Luke ☁(🥀?) I Want To Be Enough

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It's unfair.

If was all so unfair.

He wasn't a child, he wasn't a puppy, but that's alls they treated him as. Did they really only see him as that? A child? A dog?

Countless nights of thinking of them, it was driving him crazy. Luke would pace around his room, trying to hold back tears at the thought of how the demons got closer and closer to them while he was pushed aside because of his height. Was it just because of his height? Was it his voice too? Did he really seem that immature?

He had asked Solomon for help. He requested he make him appear older, taller. He didn't want to be treated as a child anymore. He didn't want to be discarded because of how small he was.

Solomon denied it at first, but constant compliments led him to agree. It was only temporary though. That was fine by him, if it worked, he'd beg all over again.

Now came the scary part. Despite his now mature, handsome appearance, he was still the same Luke. He peered around the corner, watching (Y/N) as she joked with Asmo about Mammon.

Sucking in a breath, he forced himself to move his feet, walking towards them. He was taller now, but he suddenly wanted to shrink and hide.

Asmo waved, giving his prettiest smile.
"You look familiar, do I know you? My, you sure are handsome! I'm free tonight if you want to get to know me more~!"
He winks

Though it built his confidence with the compliment, and not understanding the inappropriate flirting, Luke made a disgusted face. Ew, a demon! Speaking to him like that?!
"Hey, show some respect! I'm an angel, I'm not interested in some.. Uhm.. Demon! A demon who goes around being nasty of all of them!"

The two paused, making him gulp.

"Y.. Yeah?"

His face was grabbed immediately as the two examined him, asking so many questions. What had happened?! Why is he so.. Tall?! And handsome?! He didn't even look like Luke!

"Get your- get your hands off my face!"
He swats Asmo's hands away angrily, face flushing.

"Oh my goodness, he went from Chihuahua to a Great Dane!"
He giggles, swooning.

You just stared at him, making him look away. Wasn't he good enough now? Or was that not the problem? Was it just him?

The angel just desperately wanted you to see him like you saw everyone else. No, he wanted to stand out to you. He wanted you to see him as someone who could protect you, someone who you could.. Well, love.

"Luke, how'd this happen?"

"Oh.. I.. Asked Solomon."
He shrugged, not feeling any confidence at all now.


"What do you mean, why? You just... I.. Feel like you'd like me like this. And you'd stop seeing me as a child! Or a puppy!"
His face turns into an angry one as it always did. Despite the more mature features, he wasn't intimidating at all.

"Well, you didn't have to do this. You know, I think you're cuter as you are. Feels more.. You."

His face flushed. Wait, so did you like him as he was before? Was this not necessary? Does he actually have a chance with you?!

"So, you like me as I am?! You don't think I'm a puppy, right?! Or a kid?!"

"Well, no, you're thousands of years old."
You laugh, making his eyes sparkle.

"When are we getting married?!"
He said, eyes still sparkling.

"Okay, slow down there Luke."
You laugh, patting his head.
"When does this wear off?"

"In a day or two.."

You smile, patting his head as Asmo stopped recording, running off to probably go post it on devilgram.


Forgive me that this one is absolutely shit it is past midnight, I'm tired and in a rush, but thinking about how cute this scenario is

Forgive me that this one is absolutely shit it is past midnight, I'm tired and in a rush, but thinking about how cute this scenario is

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(meme by me)


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