Satan x F!Reader🍋 Spellbook

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Oh god. Oh god. Oh god.

You stare down at the blonde who's aggressively scratching behind his new, fluffy ears, angry as can be, but too occupied by a clearly horrible itch to do anything about it. How had this happened? A memory flashed through your head, recalling what had happened previously.

"Satan, can I borrow a book?"
You poke your head in, seeing Satan wrapped in a blanket, reading one of his books. He didn't seem to hear you, as he was mumbling something, sounding kind of like an incantation.

You decided to let him finish, looking around the room. Unfortunately, that piece of childish behavior in you sparked, and upon noticing a cute little cat statue on a shelf.

You exclaimed, grinning. Satan jumped, dropping the book on the floor, knocking over a candle and lighting a page on fire. Frantically, you both try to put out the blame, so occupied you took a while to notice the fluffy ears that had sprouted from his head.

"What happened..? Did I do something??"
You ask nervously, watching the angry cat boy.

He scratches himself aggressively, growling a bit.
"Yeah! You fucking did!"
He eventually stood up, shoving you against a bookshelf.

"You're going to help me fix this, and oh god you owe me SO fucking much! I'd kill you if I didn't need you to help break the spell!"

And, so now, a month later, you had gotten closer to figuring out how to solve this. Satan seemed to have adjusted some what to cat needs, though he hated the fact he was starting to enjoy getting pets from his brothers.

Currently, he was passed out against your chest, tail flicking lightly in his sleep. He, like cats, had a habit of sleeping the majority of the time. He'd even seemed to sleep more than Belphie, who was considering it a challenge, and had decided to sleep most of the day.

You shifted slightly, feeling his weight holding you down somewhat. You didn't want to wake him, but you had tasks to take care of, and didn't really care to leave them undone and get in trouble with Lucifer.

You slip out from underneath him, doing a silent fist pump as he didn't stir. You go to tip-toe out of the room before a pair of arms tug you back down onto the bed.

"You owe me, don't think you can just leave."
He mumbles angrily.

"I have studying to do."

"YOU have to help with this problem YOU caused."

"I'm not going to cuddle with you because you can't handle being alone, you man baby."
You grumble

Something switched in him as he dipped his head, aggressively biting into the skin on your shoulder. You yelp, feeling his teeth in your skin, but another sound escaping your lips made him twitch.

He lifts his head up, glaring down at you. He had initially just wanted to hurt you, but hearing such a sensual sound made him want to do.. Well, do other things to you. Curiously, he leaned down, trailing his tongue over the bleeding bite mark he'd left.

He looks up at you, tail flicking, an expression of animalistic lust in his eyes. Maybe he was, as cats get, 'in heat', and maybe it just was triggered by that moan..? Whatever it was, you knew you weren't getting out of it, but that wasn't such a bad thing.

He began biting down, leaving marks along your skin. Though they hurt, he seemed to be fixated more on pleasure. He seemed to like the sounds he was getting, but he was getting impatient.

Using his somewhat sharper nails, he reached up carefully, before aggressively tearing your shirt down. You gasp, shocked at this. He was the avatar of wrath for a reason!

"What if Lucifer sees? He's gonna be mad that y-"
Your words were cut off by a high pitched moan as he latched down onto your nipple, squeezing your breasts in his hands before tearing down your other clothing. He was impatient as he was angry.

He flipped you over onto your stomach.
"Hands and knees."

You wanted to make a joke, but after getting a sharp slap to your ass, you obeyed his orders. Wasting no time, you felt his length fill you up entirely, as well as a shocking pain from it. He growls, almost as he was a dog more than a cat.

He slammed himself into you, over and over, driving you to the edge nearly immediately. Your eyes were rolled back into your head, tongue out. You probably had the lewdest possible face imaginable.

It went by disappointingly fast, but the finish was still breathtaking. You both finish, Satan continuing to pump inside you.

Eventually he collapsed onto the bed, rolling over and shutting his eyes.

"That's it? You're just gonna do that.. And sleep?"



"When I'm fully human, you're going to get the roughest, longest treatment imaginable. Maybe you should thank that spellbook?

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