The Final Battle (pt5): Bleeding Heart

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TW: blood, major injuries
i mean, i don't know if i described well the scene but yes, there is some gore (I'm so politically correct i know)


Anne looks up to Marcy, she feels empty inside. What can she do against them? She doesn't want to hurt Marcy, even if they're trapped in that strange suit, controlled by something Anne can't even see. She feels her eyes full of tears, ready to fall on her cheeks dirty of dust. 

Marcy keeps laughing, they clap their hands together like they're having fun. 

-Just watch, you dumb human!- They say with that distorted voice. Anne feels a shiver running on her back and she has to lower her head, look away. Just the look of Marcy in that state is a knife wound in her chest. She feels the hint to cry and hide like a little baby. 

She looks up at the ceiling only because she cannot watch Marcy. All the hopes are gone. Anne's vision is blurry because of the tears, she sobs but without crying yet. Somehow she's able to focus on the floor, near Marcy's feet. Anne wide opens her eyes when she notices a detail she didn't see before.

Even if Marcy's laughs distract her, even if the world seems crushing around them two, Anne doesn't lost his lucidity yet and notices a black cave, connected to Marcy's back. The cables goes down Marcy's back to the ground and then it disappears inside the room, on the other side of the window.

Anne slowly turns her head behind to look inside the window. The cave it's connected to the throne but she doesn't care a lot right now. Maybe if she cut the cave...? 

She hasn't the strength even to hope. 

Marcy notices Anne's not paying attention on them anymore and hits one of their foot, protected by a metallic boot, on the ground. Anne flinches. 

-Hey, human! I'm about to destroy this world and then every other worlds and universes! Pay me attention!- They yell with a shrill tone of voice. Anne makes them a fake, resigned smile. Moving her cheeks to smile it's pure pain.

-Oh, I'm impressed, for sure.- She says, in the most depressed tone she can find inside herself. She has to be strong and play pretend, she has to cut the cave. It's her plan. Marcy raises one brow, confused. 

-What? You are?- Marcy's corrupted eyes shine for a second of pure satisfaction. Their lips bend in a smile, they put one hand right on their heart. 

-Of course you are!- They say with a satisfied tone of voice. They also laugh a bit, almost chocking in their own saliva. They cough a few times. Anne looks at them in silence, without knowing what to do next. A sudden idea blows on the top of her brain all of sudden. She clears her throat, trying to seem natural. 

-I mean, I have to be impressed! capturated my friend and now're about to became a conqueror...- She improvises. She has never been a good actor, she always fails to pretend and lie, but this time it works.

Marcy looks down on her, chuckling soft. Whatever is controlling them, it has a huge ego. Their fingers entwines and they make a little twirl, giving their back to Anne.

-You're not so stupid human, you know?- They say and raise a hand. They try to catch the moon, so far above them and surrounded by a veil of dark clouds. The fog from the battle is raising high in the sky, the stars aren't there anymore. 

-You have just to watch what happens next!- Marcy says, laughing. Anne clenches her jaw to not comment anything and starts crawling on the floor. Marcy's too busy bragging themselves, they also make a little step closer to the balustrade. Anne swallows, nervous. She crawls another bit. 

The cave is not so far from her, just a few centimetres on her left. It's as large as a fist and made of something that looks like plastic, or gum. Anne's not sure she can cut it. She has nothing with her but a tennis racket and her Powers. 

-Tell me something, Marcy...uhm....Darcy, I mean Darcy.- She says, tripping in her own words. She stands up, she has noticed something hung on Marcy's waist. It's a knife, near to something that looks like a hilt but hasn't a blade. Marcy turns their head behind. 

-What?- They, bothered because Anne interrupted them. -Oh, you're standing up, now? You want to look at your failure?- They mock her with a grin on their face. Anne shakes her head. Her hands shine of blue. 

-Not at all.- She articulates every words. -And then what...?- Marcy tries to say. As soon as they open their mouth to talk, Anne runs against them. She makes a quick jerk and jumps before Marcy could avoid her. Anne drags Marcy's down, they both rolls on the floor but without letting go of each other. 

Marcy pants, tries to kick Anne in the stomach. Anne grabs one of Marcy's ankles and put it down, holding behind a groan of pain because of the kicks. 

-Stay still Marcy I'm trying to help you!- She bursts out, exasperated. Marcy smirks again. 

-Oh, you're trying to save your little loved one, human?- They mock Anne, and makes all of sudden a friendly smile. The red in her eyes seems fading for a second and Anne finds herself looking right inside Marcy's eyes. 

-M...Mar Mar?- She mutters, astonished. 

-Not at all...- Marcy says and stuck their tongue out as their hand grabs the hilt with no blade. Anne wide opens her eyes and grabs, fast, the knife, pulling it away from Marcy's suit. 

-Take it, darling.- Marcy says and kicks again Anne's stomach. Anne rolls aside and groans. -I don't need it!- Marcy yells and stands up, twirling in their right hand the hilt. A black, short pole extends from the hilt, a curve blade shines in front of Marcy's face. 

-IT WAS A FUCKING SCYTHE?- Anne screams, taken of surprise, she didn't expect that hilt to be a real weapon. 

-It is.- Marcy smirks and lowers the schythe on Anne. The curly haired girl rolls aside, following her istinct, but she's not fast enough. She feels the flaming blade cutting in half her skin, going deep inside her waist. Anne spits saliva and blood as she rolls on the floor. She's barely conscious she's holding in her hand the knife. 

She can't feel anything. The blood's flowing from the wound, colouring of deep red the floor around her waist and head. Marcy laughs, crazy. 

-Oh, poor, poor hero! Sadly you won't live long enough to tell your friends your crazy adventure! Isn't it funny, Annie?- They says, mocking Anne even if she's slowly dying on the floor. Anne groans, soft, with the free hand she slightly touches the wound. Another river of blood flows out. 

Marcy walks near Anne and kneels down, Their right foot is close to Anne's forehead. 

-Poor baby. All this pain...let me help you ending your stupid life. Goodbye, Anne Boonchuy, a Heart without a partner. Isn't it poetic?- Marcy says, acting as they care. Anne clenches her jaw. Marcy cares. Marcy cares a lot. They've always been there for Anne. Anne turns her head to Darcy, looking them in the eyes. 

-Go to hell, bitch. Free my friend.- She finds the strength to whisper this with her broken lips almost closed. Marcy frowns when Anne twirls her arm and cut the cave, close to her wounded waist, with just one move. 

Darcy wide opens their eyes and stands up, horrified. They let go the schythe, that falls and turns off the flames. fool!- They yell, grabbing their hair with both their hands. -NO, NO, NO!- Their shrill voice slowly fades away but they go on screaming, trying to fix up the cave. Anne's eyes are closing, she can barely see anything. The last thing she notices before closing her eyes is that they didn't respect the promise she made. She won't survive, after all. She pretended to be the hero. 

-I'm sorry, Sasha...- She murmurs between her lips, covered in blood.

a/n ...

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