A Taste Of His Medicine 🥀 Asmodeus + OC

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Asmodeus. That damned demon. Every day, walking down the halls of RAD, you'd see the way he chatted up the girls, who always crowded around him. It made you mad. Maybe it was the idea of someone being so ok with playing around with tons of people, or maybe it was jealousy.

Perhaps you'd caught feelings for the demon. You tried brushing them away constantly, but you still couldn't control them. The way you'd glare daggers at the group became obvious to Asmo. It hurt the way he just smirked and winked. He liked seeing you jealous, that's for sure, but the way he seemed so uncaring hurt.

The final straw had broken. You'd explained your feelings to Asmo, who apparently hadn't been listening. He was too busy admiring himself as he did his makeup. You stormed out with tears threatening to spill, making him turn his head in confusion. He only saw a brief glance, but he saw the look on your face. However, he tried to brush it off as human issues.

You were hesitant to even go to class the following day. You only showed up because Diavolo had begged you to guide around a guest. An angel, apparently, who was visiting RAD in the thought of transferring for the semester.

You did your best to push Asmo out of your thoughts, thinking hard about what the angel looked like. Your head was faced downwards as you paced, trying your best to stay focused on the task at hand. You didn't even realize anyone else was near until the tips of some very shiny black boots appeared in your view. It was too late to stop as your head lightly bumped into someone.

You whipped your head up to look at them, who simply responded with a chuckle.
"You seem distracted. Should I request a tour with someone else, or do you think you'll be able to snap into reality?"

It took you a moment to register who was speaking to you. The male was tall, and had sharp yellow eyes, accompanied by fluffy but well styled purple hair.

"Oh!! I'm sorry! I was

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"Oh!! I'm sorry! I was.. Thinking!"
You apologized, not sure what other words would be appropriate in the situation. You watched him for a moment, trying to gather an appropriate response before he spoke again.

"The human exchange student, hm? Even in the celestial realm, everyone talks about you. Making pacts with the demon brothers, quite a feat. Color me impressed."

You blink, a blush forming. The way he talked was so smooth. He seemed so charming and charismatic. On the other hand, he reminded you of a certain demon.
"Oh, yeah. Uh, thank you. So, uh, do you want me to start the tour now?"

"Sure, of course. Any time is fine, I've got all day, though I have to say Jophiel will probably pluck a feather for every extra minute I waste. He's a strict one."

You smile a bit at this. So, like Lucifer? The tour began, and you showed him around to different rooms and areas. You wanted to ask about him, but he always seemed to keep the topic on you. You questioned him about his life up in the celestial realm, he'd respond, and then he'd ask a question about you. He seemed so interested in you.

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