Kickstart ☁ Beelzebub

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He wasn't dumb, and he wasn't ignoring you, but maybe dense was the word. Was that still calling him dumb? Well, what did it matter. The point was, Beel never seemed to catch on that you liked him. You dropped hints, flirted, but he never noticed. He thought you were being friendly.

Melon-chan had decided he would throw a party. This was out of the ordinary for him since he's more of a shut-in than Levi, but whatever of it, you decided to go. That's when he broke the news to you. This party? It was about finally getting you and Beel together.

"Kickstart your relationship, per say."
He explained. Though you couldn't see his mouth, his eyes surely showed a smile.
"I promise, by the end of the night, you two will be planning your wedding!"

You blushed at those words. Would it really happen? You doubted it, but trusting the human watermelon was about the only thing you could do. Well, besides confess, but did you have the confidence? Nope.

You stood around at the party, watching melon-chan jump behind Asmo and force him to greet everyone. He could barely even talk to people without them talking to him. Hell, he could only even have a decent conversation with Levi. Could he REALLY manage to get Beel to realize your feelings?

"Asmo! Go!"
He whispered as another guest walks in. You turned to look, only to see Belphie and, low and behold, Beel, who was immediately seeking out the food. He walked off to the kitchen and melon-chan chased him, yelling about not touching his hot pockets.

You sigh. It was hopeless, wasn't it? You spent the entire time just chatting with the brothers, and Diavolo who wanted to go since he rarely saw melon-chan in person. That, and he thought Barbatos should have some fun.

Then came an expected, yet still surprising, game! Truth or dare. Immature, yes, but isn't that the game everyone plays at parties? Hell, there's a horror game around it!

"Alright! Truth or dare!"
Melon-chan exclaimed before immediately looking at you.
"I dare you to kiss Beel."

"That's not how it works! I didn't even pick dare!"

"Well, truth or dare?"

".. Truth."

"Ugh! Coward."

"Says the one who won't even go outside because they don't want to see their neighbors!"
You scoff, cheeks heated up.

Beel just blinked in confusion, mouth full of what looked to be one of melon-chan's precious hot pockets. Wonder how he managed to get that.

"Well.. Uhm.."
He pauses, his face scrunched up in confusion before a lightbulb practically appeared.
"Well. Is it true that you're in love with Beelzebub?"

Is this a joke? Right in front of everyone? Well, apart from Lucifer, Mammon and Satan. Lucifer and Satan refused to play 'childish games', and Mammon was probably busy robbing the house.

"Wh.. I.. What?!"

"Answer the question, normie."
He replies, and Levi looks up from his switch.
"That is MY line!"

"Well I.."
The whole room was looking at you, and Beel even stopped eating for a moment.
"Y.. Yeah.. I do like him.. So?"

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