo just chuckles.
"Well, let's join!"
He declares

You just sigh. Hit with the Uno reverse card.

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