Take Me Away And Dont Bring Me Home ☁ Diavolo

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Reality always sucked. The stress of a family who couldn't go through with their promises. The stress of a school full of people you don't know if you can trust. The stress of life in general.

That was until the unexpected exchange program. You'd been taken away from your old life, your old school, and your family, but you didn't mind, honestly. You needed time away.

Diavolo would always apologize for doing so, but then proceed to ramble about the exchange program and so on. You found it cute.

Going through this exchange program was more like heaven than hell. You didn't have the stress of pressure being put on you as the eldest, a filthy home, nor little siblings to have to care for. Despite all the weight of everything that tasked you in the devildom, you liked it.

Pencil scratching paper was the only sound to be heard in your room, apart from the white noise of the fan and the distant yelling of Levi losing a video game. You were supposed to be doing your homework, a simple math homework, but found yourself doodling in the margins. Little pictures of Diavolo mostly, occasionally Lucifer with a unicorn, but mostly Diavolo.

You'd had a crush on the man from the moment you'd met him. He appeared intimidating at first, but getting to know him showed how much of a big baby he was. An absolute softie. So precious!

Unfortunately, you knew you'd have little chance of being with him. Not only is he the prince, but you weren't here permanently. You'd have to go back to the human world, back to your old life. Diavolo didn't believe you at first when you told him you didn't ever want to.

"You'd really never want to see your family again? Your friends?"

"No, honestly. It's more like hell up there than it is down here. My family is like a nightmare most of the time.."

"Really? That bad?"

"I can't even trust them for simple things like rides. They never go through with their words. Not to mention, it's like I'm a full-time babysitter."

"That's gotta suck. Hey, not full time anymore! You've still got a few months before you go back to work!"
He joked, smiling. His smile faded quickly when you didn't seem to find his joke funny. You just stared at the ground, making him scoot closer.

"I wish you could stay, I do. You could visit a lot though, isn't that good?"

"Yeah, it is. Just.."


"Nevermind. It's fine. If I lived years like that, I can still handle it."

"I promise I'll visit you there too!"

You finally were able to smile, looking at the redhead.

"I promise. And I'd never break my promises to you."

Your D.D.D vibrated, indicating you'd gotten a message. You snatched it from the side of the desk, unlocking it and reading the text you'd received.

Lord Diavolo

Hey! Come outside, I'm here! I wanna talk to you about something!

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