Road Signs

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a/n I know it could seem I'm adding too many things to the canon but I PROMISE everything will makes sense :')


They wake up and the first thing Marcy notices is that the world is strangely swinging around them.

Marcy blinks a few times. Why the heck they feel like someone's dragging them? They yell when they realise.

-YUNAN!- They grab Yunan's armour. Again, the newt has picked Marcy up and now is happily running inside the swamps with Marcy on her shoulders.

-Ah, Marcy! I see, you're awake now!- Yunan turns her head to Marcy, who has to stop themselves to punch her face.

-PUT ME DOWN YUNAN!- They yell another time and Yunan frowns, but obeys and gently places them into the mud.

Marcy pants, trying to calm down. Geez, Yunan scared them.

-Uh, sorry for yelling.- They say to Yunan, blushing a bit.

-Don't worry, human, I like your temper. Now, I'll explain you the marvellous plan I thought of tonight!- Marcy rolls their eyes but they're smiling. They like Yunan, a lot. For them is strange to feel comfortable around people they barely know but with Yunan it's different. They have a feeling, maybe? Like Yunan is the cool aunt who always do everything without thinking.

-So we have a plan? That's great!- Marcy says with a tired smile. They slept like shit that night and probably it's because Yunan picked them up in the middle of the night to drag them around.

-You can say it, Marcy! We have to find a new rebellion!- Yunan says, proud. When Marcy hears that, they're about to punch her (again) and make a step ahead, closer to the newt.

-DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT NOW I EXPLAIN WHAT I MEAN!!!- Yunan shouts and makes a step behind.

-What I was saying is that I know there's a toad rebellion.- Yunan closes her hands in fists, looks inside the swap as she can see the toads. She seems mad while talking about toads and Marcy frowns.

-Why you said that with that tone of voice?- They ask. Yunan turns to them, confused.

-What tone of voice? My tone of voice was the same as usual. Nothing strange in it.- Marcy rolls their eyes.

-Oh, come on, seriously? Like, you hate toads. I've understood that.- Yunan wide opens her eyes, acts like she doesn't know what Marcy's about.

-What? Me?? Hating toads? Nah, human, you're wrong ok?- Marcy rolls their eyes another time but says nothing. They know that can't convince Yunan otherwise.

-As I was saying, if we go with the toad's rebellion we'll have a chance to beat Andrias. I'm pretty sure they have intention to attack him in his castle, at Newtopia. We'll rescue Olivia there.- For a second Yunan's tone of voice becomes sad. 

-Yunan, we'll save her.- Marcy finds themselves murmuring comforting words, when they're always the first to be scared and silent. They blush, look away to not have to deal with Yunan's shocked expression, and they start walking in the mud. 

-Don't look at me! Come on, move, we have to exit this stupid swamp!- They say, nervous. They feel anxious, like something is right behind them two, ready to attack them. But every time they turn, they're alone. It's just a stupid paranoia. 

Yunan walks near Marcy and they stay silent for a while, till Marcy hears something. They stop. They're almost out of the swamp, the air is more respirable and Marcy can see the sky above them, the trees aren't thick anymore.

-Yunan, have you heard that?- Marcy murmurs, tries to understand where the noise is. It repeats, they flinch and turn on their left. 

-There!- Marcy says and, without waiting for Yunan, they run deep inside the swamp another time. The noise repeats and repeats, somebody is hitting two stones one against the other. 

-Human! Wait!- Yunan yells as she runs behind Marcy and reaches them when they stop near a huge rock. Marcy hasn't breath anymore, she leans at the rock to have a little break. 

-Uh, I'm not the sportive one.- They pant, look at Yunan with an half smile. Yunan doesn't understand what they're saying. 

-Someone was hitting some stones. I'm sure about that.- Marcy adds, talking fast, and turns again around. The noise has stopped. Yunan frowns. 

-I heard nothing.- Marcy sighs. 

-Well, maybe I just imaginated that...- But the noise starts again. Marcy turns behind and runs again. This time they won't lose it. 

-Wait, wait!- Marcy screams because they hear that the noise has stopped again. They almost fall ahead in a little clearing inside the swamp. There isn't mud at the ground, just a green lawn and a statue. No, Marcy understands that's not a statue: it's too transparent. They miss a breath when they noticed it's a ghost. 

-Hello?- They make a step ahead, closer to the ghost. It's a human like them, sitting in the grass with two stones in his hand. On the side of his head there's an open wound, it's bleeding. Marcy flinches. 

-You're hurt!- They say, worried, then they realise that guy is a ghost. It can't be helped anymore. The ghost raises his head and looks inside Marcy's eyes. They feel crossed by a lightening, scrutinized in their deepest thought. Then, the ghost stands up. 

-Who are you?- Marcy simply can't be scared. That ghost is not evil, they're sure. He's also handsome. He has long grey hair, tied. He has one grey eye and the other red but he looks sad. 

-Marcy! Here you are!- Yunan grabs Marcy's shoulders and pushes them behind, worried. 

-Never run away like this, you made me worried as hell!- Marcy doesn't listen to her. 

-What? Yunan, be quiet, you'll scare him!- Marcy bursts out, looking back at the ghost. Yunan frowns. 

-I'll scare...who?- The newt asks, confused. 

-Wait, you don't see the ghost?- Marcy murmurs, nervous. The wind blows all of sudden, Marcy shivers. The ghost has raised one hand, he signals Marcy to follow him. Marcy clenches their jaw and grabs Yunan's hand. 

-Nevermind, Yunan. I'll explain later. Now follow me!- They say, peremptory, and drag Yunan with them behind the ghost, following his steps deeper inside the mud. 

Yunan doesn't ask nothing for all the walk that's shorter than what Marcy has thought. The ghost stops near a wooden arrow. It points on the left and over it there's written Wartwood. It's barely legible. Marcy takes a few seconds to understand what there's written, because even if it's written in the human alphabet the letters are a mess. 

-What does this mean?- They ask, turning to the ghost. But he's already gone, faded away without a sound. 

-No!- Marcy screams, mad, they kick a puddle before realising it's stupid acting so mad. 

-Ugh!- They complain, clenching again their jaw. 

-Can I ask what the fuck happened, Marcy? There was a ghost? I didn't see a thing...- Yunan asks, confused, Marcy shakes their head.

-I just think we should follow that arrow, Yunan.- They take a deep breath as talking. 

-I have a strange feeling about that.- They end, looking behind at Yunan with an hopeful smile. Yunan seems hesitating for a second, but then she shakes her shoulders. 

-Fine. But I have to warn you, I've never heard the name Wartwood. I don't know that village.- Marcy chuckles.

-Well, then it'll be even funnier!

a/n I hope you're liking this so far... soon you'll have some marcanne content :)) UwU

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