Eat You Back 🤡 Melon

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"You know what I.. LOVE about pineapples, Petty Officer (L/N)?"

"I'm not a pett-"

"They eat you back. They're violent. They eat you while you give them the same treatment, making your mouth sting."


"Did you know, in rare occasions, they can make you bleed, officer (L/N)?"

"Why did you lock m-"

"So, that begs the question.. why would you leave out a fresh, untouched pineapple, and not realize I'm going to eat it?"


"You knew, of course, officer."
He spun in his chair, fingers together.
"You were planning on it. You left it out as a trap because you knew I can't resist pineapple."

"Melon, that's really not my fau-"

"And of course, it nearly killed me. I barely survived. You picked the most vicious pineapple. We can have you tried for attempted murder, officer (L/N)."

"For God's sake, let me go."

He slams his hand down on the desk.

The doors opened, making you two go quiet. Lucifer stood there in confusion.
"Melon-chan, get out of my office. I'm going to change the Deadflix account, you clearly have watched too much NCIS."


"(Y/N) isn't a suspect, stop being an idiot. Go watch cocoa melon, this NCIS crap is getting to your head."

"Is not!"

"You're writing a crack fic about it."

"You have no proof!"

"(Y/N) is READING IT now. I'm so sorry about them, NCIS addict."
Lucifer sighs, apologising to you through the fourth wall.

"Their fault for reading it."
Agent DiNozzo shrugs.

The end, because, I watch too much NCIS. Also my mouth burns. Too much pineapple. It fought back well. 😭😢

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